Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
Mrs. Ogre, I am glad you are doing well. It always sends me into a tailspin when the ob-gyns only think of saving that uterus rather than focusing on the entire woman's health. The idea that we are nothing more than baby machines still exists.

A vaccine for cervical cancer has been in the making. The Religious Right and Republicans do not want this to be available to young women. Why??? Their attitude is that a vaccine will only make women want to have sex with more people due to the risk of cervical cancer dropping. Instead, these people want to kill women.

Is it no wonder why I hate Christianity more and more???
Mrs. Ogre
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
Hi India,
It wasn't me. I never had cancer (know on wood). It was a guest.
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
Sorry about that, Mrs. Ogre...

I checked the rant again. I guess I need more coffee...

drinking coffee
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
How many teenagers do they think abstained from sex due to risk of cervical cancer? Many thought is close to zero!! (after all, how many abstain due to risk of pregnancy?)
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
And after you give them the hormones and they get repugnant, carry the kid for a while then either the cancer comes back or they have the baybee WAY early and they are suing the doctors.

Can't take responsibility for our own actions, now, can we?????
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
india_darshan Wrote:
> A vaccine for cervical cancer has been in the
> making. The Religious Right and Republicans do not
> want this to be available to young women. Why???
> Their attitude is that a vaccine will only make
> women want to have sex with more people due to the
> risk of cervical cancer dropping. Instead, these
> people want to kill women.

Yet we have "wonder" drugs like Viagra and Cialis so limp-dicked men can enjoy sex once again. What do those same hypocrites have to say about THAT? The double standard is sickening.

Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
Stupid religious zealots - cancer vaccines are not fucking synonymous with birth control. That would be like saying chemotherapy is birth control (well, it can be an abortifacent, but I digress). Give me a break - a goddamn vaccine won't stop women from whoring themselves out, nor will it made the more sexually prudent women become sluts. I'm sure, though, if a vaccine for prostate or testicluar cancer was made (if is hasn't been already), this would have the full support of the Catholics because it promotes baby-making. Grrness - I'm so glad I'm no longer Catholic.
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
Actually, the vaccine is for the Human Papalloma Virus (HPV), which causes genital warts, certian strains of which can increase a woman's risks for cervical cancer. Unfortunately, it does not protect against ALL strains of HPV, including some that can still increase a woman's risk of cervical cancer. Fortunately, the vaccine has been approved for women, and is currently being distributed.

Plan B, the "morning after" pill, has also finally been approved for over the counter distribution to people over the age of 18. But according to this, women might still be unable to access it due to politics. Because of course, politicians should be involved in health care decisions.
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
Catholics believe that Viagra and Cialis are acceptable because it helps men do what God-duh wants them to do. These same Catholics also believe that women are not to have birth control because that same God-duh deems that they are not to enjoy sex but crank out babies every nine months until their bodies finally expire from being so used up. I am another Recovering Catholic!
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 05, 2006
Yes, because God, in all it's mystery, would never have anything to do with limiting a persons physical ability to acheive and maintain an erection. Apparently all God really wants is for humans to overrun and destroy the planet it made.
Anonymous User
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 07, 2006
Ladies get those Pap smears!! I had HPV show up and had it frozen out a few years ago. It hurt like hell and I went into mild shock afterwards, but it was worth it. Pap smears are worth it; yes they are uncomfortable, andit can be a hassle to make that appointment, but it really can save your life.(and your future fertility! Joke)
Anonymous User
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 08, 2006
I stirred up some shit over at Free Republic once when that bruhaha over the Pro-Lifeatanycost pharmacist who refused to fill a woman's BCP prescription when he found out it was for birth control purposes (as opposed to cramp relief, cycle normalization, etc).

I got seriusly flamed when I brought up the fact that that same pharmacist should therefore make every male client coming in with a prescription for viagra, cialis, et al. come in with his wife, their wedding picture, and their marriage license.

What a bunch of freepid fucktards over there.

BTW, if you want to get instabanned over there, just mention "Farm Tours" on a thread about the Thai sex slave trade.
Anonymous User
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 08, 2006
LOVE it NQS, love it! It's all control.
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 08, 2006
I just went over to Free Republic to see what it's all about. That is some scary shit.
Re: Ovarian & Cervical Cancer
September 19, 2006
The same BS as not having the birth control pill covered by insurance.

lab mom
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