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Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers

Posted by the noodler 
Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
Last week, I was chatting with a client, an elderly man whose house I clean. I know he is pro-life because of all the propaganda I see lying about here and there, but I don't say anything, because, I need the money and his opinions are his business.

I didn't clean his house that day because I threw out my back the day before and was pooped from cleaning his tenant's place next door (which really does need a bi-weekly clean).

Somehow the man gets to talking about a neighbor girl up the street who just gave up a baby for adoption. She's 21 and lives with some guy. The man couldn't understand how a woman could give up a child and that mother's will die for their children. I replied that he never met my mom (she's not very touchy-feely and has the shittiest bedside manner).

I never gave up my Pro-Choice stance to him, because, well, I need the money. I did tell him that my brother adopted a baby girl from China and she is the love of my life (childwise, at least) and we're so lucky to have her in our family. He kept going on about how growing achild in your body creates a bond (should I tell him about my non-bond with my own "angel baby"? Nuh uh.) I tried to tell him, in a casual and polite way, that maybe the girl realized that her partner/baby daddy (ew, I said baby daddy) would be abusive, or maybe they just couldn't afford it, or that they both felt too imature for a baby. Either way, having the child and giving it UP FOR ADOPTION is probably the most selfless thing a woman can do for a child she knows she can't raise properly. Still, he wouldn't budge and made some mildly disparaging comments about the woman's decision.

I don't get it. What is good enough for them, these pro-lifers? Have the child and be miserable in keeping it? The guy is super nice to me, even telling me not to worry about not cleaning for him (I was wearing a back brace) and since he's a retired army medic, he knows that time is the best remedy for the injury I incurred. So I didn't want to be rude, and just changed the topic.

I left scratching my head over the whole conversation. I just don't understand the logic.
It doesn't occur to their pea-brains that every woman won't gush and coo and become all maternal over a fleshloaf placed in their arms.
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
the noodler: I don't get it. What is good enough for them, these pro-lifers? Have the child and be miserable in keeping it? The guy is super nice to me, even telling me not to worry about not cleaning for him (I was wearing a back brace) and since he's a retired army medic, he knows that time is the best remedy for the injury I incurred. So I didn't want to be rude, and just changed the topic.

I think this mentality has been mentioned on the board by a few, Cambion and Kidless Kim if I'm not mistaken. It seems that prolifers almost want to somehow punish women by forcing unwanted motherhood upon them.
It would never be good enough to one of these types, for the mother to give her chyld up for adoption, even if it's in the child's best interest, because that means the woman gets away with fucking and no consequence.

They certainly don't give a shit about kyds, because once the fetus is a fully cooked babe, they seem to forget about it's right to life (by not pursuing harsher laws that punish parunts who murder their brats, for example.)
The biggest way to keep a woman down is by saddling her with brats. The harshest punishment to inflict upon a slut is to condemn her to the burden of being a mother.

I have never met a moo that would die for her chyld. I've met many who claim it, but when I read the news and click on the links brought kindly to us by other bratfree members, I'm afraid they would rather have their kyds out of the way so that they could have their old lives back.
Little girls are told from the moment they can understand that they're supposed to love babies and being domestic. Why else would the toy market be flooded with those horrid "lil mommy" dolls? Also, Little Tykes makes all those fake kitchens, laundry sets and vacuums. It drives the pro- liars batshit when a girl/woman goes against the grain.
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
I would say the woman who had to give birth to the baby already did face consequences of having sex, but not enough, it seems. Many of these types are also against contraception and sterilization, because, dammit, a woman ought to suffer if she's going to go around having sex! (They just say things like "the pill is a form of abortion" to make it look as if it were about murdering teh baybees.)
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
I would say the woman who had to give birth to the baby already did face consequences of having sex, but not enough, it seems. Many of these types are also against contraception and sterilization, because, dammit, a woman ought to suffer if she's going to go around having sex! (They just say things like "the pill is a form of abortion" to make it look as if it were about murdering teh baybees.)

Thank you for pointing that out, Yurble! I didn't think about the misery of inpigness before she gave the baybee up for adoption. You are right about that being a major, permanent consequence to her body! It just seems like no suffering is enough when it comes to prolifers and their attitudes toward women. :mad2
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
Little girls are told from the moment they can understand that they're supposed to love babies and being domestic. Why else would the toy market be flooded with those horrid "lil mommy" dolls? Also, Little Tykes makes all those fake kitchens, laundry sets and vacuums. It drives the pro- liars batshit when a girl/woman goes against the grain.

I think this right here is the real issue with wanting a woman-girl to suffer being more of an after thought. Much like a transgendered child must feel when certain gender oriented toys are hoisted upon him throughout his childhood, is how a girl like me felt when bombarded with the moo-housewife types of toys her whole childhood. I wanted train sets, STP cars and link-able tracks, and gas powered model airplanes, but was told those were "boy things". I never had a desire to cuddle, feed, and play with a baybee doll instead using them as monsters in my "Barbie Village" I built with my own two hands. I didn't and don't comprehend this "unbreakable bond" horseshit and I have my doubts it even actually exists. If it does, then I have never felt it or desired to have felt it.

