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Sex, Singles, and the Presidency

Posted by law 
Sex, Singles, and the Presidency
March 09, 2012
Before I forget, here's an article I found on Forbes about the necessary political shift to recognize the childfree.


"Demographically, at least in the short and even medium term, betting on singles and the childless couples seems like a no-brainer. In the past 30 years the percentage of women aged 40 to 44 who have never had children nearly doubled to 19%. At the same time singletons of both sexes are on the rise, numbering over 31 million strong today, up from 27 million in 2000,a growth rate nearly double that of the overall population.

The increasing role of the childless may already be shifting the Democratic Party toward the kind of post-familalistic secularism generally associated with Europe or parts of East Asia. This could partly explain why the Obama Administration has been so willing to challenge the Catholic Church — a traditional home to many working class Democrats — on the issue of offering contraception to its employees. Simply put, in Democratic calculations, secular singletons may now outweigh religious Catholic Democrats."
Re: Sex, Singles, and the Presidency
March 09, 2012
So, when will we next see a president who isn't married and doesn't have children? It's been about a century since the last one, hasn't it? Bonus if she's an atheist lesbian.
Re: Sex, Singles, and the Presidency
March 09, 2012
So, when will we next see a president who isn't married and doesn't have children? It's been about a century since the last one, hasn't it? Bonus if she's an atheist lesbian.

Srsly. I dunno if we'll ever see that, or at least, not for a really long time. :-(
Re: Sex, Singles, and the Presidency
March 09, 2012
So, when will we next see a president who isn't married and doesn't have children? It's been about a century since the last one, hasn't it? Bonus if she's an atheist lesbian.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Buchanan Among US Historains he is not highly rated.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Sex, Singles, and the Presidency
March 09, 2012
So, when will we next see a president who isn't married and doesn't have children? It's been about a century since the last one, hasn't it? Bonus if she's an atheist lesbian.

a female, unmarried, atheist, lesbian, childfree, and from minority race.
I am all of them, except that I'm not a lesbian. I'm 1000 years away from getting a chance to be a president in my own country.
Re: Sex, Singles, and the Presidency
March 09, 2012
So, when will we next see a president who isn't married and doesn't have children? It's been about a century since the last one, hasn't it? Bonus if she's an atheist lesbian.

Unmarried, childfree, minority, lesbian? - eh, maybe -- not elected to the Presidency, but still holding office in a position where they can make a difference

I'd lack to smack the author of the article. She's alludes that those women, in comparison to Ruth Ginsberg and Sandra Day O'Connor, must have sacrificed the roles of wife and mother in order to become what they are today. Hey, bint, maybe those are roles they simply didn't want?


It almost makes you wonder how much progress we have made after all!
hitting over the head with a hammer
Re: Sex, Singles, and the Presidency
March 10, 2012
UGH...there was some shitty piece about moos making better employees in the LA Times a few months ago. These pieces pop up from time to time whenever some moo journalist decides she has to justify her job with puff pieces assuaging her manufactured guilt over being a working moo.

You all know what I think of breeders as employees--they fucking suck.
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