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:wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End

Posted by Anonymous User 
Parents considering legal action over school yoga


ENCINITAS, Calif. -- A group of parents is bent out of shape by free yoga classes at schools in this San Diego County beachside community, fearing they are indoctrinating youngsters in eastern religion.

"There's a deep concern that the Encinitas Union School District is using taxpayer resources to promote Ashtanga yoga and Hinduism, a religion system of beliefs and practices," the parents' attorney, Dean Broyles, told the North County Times ( http://bit.ly/RUMM4T).

In an Oct. 12 email to district Superintendent Tim Baird, Broyles called the yoga program unconstitutional and said he may take unspecified legal action unless the classes stop.


The classes involve traditional eastern breathing techniques and poses. The district chooses teachers and sets the curriculum while the foundation trains the teachers.

The district has removed any religious content from the twice-weekly classes, Baird said.

"I think that they really would like to think that, but I don't think that, in actuality, it has been done," said Mary Eady, who removed her son from the classes. "There's really a lot of unease among a lot of parents."

The superintendent said only a few parents have pulled their children from the yoga classes and he did not expect district trustees to cancel the program.

I figure they're fundies because I can't think of any other group of people that would be against yoga lessons in schools for the reason given.
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 22, 2012
Unless the school is blowing the other schools away in literacy, math, and science, I see absolutely no reason why yoga needs to be taught by a school system.

If you want to learn yoga, there are plenty of studios that have lessons that don't have to be financed by the taxpayer.
It looks like my assumption of these parents being fundies is right on the money. When I looked up the Mary Eady mentioned in the article, I found the following:



Project Manager

Mary Eady has served as an independent software consultant, editor and transcriptionist since leaving full-time professional work in 2007. For two years, she worked as an Educational Program Manager at the Neuroscience Education Institute, and, prior to that, as a producer at McGraw-Hill/EPG New Media. We are delighted to welcome her to the team. She brings to our team her excellent organizational skills, a quick mind, creativity, and passion for Christ. Mary and her husband Ryan have two children.

What's "truthXchange" you may ask? Well, here's your answer:



Our Purpose

For God’s glory, truthXchange exists to equip the Christian community in general and its leaders in particular to recognize and effectively respond to the rising tide of neopaganism.

Our Passion

truthXchange desires to be a global communication center that broadcasts a gospel-driven worldview response to pagan spirituality as well as recruiting, equipping, and mobilizing a network of fearless Christian leaders.

Our Plans

To train a new generation of scholars and leaders to understand and inform the Church of the challenge of global paganism.

[snipped list of crap]

This doesn't surprise me one damn bit.
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 22, 2012
Yet another case of fundie breeders trying to push their religious beliefs on everyone and are pissed because their kids may learn something that would undo their brainwashing. Fuck them sideways with a suguaro cactus lubed with sulphuric acid.
Aren't they forgetting something rather obvious?

I like how they jack all of the symbols and traditions, and consider Paganism a threat. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 22, 2012
They fear yoga but have no problems with that retarded Zumba shit?

Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 22, 2012
juniper jupiter
They fear yoga but have no problems with that retarded Zumba shit?

Hey Zumba is really popular in Maine:

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 22, 2012
Snark Shark
"passion for Christ"

She has a Jesus dildo?

She needs a dildo, or a vibrator alright! Stupid bitch
the world 'fail' on flames


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012
The rising tide of neopaganism? The Christian religion swiped almost all of the pagan traditions! Easter? Spring solstice. Christmas? Winter solstice. Besides, what's wrong with pagans? They had sex constantly (jealous)! And they aren't busy trying to ax my reproductive rights. Christians are jack holes.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012
Entitled rich white town. Where darker skinned humans are nothing but servants. Homophobic. I lived in the neighboring town for two years. Few places to go and have a drink, churches every two blocks.
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012
similar thing happened in Malaysia several years ago. Yoga is banned by Malaysian council of Islamic leaders for the same thing, fear of indoctrination of Hinduism...although there's a large number of citizens practicing Hinduism.
USA citizens, pretty please do not let your country progressing backward like that doh face don't let these people spread.
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012
juniper jupiter
They fear yoga but have no problems with that retarded Zumba shit?


My mom loves Zumba.
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012
The rising tide of neopaganism? The Christian religion swiped almost all of the pagan traditions! Easter? Spring solstice. Christmas? Winter solstice. Besides, what's wrong with pagans? They had sex constantly (jealous)! And they aren't busy trying to ax my reproductive rights. Christians are jack holes.

We've come to take the shit the Christians stole from us back
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012

Hey Zumba is really popular in Maine:

Rap Tribute Video for Zumba Prostitution Scandal
Good grief. I'd hoped they learned their lesson when they made fools of themselves saying that DnD turned kids into theives and warlocks...with 'confessions' they beat and/or terrorized out of their children.

There's a cartoon I once saw where some guy is addressing to a bunch of peabrained old fundies protesting a video game arcade where people play DnD. "There's a bar that way, a strip club THAT way, a freaking KKK club on the other side of town, and this is what you're protesting?!?"

Food for thought, people!
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012
Maybe the parents should be more concerned about the fact that yoga is not recommended for kids under sixteen due to physical risks, according to the American Yoga Assn.

Why don't they just have them go run around the gym or something like normal kids? You don't need a half mil grant for that. Oh, the poor brats are so stressed, yeah because they don't run or play.

Yoga USED to be for adults and was hijacked by crunchy hipmoos with Indigo brats. It is unnecessary in schools but the religious angle isn't the issue.

And frankly, when I took yoga classes, most of the people there were new age fake and douchey.
Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012
Unless the school is blowing the other schools away in literacy, math, and science, I see absolutely no reason why yoga needs to be taught by a school system.

If you want to learn yoga, there are plenty of studios that have lessons that don't have to be financed by the taxpayer.

If schools would focus on academics and providing a safe place for kids to learn, we'd be much better off. Schools used to be places of learning, now they have to provide entertainment as well, it's totally out of hand.

Re: :wtf Fundie Parents in CA Want Yoga Lessons to End
October 23, 2012
Seriously, what?

Yoga is no longer exclusively seen as "Hindu". Sure, there is Hindu yoga, but that's used for religious purposes, not to get fit. And besides, Hindus believe in one god, just in different manifestations. It's not exactly "worshipping false idols".
Honestly...American 'Yoga' has been so secularized and hippified by grunchy-granola soccer moms, there's almos no religion in it.
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