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I feel for the poor cat

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
I feel for the poor cat
August 29, 2006
Hello all. This is my first thread, so bear with me.

I mentioned that I have an APW (Annoying Pregnant Woman) friend in another thread. Let me detail the most recent annoying/flawed logic thing she said the other day.

About 2 months ago, one of my poor kitties got a UTI and couldn't pass urine. I had to immediately take him to the emergency vet. It ran me over $600. Oh well. Let me just say this, though....he has become uber lovey since this happened.

I called my APW friend to tell her about it. She then coos in her moo voice that her cat better not get sick, and if he does, he has to get better on his own, because they CAN'T AFFORD to take him to the vet.

Now fast forward to a more recent conversation her and I had....
She is telling me about how she wants to be a vegeterian AFTER the baybee is born, as trying to do so now would be hard on the baybee.

The reason for this sudden change of diet (sudden meaning AFTER the birth of said child) is because her cat killed a mouse the other day and she felt badly for eating animals. She had recently seen some PETA propoganda (I like some of PETA's info, but I don't buy into all of it and try to buy cruelty free everything anyway) about how factory farmed animals are tortured before becoming dinner.

SO, by her logic, she doesn't want to eat meat anymore because of the perceived feelings of animals BRED to be dinner, but her cat has to suffer if it gets sick.

And if she is sooooo worried about an animal's feelings, why is it okay for NOW to still eat it? Oh, that's right, because she's pregnant (which she reminds us of every 5 minutes).
Re: I feel for the poor cat
August 29, 2006
Oh GAWD is she seriously fucked up. And she's going to be a pahrunt. Heavens help us all. Mostly for the child she is going to have.

Maybe the Miscarriage Gods will be smiling down on her..........
Anonymous User
Re: I feel for the poor cat
August 29, 2006
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Maybe the Miscarriage Gods will be smiling down on
> her..........
> I hate her. BTW it's illegal for moo-to-be to withhold medical care from an animal. I don't know of any farmers who'd do that to their poor mistreated animals. Stupid thoughtless breeder

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