If you are born with a vagina then you're supposed to coo and ohh and ahh over everything baby and when you do not, you are seen by the majority as not normal and this arouses feelings of anger and resentment for some unknown reason. Up until I joined Bratfree, rarely did I discuss my true feelings and to date there are probably only 4 or 5 people in my life who even know exactly how I feel about it. It's too difficult and time consuming to try and explain something to people which they are completely indoctrinated to believe the polar opposite, so I just don't even try.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
I think MumofSixBirds hit the nail on the head. Prolifers want to punish women for their wanton behavior, not only by forcing them to be miserable raising a brat they didn't want, but by having that brat with them everywhere they go so the world will know she is a slutwhore who fucked like a rabbit and got knocked up. It's Gawd's punishment to them for not "saving" themselves for a Gawdly marriage.
I don't get it either and agree that its some punishment. But what really puzzles me is those girls and parents on MTV's Teen Mom. I have never even heard of the alternative (abortion) mentioned or considered on there. Like it doesn't exist or something, so weird. And why do these parents want their stupid daughters to keep it and essentially ruin their lives? The last episode I saw, the mom talked her daughter out of adoption then when it was born she refused to help at all. The baby was only 3 weeks old and she was hassling her daughter to get a job and pay back $30 she used on baby formula. Now I know she isn't responsible for that or anything but why get her to have it then if you're going to be like that?
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
It's not about babies and never has been.
It's always been about controlling women, about forcing us into little boxes of gender roles. We're less threatening to misogynists if we behave in the manner they expect and want. They're incapable of thinking of women as human beings with independent thoughts and feelings. We're supposed to be machines existing for the purposes they impose.

I would not have been able to hold my tongue dealing with that sorry excuse for a man. That "bond" thing was nonsense and I don't see how he can cling to it even while looking at evidence to the contrary. If reality contradicts your presuppositions, old man, it's not reality that is mistaken, it's you.
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
If baybees are the greatest gift a woman could ever have, why do pro-liars feel they are a punishment to "loose" women? How can an alleged gift be a form of punishment, I wonder? And also, what if women decide to take their anger at being punished out on the child by neglecting it, abusing it or killing it? Oh wait...I forgot - that's okay to do, as long as a woman doesn't "murder" her fetus or give her born child away. I guess it's not as bad when a child's own biological mother kills it after it's been born.

In the mind of a pro-liar, no punishment is enough. Abortion lets a woman "get away with" having sex and not dealing with any resulting children. Adoption requires carrying to term and giving birth, but pro-liars still feel the woman is eluding punishment because while her body may have been destroyed, she does not have to have the responsibility of raising the child her fucking created. So pro-liars not only want to keep all fetuses alive, but also want to make sure all the "sluts" who get pregnant with unwanted loaves are forced to raise their mistakes.

Obviously, Gawd is pro-choice (if s/he exists) because spontaneous abortions exist. If you want to go that route, you could say that Gawd decides when baybees are not meant to be born and aborts them - sometimes before the woman even knows she's pregnant. I would love to hear pro-liar logic on miscarriage/spontaneous abortion.
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
It would never be good enough to one of these types, for the mother to give her chyld up for adoption, even if it's in the child's best interest, because that means the woman gets away with fucking and no consequence.

They certainly don't give a shit about kyds, because once the fetus is a fully cooked babe, they seem to forget about it's right to life (by not pursuing harsher laws that punish parunts who murder their brats, for example.)
The biggest way to keep a woman down is by saddling her with brats. The harshest punishment to inflict upon a slut is to condemn her to the burden of being a mother.


Couldn't have said it better myself.

The guy is having to give up his baybee too. Why isn't he trashing the guy? We know why, because men are supposed to use women as fuck toys and not stick around for the results.
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
I think that old geezer came from the cave days, when moos were driven by pure animal instinct to protect their offspring at all costs (even losing her life and perhaps depriving them of a moo, ironically) or else the kiddies become a bear's lunch. smile rolling left righteyes2
In the mind of a pro-liar, no punishment is enough. Abortion lets a woman "get away with" having sex and not dealing with any resulting children. Adoption requires carrying to term and giving birth, but pro-liars still feel the woman is eluding punishment because while her body may have been destroyed, she does not have to have the responsibility of raising the child her fucking created. So pro-liars not only want to keep all fetuses alive, but also want to make sure all the "sluts" who get pregnant with unwanted loaves are forced to raise their mistakes.

IMHO, abortion can be seen as a punishment. As a teenager, the fear of missing a period, the pink lines indicating positive on the stick, scheduling the abortion and anxiously waiting a couple of weeks further before going in to get the abortion, without telling anyone of your family or friends about it and receiving no support or advice to comfort me, was very difficult for me to go through and taught me the values of being more responsible about my reproductive life. Plus, I had to come up with $400+ dollars out of pocket to fund the abortion, money that I had to come up with and will never be able to get back because of a stupid decision I made. I'm not sure if I was ripped off or whatever, but being a teenager, I did not want to call around shopping for prices... I just wanted to get the procedure scheduled without anyone finding out, pay for it and get the parasite out of my body.

