1877 Candy Money
September 29, 2006
It's probably money for a boob job when she's 18.
Re: 1877 Candy Money
September 29, 2006
The only thing I buy is girl scout cookies because I actually like them.
Re: 1877 Candy Money
September 29, 2006
Bleh, my mom got conned into buying frozen cookie dough from a co-worker because her kyds were selling it. It was $10 a bucket - ten fuckin' dollars! I could have made the same dough at home and stuck it in the freezer. I hate when kids sell shit.

I don't know if this is just a local thing or what, but the elementary school I used to attend has something called a "Magazine drive", where students try to get people to subscrible to as many magazines as possible to win prizes (each subscription was worth one point, and you could 'buy' prizes with your points). The three students who sell the most get cash prizes, and the class that sells the most gets to keep a giant plushie as a trophy. Most of the prizes they had were dollar store trinkets, and a couple cool things that everyone wanted (fiberglass lights, bubble machines, etc.), and those couple things are what drove students to sell. Of course, kindergarteners and the other younger grades weren't doing the selling - Mommy and Daddy took the book of available subscriptions to work and got as many co-workers as possible to buy.
Anonymous User
Re: 1877 Candy Money
September 29, 2006
We did the same thing in elementary school. My parents refused to take anything the school was trying to sell into work. The magazines were always crap, anyway.

My sister does all of that shit- the mags, cookie dough, etc. She's always calling me up to buy this junk "for the kids." Just last week, she tried to guilt me into going to some family- nite bullshit at the local wannabee Chuck E. Cheese. 20% of the proceeds went to the school. I refused. I had to tell her the truth- I pay way too much in taxes to waste one more dollar on kid related crap.
Re: 1877 Candy Money
September 30, 2006
One call center where I did tech support/billing resolution had a very strict "no solicitation" policy. NOTHING could be put out...not even Avon books or annoying religious tracts in the bathroom, which I feel was a good policy.
Re: 1877 Candy Money
September 30, 2006
My employer finally put out a "no solicitation tolerated" policy after three moos in management got into a catfight in front of two visiting executives from our biggest corporate client. A board member called up the CEO, cut off his balls and the policy came out the same day.

Two of the moos were demoted and the other one was fired.
Anonymous User
Re: 1877 Candy Money
October 02, 2006
Slightly off topic, but has anyone ever started a new job and been mobbed by the Home Interiors lady? I started at this one place and I wasn't there twenty minutes and she chirpilly came down the steps with all of her books. She asked me if I was interested in HI stuff. I smirkily told her it wasn't my style and that I was much more into the shabby chic look. What I really wanted to tell her was that it all looked like stuff they would use to decorate a personal care home.

She didn't talk to me much after that.
Re: 1877 Candy Money
October 02, 2006
Home Interiors has a FEW nice things but like NQS said, most of their stuff looks like it belongs decking the walls of a person care home....... or a psychiatric unit.
Re: 1877 Candy Money
October 02, 2006
I was accosted by the Longaberger Basket bitch in the hall the othe day. She would not shut up, and I finally had to turn to her and tell her that solicitation was against company policy to get her to back down. Their stuff might be nice in the catalog, but I am not a basket freak and I have never even bought one. All of baskets I have (and do not use, I might add) came from gifts.

Dodging the solicitation at work is getting to be as bad as dodging the solicitations at the grocery store.
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