the professor
entry 606
November 19, 2005
guest 606 you are an idiot, a shallow self centred idiot, beauty true beauty comes from who a person is, not what they look like, a true cfer is a true beauty in this world for they know what they want and they accept themselves. you comparing them to a pregnant moo is way off base. find someone who loves you for you, rather than looks which will change and alter and sag over time, personalities will only grow over time..
Re: entry 606
November 19, 2005
WTF? Are you for real? Give YOU something to be proud of? Just what the hell do you think women are? Trophies for losers like yourself? Give me a break! I bet you haven't had a date in a long time, and not because "all cf chicks are diabetic fatties", either. You're just a prick. It really makes me wonder how attractive YOU are. Would you make a woman proud, or are you some slob living in mommy's basement, reading comic books and, watching Smackdown? Get a life, a job, whatever. And brush- up on your social skills. That helps, I promise.
Re: entry 606
November 19, 2005
Hey, Scooter. Grow up and get a life. People come in all shapes and sizes. If you weren't such a shallow piece of sexist rubbish, you would realize that and learn to appreciate people for what they are, not how they look. And I seriously doubt that anyone cares if you are proud of anything, mainly because you're a nobody with no intelligence.
Salems princess
Re: entry 606
November 20, 2005
Keep reading your "Playboy" and using your hand. You'll never get a real woman because you're too shallow.
CF Scorpio
Re: entry 606
November 20, 2005
Hey, Bozo! Why don't you post your pic so we "CF chicks" can see if you're someone for US to be "proud of"?
Anonymous User
Re: entry 606
November 21, 2005
I can't wait until Mercurior sees this one. He met his lady on a fat-acceptance blog, which I read regularly. I am sure he will have some choice words for this asshole.

I'm a CF plus-sized lady as well, and am very happily married, fuck you very much, ranter 606! I do not need narrow-minded, sexist pig assholes like you telling me how a CF woman *should* look!
mercurior 1
Re: entry 606
November 21, 2005
well, what can i say about that person,

first he is a petty minded little (in both senses) jerk, beauty is beyond the physical, its a state of mind, i have seen people who would be classed as ugly but there is a beauty in their souls, looks will change over time, boobs sag, waists grow, but does that matter when its true LOVE. when you KNOW they are someone you want to be with for all eternity. love is and lova accepts, to say they have to look like this or like that then thats not love its lust, and even the most basest of creatures do that.. we as humans should look beyond the ephemeral form, into the spirit of someone.

if this guest was so focused on looks, then why doesnt he go for childed or breeders, if they look right they should attract him,

ALL human forms no matter size, shape, colour are beautiful in their own special way, i think pregnancy is ugly, i am speaking about the person inside not the physical, (which if it fits into your likes is a happy bonus)

i think guest 606 is looking for love, but only finds selfish, self centred, vain people. he should look deeper, beauty is how people are and nothing else matters..
Re: entry 606
November 21, 2005
Dude, if you can't be proud of yourself, it certianly isn't my job as a complete and utter stranger to make you proud. Your parents obviously failed, or resented you, if you can't even manage such a simple task on your own as to be proud of yourself. However, my guess is that you know you are a disgusting piece of shit who jacks it to Juggs and washes himself with a rag on a stick.

By the way, I don't think you should call yourself childfree since you've obviously resigned yourself to never having a relationship with another person (though I'm sure you're quite fond of the dirty sock you jack off into), and the resultant impossibility of creating a child, because you're a repellant pile of shit wrapped in skin. I mean, you aren't really making a concious choice, you're just resigning yourself to fate.
Re: entry 606
November 21, 2005
606 was pretty obviously a trolly troll troll....
Anonymous User
Re: entry 606
November 22, 2005
I'm a diabetic fattie wattie.. And I got a gorgeous boyfriend who I have been with for 5 years. Too bad you'll never know what it's like to bury your head in soft pillows of feminie fluff (yeah, i know it sound kinda odd, but, if you dig fat chicks, ya get me).

PS I only look like I'm 3 months in pig, not 6... Asshole!
mercurior 1
Re: entry 606
November 22, 2005
i really dig big chicks wink i am a big boy myself, i look more in pig .

Re: entry 606
November 27, 2005
And I'm the chick you dig, Merc winking smiley

606, look who's happy here-the so-called 'fatties', and look who's miserable-YOU.

mercurior 1
Re: entry 606
November 28, 2005
yup, wink.. i think we know what it is to be sad and down (and bullied and so on), and when we get the chance we enjoy, enjoy life,
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