It wasn't a private procedure either... I was with a group of other young women there all getting abortions at the same time. While the actual abortion itself was private, they took our blood pressure all at the same time, weighed us all at the same time, etc. While I know we were all there for the same purpose, and they probably felt the same way, it was a very humbling experience. Not to mention there were fundies close to the office by the road with their pickets and billboards, accusing us of killing God's children. The experience will remain with me forever, it is something I would rather not go through again, which is why I am very careful with birth control, until I can get sterilized.

So, to those fundies who think abortion is not punishment enough: angry flipping off
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
In the mind of a pro-liar, no punishment is enough. Abortion lets a woman "get away with" having sex and not dealing with any resulting children. Adoption requires carrying to term and giving birth, but pro-liars still feel the woman is eluding punishment because while her body may have been destroyed, she does not have to have the responsibility of raising the child her fucking created. So pro-liars not only want to keep all fetuses alive, but also want to make sure all the "sluts" who get pregnant with unwanted loaves are forced to raise their mistakes.

IMHO, abortion can be seen as a punishment. As a teenager, the fear of missing a period, the pink lines indicating positive on the stick, scheduling the abortion and anxiously waiting a couple of weeks further before going in to get the abortion, without telling anyone of your family or friends about it and receiving no support or advice to comfort me, was very difficult for me to go through and taught me the values of being more responsible about my reproductive life. Plus, I had to come up with $400+ dollars out of pocket to fund the abortion, money that I had to come up with and will never be able to get back because of a stupid decision I made. I'm not sure if I was ripped off or whatever, but being a teenager, I did not want to call around shopping for prices... I just wanted to get the procedure scheduled without anyone finding out, pay for it and get the parasite out of my body.

It wasn't a private procedure either... I was with a group of other young women there all getting abortions at the same time. While the actual abortion itself was private, they took our blood pressure all at the same time, weighed us all at the same time, etc. While I know we were all there for the same purpose, and they probably felt the same way, it was a very humbling experience. Not to mention there were fundies close to the office by the road with their pickets and billboards, accusing us of killing God's children. The experience will remain with me forever, it is something I would rather not go through again, which is why I am very careful with birth control, until I can get sterilized.

So, to those fundies who think abortion is not punishment enough: angry flipping off

Unfortunately, clinics providing abortion care aren't always the most comfortable, or affordable, and it's not their fault. Unless the clinic can afford to be on a large chunk of private property so the building can be far from the road and have its own parking lot, protesters will always be a problem. Especially since law and law-enforcement rarely take the harassment seriously. Most clinics providing abortion care are non-profit and receive little to no government funding and no federal government funding goes to abortion care so there's nothing to offset the expense. Most of the funding they do get goes to security as clinics are prime targets for terrorist attacks. As a result, it's hard to afford nice buildings, or much staff. Not many OB/GYNs are trained to provide abortion care, because of legal obstacles and their school's choices, and few who are choose to work at clinics providing that service as it would mean taking a massive pay cut as well as possibly endangering that doctor's life. As a result, many clinics can only afford to staff one OB/GYN who can only provide abortion care once or a few days a week. I imagine that you were triage as a group just because of staffing, space, and time issues.
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
Every pro-liar guy I've known had one of those typical zombie deeply enslaved moms who did EVERYTHING for her little precious and made him feel like he was king of the house. These guys are so narcissistic that they honestly can't comprehend how, after a woman conceives, she might not want to follow the pregnancy through and turn into a slave for the rest of her life. I've never known a moo who wasn't a slave, just some deal with a little better than others - making a little time for their "hobbies" (because anything a moo is interested in besides childcare is instantly considered just a "hobby" after the parasite is born.)

And yeah, they never give a flying fuck about the kid being properly loved and cared for by adoptive parents who dearly want a child and can afford one. Somehow 16 year old girls descending into poverty and loneliness is the answer "God" has decreed.

And kidless, I hated baby dolls too and my breeder grandmoo was constantly and deeply offended that I wouldn't even touch the dolls she gave me, preferring instead to create complex societies with my stuffed animals. Animals rule, babies drool !thumbs upwink (And trains and trucks and other cool stuff, too.)
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
i think the mother-child bond concept is a bunch of nonsense-just reading stories here confirms that.

i am pro-adoption because if a child is brought into this world, it should be loved by the people raising it. the child does not care if it is its natural parents or adoptive parents, it wants to be cared for and so long as it is getting love and care, that is all that matters to the kid in the scheme of things.
Re: Even Adoption isn't good enough for some Pro-Lifers
June 13, 2011
i think the mother-child bond concept is a bunch of nonsense-just reading stories here confirms that.

i am pro-adoption because if a child is brought into this world, it should be loved by the people raising it. the child does not care if it is its natural parents or adoptive parents, it wants to be cared for and so long as it is getting love and care, that is all that matters to the kid in the scheme of things.


lab mom
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