Mrs. Ogre
Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
Yesterday, on Labor Day, I stumbled upon an episode of Desperate housewives. Since there's was no better option, I said what the heck. Well, I was pleasantly surprised as Lynette's boss, asked her how Lynette's kids were her problem; she was always leaving work on accound on her kids, but maybe the childless by choice (this is really what she said) would like to have a day off too to catch a matinee, sleep late because of a major party or just to have a haircut. I was so pleased to hear that that I let out a very loud Woohoo! In your FACE! Of course, then Lynette burned her boss on purpose with a hot cup of coffee in order to chat with her kid. Had I been the boss, I would have thrown her out the door.
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
I hate to say it but cheap entertainment often mirrors real life! The moos think that the childfree have no life. It is worse if a CF woman does not have a husband because the attitude is, "Why should SHE leave on time or early? It is not as if anyone is at home waiting for her..." As if MY time is not valuable because I have no kids or am not rushing home to suck some man's d*ck! I am a b*tch when it comes to my schedule. I have it set in stone. In return, I will rarely ask for a special day off due to being stubborn with my schedule.
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
Interesting, but still pretty sad that they had to make Moo the "winner" in that scene with the Moo spilling hot coffee on her boss. I guess they know who their audience is (not me!).
Anonymous User
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
I wonder what the "Dove Foundation" thinks about Desperate Housewives?
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
Jeez, if the only reason I ever had to leave early was someone waiting for me at home, I think I'd be pretty miserable. Thankfully, I'm not a breeder, so I have LOTS of reasons to leave work early.

Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
I know I am suffering the crankies again. BossMan tried to get me to work an extra day for the next two weeks because he is going out of town. He did not want to take, "NO," for an answer and tried to use stupidity to get to me cave in. My boss is a decent guy but takes these out-of-town gigs with the security company to make that extra money due to his wife not going back to work once that baby is born in two weeks. That is not my problem!

The security company also should not allow a site supervisor of a large contract be gone that long. The client's facilities manager always got bent out of shape when our old boss would be gone a week even though another guard would be the "acting supervisor". The company is paying big money for a supervisor so, by golly, they want THAT person on-site. Not that I blame them for wanting the actual supervisor there every day rather than a guard who is maybe getting a little more than regular pay to handle things.

I have had to learn to be a major b*tch about my schedule. Anytime I wavered and did "a favour", I regretted it big time when the change on the schedule became permanent. The "favour" became expected. I am sure my ears were burning in a not-so-good way when I told BossMan the word "no" numerous times to his request. My time off is MY time off. Thanks for listening to my rantings, everybody... yawning smiley
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
Just let him know that without your time off, your time on will be Very Unpleasant for all involved. What is up with this B.S. that folks have to still be "doing something" on their time off anyway? Time off is my time, and if I want to spend it sitting on the couch, watching Eraserhead and consuming nothing but coffee, that's my right. I get to do that because it's my free time and if I've managed my life in a way where I can spend my free time doing absolutely nothing...well, I don't think anyone needs to offer any sort of excuse or feel guilty for enjoying their freetime slothfully.

I hate it when people take extra work for extra money, but then slack off on the work duties they were hired for originally.

Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
I used to work for a company that would call me on every day off to insist that I come in to cover for some e'moo'gency. I always got a 30 min. lunch, the moos would get an hour for some kid related bullshit. It was totally unfair to me, and the other workers. I was in a car accident, and injured badly enough that I was off on disability for two months. They were calling and harassing me the whole time! They wanted to know if I was really hurt that badly, when was I coming back, and the personnel bitch demoted me! When I returned to work, the moos were verbally abusive- they accused me of deliberately malingering to cause them to lose family time. I sic'd my attorney on them, and was fired for something "unrelated." Yeah, sure. I was only 18 at the time, so I wasn't really sure of my rights, but knew it was bullshit. Since that time, I've been superbitch whenever someone tried to pull any crap over on me for the sake of "family."
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 05, 2006
Feh, my extra hours were Very Unpleasant for everyone involved when I allowed myself to be roped into coming in one day (two weeks ago) at noon instead of four. I had to work twelve hours along with giving up one of my days off. That was the LAST week I was doing favours for anyone and let the "powers" know it. All of the guards knew I was not in a good mood after very little sleep and dealing with the day shift as well as the employee event on property where I had to deal with this moo manager of the site almost all day.

