Post 624
November 23, 2005
Oh honey, whenever I got backed into a corner by a MOO like that, I spewed back the nastiest reply they've ever heard. I'm a Scorpio, what can I say! I tell them, "Why don't I have kids? Several reasons but to name a few........... while you are changing diapers and cleaning up messes, I'm off doing something fun and worthwhile, relaxing, spending my disposable income, or having time for myself. Then while you're up in the middle of the night with a screaming loaf, me and DH are knocking it out for the third time that day. Next, in years to come while you and hubby are divorcing over the problems created by the kids, me and DH will still be in newly-wed bliss looking forward to a nice, peaceful life together, and lastly, while you are trying to get that ass of yours back in shape, I will rest assured that I've never lost my figure and my tits don't hang to my knees." BANG! There's a reply I'm sure they didn't figure on hearing. Nothing pisses me off more than to have some entitlement-minded, self-serving MOO look down it's nose at me just because I decided not to make a fucking mess of my life!
Re: Post 624
November 23, 2005
As always, speak up about your unwillingness to spoot out a baby just because you've got ovaries, having children should be something people think about before they choose to do, and not biological function they just do like shitting. Or just say "I can't bear children." and leave it at that.
Re: Post 624
November 23, 2005
There's always the stare- down. When I get hit with that crap, I just look them in the eye, with no expression on my face at all. I don't stop until they look away. It's creepy, and they'll never bother you again. Or, if you want to have a little fun, look deranged.
mercurior 1
Re: Post 624
November 23, 2005
i have several scary looks wink as my love can testify (never at her but she has seen some of the looks)
Re: Post 624
November 23, 2005
Yes, Mercurior does winking smiley Make the moos run!!!
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