Anonymous User
The WTFery Here Goes Beyond Words
August 02, 2011
Apparently this woman is a grandmoo in her mid- to late-40's, has AT LEAST an adult daughter and a "homeschooled" son in first grade.

815059&entry=10183&mode=date" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">I'm STILL trying to wrap my head around this...doh face

Moo/Grandmoo/Psycho Religious Nut/Pedophile
It is a HOT and sunny day here in the South...When I sent the little ones outside to play, they came back in 5 minutes later with very red faces...the house is cool, so I sent them to get some water and told them they can play in the house for the afternoon....We got out crayons and paper, and they are drawing and will probably play some video games later....I am trying to go to sleep early and get up early but the man cub is making that very hard. I send him to bed at 9 and he gets up an hour later and wants to stay up..this is becoming a pattern and he is so charming that it works...Usually he offers to brush my hair or scratch my back or rub my shoulders...Last night, when he came up I said, before he could charm me..."If you want to stay up you have to pray a rosary with me." He said, "Okay", and sat down with me and prayed a rosary with me! then I said, now if you want to stay up I am going to read to you, and he said okay to that too. We read out of his first grade catechism book which was mainly stories from the Bible, brought down to his level. It was fun because it also has beautiful religious art for the pictures and we learned a bit about the paintings depicted, too. We did this until he got very sleepy, and then I sent him to bed. He enjoyed it, and so did I....But I am also wondering if he is going to get up again tonight....if so, it feels like good mother/son time, and not just a struggle for him to get my attention and for me to want him to go to bed.....Today, though, I am grumpy from having stayed up too late, and so is he...He's a bear when he doesn't get enough sleep.....and so am I..........Anyway, that is my is a good one in spite of my grumpy self....take care, and see ya'll later! Love, Anna

I swear I had to read through this at least five times. I STILL want to believe I'm reading into it wrong. The first time I scanned the beginning and I thought that "man cub" was some sick pet name for her husband (kind of like man child), although I found it weird that she would dictate a bedtime to a grown-ass least the hair-brushing and back rubbing sort of made sense. Upon reading further (i.e. - "stay up with me and we'll read Bible stories and pray a rosary," plus her good mother-son relationship), it became evident that this really IS a child she is talking about, and it would appear to be her first-grader at that! WTF kind of first-grade boy wants to brush Moomie's hair, rub her shoulders or scratch her back? And this sicko Moo/Grandmoo-cunt as Dog knows how many spawn :headbrick

If there is any "good" news to this, it is further evidence that fundies really are a bunch of fucknuts.

If I have indeed read this correctly, it's absolutely disgusting and disturbing. And yet WE are the ones with problems. angry flipping off
Re: The WTFery Here Goes Beyond Words
August 02, 2011
When I was small, I had to share a bed/bedroom with my sister who is eight years older than I am. Somewhere around seven years of age, I got my own bedroom, but I missed sleeping with my sister. I used to brush her long brown hair when we shared a room, so I would often use this to try to get her to let me sleep in the bed with her. She solved that problem rather quickly... by getting her hair cut to a short bob. Oh, how I cried....

I just don't get this bullshit with "letting" kids who are very small stay up late. Who is the adult here? GO THE FUCK TO BED! GODDAMIT!
Anonymous User
Re: The WTFery Here Goes Beyond Words
August 02, 2011
Go the fuck to sleep, indeed!
Re: The WTFery Here Goes Beyond Words
August 03, 2011
These bear references to the kid are odd. Then, she subtly is mixing in religion with all of the intimate rubbing and brushing of hair, etc..........The whole tone of her post is sexual in nature, or at least it comes across that way. It reminds me of a scene from the Lifetime movie about the true story of the woman who was stomped, stabbed, and left severely disabled by her estranged husband while a lame police officer looked on. Just before the estranged husband arrived on the scene a small child was brushing it's moo's hair while sitting outside in the sun at a picnic table and the moo was getting these pleasurable, almost sexual, looks on her face that made me sick.

Rubbing and the brushing of another person's hair in this way is an intimate act and it's inappropriate for a cub-kid to be doing it for his grandmoo.shrug It makes me wonder what all else is going on in the bear den.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: The WTFery Here Goes Beyond Words
August 03, 2011
I don't really see anything wrong with hair-brushing and back-rubbing. They are intimate rituals, in that you wouldn't want just anyone to do those things to you, but they don't have to be sexual.

I do see problems in how she is teaching him to be manipulative by giving in to his 'charm,' instead of moving one of these rituals to just before bedtime so that he can get the attention and closeness he's craving without getting too little sleep. I also think all these 'cutesy' names for children are fucking annoying, creepy-sounding, and an indication that the moo is too obsessed with the fruit of her loins.

But what bothers me most about that is the fact that she's homeschooling, and the description of the school as involving drawing and video games! (There's also that religious brainwashing int here...) Aren't there some other things they're meant to be learning, like arithmetic, science, and writing (punctuation would be a good place to start, so they can teach it to moomy).
Anonymous User
Re: The WTFery Here Goes Beyond Words
August 03, 2011
Ahh...upon further reading of her blog I see I was wrong. "Man cub" is actually TEN, and was in third grade while in public school (still kind of old - I was eight in third grade), but the school threatened Moomie with jail time because she took him out too many times. Obviously he's even further behind than that if he's reading on a first-grade level. I'm convinced that she's purposely setting him up for failure so that she can forever fill her own selfish "need" of being needed.

I understand that the hair brushing/back scratching/etc. aren't necessarily sexual in nature per se, but I still find it inappropriate for Moomie to be looking for that from her son and not her husband. And given that her son is a few years older than I first thought, in my opinion that makes it even worse. I don't know...I'll admit that I'm not a super-affectionate "touchy-feely" person, and by the time I was ten I wasn't into spending all this quality time with my parents, so maybe I'm biased.
Re: The WTFery Here Goes Beyond Words
August 03, 2011
i feel dirty now. i think i need a silkwood-style shower.


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