Sprogless, I love the term e'moo'gency. I just wish *I* had thought of that one... grinning smiley Yes, the moos love to call others slackers but are the biggest of the lazy-@sses out there. I used to think Caller ID was ridiculous. is my best friend. When I don't feel like arguing with the B*S of leaving me alone on my days off, I just don't answer if I see Sp***t Spectrum on my Caller ID window.

My husband was worried I would get fired. I am like, "Please eye rolling smiley...they cannot keep good guards as it is and will rotate guards who do bad things. I ain't going anywhere until it is my choice..."
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 06, 2006
Ah but see Lynette is the perfect cautionary tale. On the show, she was a high flying executive and someone who was well on her way to the top. Then she hooked up with Tom, another ad executive but less talented than she was and got oopsed a number of times (and for good measure, Tom had knocked up another woman from a one night stand) and so she was stuck home taking care of the kids and the show clearly shows that raising four kids is hell. Then one day Tom went crazy and decided to be a house husband and she went back to work. Then Tom decided taking care of kids was no fun and he decided to go back to work as well.
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 06, 2006
Did Lynette get "oopsed" or did she do the "oopsing"? Inquiring minds want to know... confused smiley
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 06, 2006
I've never watched Desperate Housewives, and I have no plans to. It sounds too much like a soap opera!

I totally agree with you Feh, about days off being your days to do with as you please. I hate people who always have to be scheduled and busy. I have coworkers who think like that. I love to sit in my kitty-cat pjs, watching TV or playing on the computer. I hate schedules and any type of time constraint.
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 06, 2006
Every one of you is correct. I do not have to justify what I do on my days off to keep from being schedule on them. However, we all know how moos and many bosses do not take "no" for an answer unless we come up with some half-baked tale of WHY we do not want those extra hours. I don't get orgasmic for overtime like one single moo who will work all sorts of doubles to pay the rent. My name is not E***y* E*****n, where the boss knows he can call her on her day off and jolt her out of bed knowing that she will rush in that shower an then get that uniform on to hurry to work so she can get those overtime hours. I am NOT broke so I can say NO...NO...NO...without fear of reprisal. I am sure I will hear about my refusal to "help out & be a team player" when I go in today at 4.
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 06, 2006
I work for a software company and they think that lack of planning on their part constitutes an emergency on everyone else's. Fuck that noise. I was told today that I can't work an early day tomorrow (6 am-2 pm) and was wondering if I'd give up my vacation day Friday to come in. Uh, NO. I have plans. SO and I are leaving for Wildwood tomorrow and now thanks to them, we will be getting a VERY late start. But does it matter? Nope. I've given up shit in the past to be the "team player" and their thanks to me is not having given me a raise since July 2003. My time to do favors is over, fuck you very much.

I NEVER answer my home phone and everyone knows it. Plus, if I don't know the number on my cell phone, it doesn't get answered. They can leave a message and if they're important enough, I'll call back.
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 06, 2006
Lynette got oopsed. There are flashback scenes that show that she was not exactly eager to be a moo
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 19, 2006
Oh man, does it suck to be her. If I were her, I would of had an abortion and left the jerk. You can tell bc she doesn't like parenting. I'm not livid on watching that show.

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: Desperate housewives and cf
September 19, 2006
Sherz Wrote:
> I've never watched Desperate Housewives, and I
> have no plans to.

Me neither!

The first I'd heard of that show was at my art class. Several SAHM's taking the class for "enrichment" (ie: talking & painting bad portraits of their fugly kids) came in cackling about about how great it was so that kept me far away!
> I totally agree with you Feh, about days off being
> your days to do with as you please. I hate people
> who always have to be scheduled and busy.

I had an ex moo-nager (divorced w/ 4 kids of course) who would think she's cute by saying little quips to me like: "What do you do when you get home, watch movies?" I never got the chance to tell her "Yeah, I do...jealous?"

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