1837 - Governor Granny
September 27, 2006
Oh My doG does that piss me off. I'm having a hard time getting up the stomach to vote for the Green Party candidate of my choice because her first listed "qualification" on her literature is "I'm a working mother".

I was at a LABOR fest on LABOR Day at the LABOR temple and there were all sorts of candidates there shaking hands and getting the word out. Every single candidate (except the green party candidate for governor) I spoke to brought up school and childrens issues first, even though we were at LABOR fest where one would assume that most people there were concerned about WORKERS rights. Maybe it was because I am a woman, and thusly assumed to not only have children but care deeply about the issues of OUR CHILDREN, who are the future. I did take the time to inform the candidates that I was interested in their opinions on workers rights, health care for ALL and drug policies, and NOT interested in how they felt about school funding, health care for children or any of that happy crappy. For the most part they reacted as though I just pulled down my pants, shat on their foot and wiped my ass with their literature, and I was actually being quite nice! I also urged them that when they went to these special events, to maybe take the time and fine tune their messages for each event as opposed to trotting out the ol'for the children, family friendly B.S., since there may indeed be some people in the world who are interested in improving the lot of adults at a festival celebrating LABOR Day or any other non-child-specific event.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: 1837 - Governor Granny
September 27, 2006
Good for you, Feh! I'm sick of it, too. I haven't been to any political meet & greets, lately, but I always ask what they're going to do for me, as opposed to everyone else. Usually I ask this when they come knocking on my door. They never know how to answer, so I never vote for 'em!
Re: 1837 - Governor Granny
September 27, 2006
I don't live in Texas, but I'll shout a "Go Kinky Friedman!" anyway. The guy is quirky and a breath of fresh air, if you ask me.
Anonymous User
Re: 1837 - Governor Granny
September 27, 2006
Maybe the breeders thought that LABOR day meant going into labor to birth a new loaf?

I wouldn't put it past them!
Re: 1837 - Governor Granny
September 28, 2006
Good for you! My GAWD! Someone who isn't interested in the same child crap everyone else is! Someone who is actually interested in REAL isues! I'd love to have seen the look on that asshole's face.
Re: 1837 - Governor Granny
September 28, 2006
"Grandma" is a fucking joke. I live in Texas and am on Kinky Friedman's mailing list. Instead of joining forces to defeat the incumbent, Bush's pet Rick Perry, Strayhorn (a.k.a. "Grandma") is wasting her time attacking Kinky Friedman in the press. It has made me lose a lot of respect for her.

For some reason, it bothered her that Kinky is allowed to have his nickname on the ballot (as Richard S. "Kinky" Friedman), so she decided she wanted "Grandma" next to her name on the ballot. WHY ON EARTH? It doesn't make sense! For one thing, Kinky has gone by the name "Kinky" his entire life (due to his curly hair), and he is known that way to the general public. "Grandma" is only called "grandma" by her grandchildren, not by the people of Texas, nor did she use the nickname "Grandma" in her many years as a Texas government official. Why she wants people to address her that way is beyond me.

How about concentrating on the ISSUES, Mrs. Strayhorn, rather than forcing a stupid breederific nickname on the public? Only in Texas, folks!
Re: 1837 - Governor Granny
September 28, 2006
Oh my dog.

What about issues to the non-breeders? I guess we don't count. We didn't pop out the fucktrophy.
Re: 1837 - Governor Granny
October 03, 2006
Hi Feh, and way to go! I know the candidates you're talking about, and I, too, get a little tired of hearing how everything is "for the children." Though I'm all for having a decent education system--after all, those kids may be paying our Social Security one day! They'd better have jobs, or at least know how to read! But anyway.winking smiley

Jobs. Health care. Workers' rights. Those oughta be the big issues at a Labor Day speech. Forget the kids for just one day!!!
Re: 1837 - Governor Granny
October 04, 2006
The sad thing is, for the most part, we do have a decent education system available to everyone who choses to make use of it. Unfortunately, it's been ruined by breeders worried about Shitford's self-esteem, and administrators falling into the trap of standardized testing. Assignments and grades mean nothing. If the assignment is "too hard" for Snotleigh, then the parent will just whine to the teacher until they change the grade. As long as the kids are making the required GPA and passing the tests, the school gets the necessicary funding. It doesn't actually matter if the kids LEARN anything as long as they can pass that test, and the parents are happy.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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