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For the Chiiiiildryn # 26543234

Posted by toomanybrats 
For the Chiiiiildryn # 26543234
November 17, 2012
David Cameron 'orders new curbs on internet porn'

David Cameron has ordered tough new controls on web pornography to protect children, it has been reported.

The new measures will mean that in future anyone buying a new computer or signing up with a new internet service provider (ISP) will be asked, when they log on for the first time, whether they have children.
If the answer is "yes", the parent will be taken through the process of installing anti-pornography filters, as well as a series of questions on how stringent they wish the restrictions to be, according to a newspaper.
The options include allowing parents to impose timed access limits on explicit material, or preventing children from viewing social networking sites such as Facebook during particular hours of the day.
Ministers will also tell ISPs to impose "appropriate measures" to make sure that those setting the controls are over 18, according to the Daily Mail.
They will also be told to prompt existing customers to install the technology to block pornography.


Re: For the Chiiiiildryn # 26543234
November 17, 2012
On the plus side, the rest of us are unaffected. It's better than measures to censor the internet.

But this is a completely stupid way to do it. If you ask, "Do you have children?" a parent will answer "yes" even if the children are not minors or don't live in the same household. Furthermore, children are not the only people who may want to be protected from this stuff; some adults may not want to see it, either.

It would make far more sense if it was a requirement for computer sellers to simply mention that filters exist and ask if the buyer has an interest in them. They could then require the seller to engage with the buyer and perform the configuration. They could also require them to explain the limits of the filters (because otherwise I predict a lot of breeder wailing when their brats circumvent the measures).

But that would be too sensible, because it wouldn't assume that people fall into certain categories based on their age, but on their personal characteristics.
Re: For the Chiiiiildryn # 26543234
November 17, 2012
It's almost 2013, if people haven't learned how to block porn and monitor their kids online by now, they're too stupid to live.
Re: For the Chiiiiildryn # 26543234
November 17, 2012
Snark Shark
"If the answer is "yes", the parent will be taken through the process of installing anti-pornography filters"

If the answer is "NO", the song "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang plays!

waving hellolarious waving hellolarious waving hellolarious
Re: For the Chiiiiildryn # 26543234
November 17, 2012


Linux!!! The all mighty FUCK YOU to censorship! Have a dual machine if you want a drone on half of your drive, a full machine to say full fuck you with an external hard drive running Windows The Sprog. Or if you just give no fucks, a full Linux computer.

The above will happen when one person wants to lock down the computer and one doesn't and the second one knows a LOT more about computers.

The thumb drive with linux onboard is something I expect to be hiding in more and more teen's pockets.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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