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One of these days, Brat is going to say that to the wrong person :mad2

Posted by Dorisan 
One of these days, Brat is going to say that to the wrong person :mad2
July 24, 2011
Dear Amy: I was recently shopping at a large suburban chain store. I was in the frozen food area of the store and was blocking a little more than half of the aisle.

A little girl (around 11 or 12) said, "Move it!" in a very loud voice. Her mom was right next to her. I was shocked and I moved my cart.

The mom did not say anything, so I stepped in and said, "You should say, 'Excuse me,' not 'Move it.'"

The mom responded, "I said, 'Excuse me,' 10 times today, and saying that does not work."

I was even more shocked. I just walked away in total confusion.

How should I have responded in this situation? — Shocked Shopper

Dear Shocked: In parenting, to a large extent you get what you give. This mother is locked into a lifelong relationship with someone who is learning that rudeness works. On some level, you should reserve a portion of your judgment to feel sorry for both of them.

You did the right thing, including the walking away part.
In that situation, especially seeing that it's old enough to know better, I'd have looked right at her and said "fuck off".
You know what've worked better, flicking out a switchblade and pretending to clean your nails with it.
i would not have gotten out of the way until they addressed me properly. i weight over 200 pounds-i doubt her fat ass would do anything.
On some level, you should reserive a portion of your judgment to feel sorry for both of them.

Feel sorry for them? You have got to be kidding me. These idiots don't deserve anything but a kick in the ass. Which I am sure will happen if that kid continues to have an attitude like this.
That kid is going to get its comeuppance one of these days, and it ain't gonna be pretty. She'll smart off to someone who's having a particularly bad day and they'll go off on her. I hope it's sooner rather than later, the little bitch.
if she were talking like that to me in school, her ass would have been tossed. as a sub, i never let kids talk to me like that. especially since the same mouthy ones would try to whip up on you if you "dissed" them. i told them this flat out when they'd pull their "you disrespectin' me" bullshit. i was the sub kids would cut classes to avoid if they tried to run roughshod over me in the past or would cheer if they were cool with me. being cool with me was easy-just come in, sit down and behave. with older kids, i had the rule on them doing their work-"not my grade". younger kids, if you get it all done, you get free time.
"One of the biggest responsibilities of parenting is that child(ren) will either learn not to be rude from being spanked by their parents, or from someone's fist, or from a cop's nightstick. And then...there's people with guns and knives who don't really give a rat's a$$ about lawsuits or police if you mouth off to them...You have to teach little kids that being stupid hurts when they're little, before it costs them a lot more then just getting their britches burned."

Thanks to my wise old uncle for this timeless truth.
Feel sorry for them both? I feel contempt for them both. My own mother lacked manners at times, but I was able to model my behavior on other people around me. So a kid of this age does not have poor parenting as an excuse. And to feel sorry for the moo? Yeah right, she's no victim here.
I am sick to death of hearing that line about how I should feel sorry for people who are rude or mean because they obviously have problems. Guess what? Everybody has problems. Nobody lives a totally charmed life. But not everybody acts like a worthless piece of shit. So isn't it possible the ones who do are.....worthless pieces of shit?spanking with a whip on the ass
I will not feel sorry for a moron with an ill-disciplined little brat...and yeah, one of these days someone's going to do what Moo should have been doing and just lay the kid out, either verbally or physically. Kiddies with no boundaries think they can shove and screech and boss people in public around like they do to their own Moos, and then they get a very abrupt wake-up call when someone bitches in their ear about it.

They'll both learn one day, but I'm sure the lesson will not be kind. But at this point, a harsh reaction is exactly what is needed to hit home the fact that not everyone will bend over and take this girl's shit like her mommy does.
The mom responded, "I said, 'Excuse me,' 10 times today, and saying that does not work

Anyone wanna bet it was her or the little snotminer that said it "EXCUUUUUUSE US/ME!" in that arragont tone that breeders use when they expect everyone to clear the way and roll out a magic carpet, and they're wondering why it "does not work"?
i would have told her to fuck off.


L'enfer, c'est les autres.
Yep, I would have looked at the little bitch and told her to FUCK OFF!! There is absolutely no excuse for that behavior, and it deserves a very harsh reaction.
A big "fuck off!" is all they would have got from me, too. If something isn't done quickly to get the brat in line, someone is indeed going to lay her out.
I would have told her " You move me!"
Just another example of how the little rotten apples don't fall far away from the tree. I am quite certain I would have relied on my facial expressions, body langiage, and vocal intonation to get my point across. I would have stayed right where I was and said, "Excuse me little girl" I'll be happy to move out of your way when you ask me properly!" Then, it would have taken brute force to remove me from where I stood.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
"One of the biggest responsibilities of parenting is that child(ren) will either learn not to be rude from being spanked by their parents, or from someone's fist, or from a cop's nightstick. And then...there's people with guns and knives who don't really give a rat's a$$ about lawsuits or police if you mouth off to them...You have to teach little kids that being stupid hurts when they're little, before it costs them a lot more then just getting their britches burned."

Thanks to my wise old uncle for this timeless truth.

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