1937 Foreign Adoption
October 24, 2006
I hear ya on this one. My repugnant cousin now has no time to email anymore because she's getting "ready" for the kid - due mid-January I might add.

Just what in the hell is she doing? How long does it take to get ready for BAYBEE?????

Oh and get this, her money-grubbing husband has instructed my aunt to invite everyone they ever knew to the BAYBEE shower because he said "if they won't come, they'll surely send a gift." Already looking to not spend money - boy is he in for a rude awakening.

Sucks to be them!
Anonymous User
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 24, 2006
Ah, she's probably spending all of her online time at the Loaf Center boards.

Seriously, I don't see how it takes up all one's time to *get ready for the loaf*. What do preggos do besides going to their doctor's appointments and shopping for stuff for the loaf? That can't take up ALL of her time!

And this duhd is a trip. Obviously he has not read Miss Manners. Just because you are invited to a loaf shower, does not obligate you to give a gift if you do not choose to attend. It's perfectly acceptable to just send your regrets and a card.

KFLL, in your shoes, I wouldn't go, either, nor would I buy a gift. If the preggo has no time for you now, then why should you shell out time and money for her?

I hope that most of the invitees are on to this, and don't fork over anything.
Anonymous User
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 24, 2006
If that's the kind of attitude Duddy is displaying, now, imagine how much worse he'll be once the "miracle loaf" arrives. Breeders are the greediest sheeple alive! Wait until you start getting e- mail lists for birthdays, X- Mas, Arbor Day, etc. demanding ridiculously expensive gifts for the sprog.
Anonymous User
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 24, 2006
Also, remember that Toys-R-Us has gift registries, which some breeders are tacky enough enclose the links to in birthday party invites. And of course, everything on them is expensive, probably nothing under $100.

Breeder greed and entitlement knows no bounds.
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 24, 2006
Exactly what must one do for three months to prepare for an ADOPTED baby? It's not like there are any doctors appointments, health issues or an actual birth process to take up any more time. I guess they might be outfitting the child's room with a recreation of the Sistine (sp?) chapel, Louis Vitton furnature, Chanel diapers and a full surround sound home theater system. I suppose all that painting and shopping might take up somet time, after all it will be the golden child, right?

Needless to say, if your friend can not be bothered to take to spend time with you becuase she's receiving a BAYBEEEEE in January, you shouldn't feel obligated to take any time, or effort, to send your heartfelt congratulations on their new accessory.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 24, 2006
Quote: Needless to say, if your friend can not be bothered to take to spend time with you becuase she's receiving a BAYBEEEEE in January, you shouldn't feel obligated to take any time, or effort, to send your heartfelt congratulations on their new accessory. (end quote)

And she certainly won't have any frackin' time for you once the sprog shows up, that's for sure.

My former best friend only acknowledges my existence around her Bratlina's b-day. She says: "Oh, no, it's not because I want you to get her a present!" Yeah right. How stupid do you think I am?
Anonymous User
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 26, 2006
Apparently, Madonna is flipping out over the fear of losing "her boy" and having to go back to pick out another boy. For G*d's sake, this boy is a human being rather than a Prada bag that Madonna must replace if it is taken from her. I do agree with another member on this site that these poor children do deserve a decent home but I really detest how most upper-end Americans treat foreign adoption. It is like going out to buy a new trinket or fashion accessory.
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 26, 2006
Well, I haven't heard from her in weeks. I sent her an email yesterday asking how she is and if she's been busy with the paperwork - as if that may be the reason why I have not heard from her. So, the breeder ways have already started. Blowing off CF friends, all the free time is now about the "bayyyyyybeeeeee" @@. It sucks. It hurts. It is such a loss.
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 26, 2006
CFAD, I know 1 couple and also 1 single woman who adopted kids. They disappeared and dropped all their CF friends, just like any other breeders. They changed their entire lifestyles overnight.

The couple had 2 beautiful rescued labs, and now they practically ignore them. They hang out all the time with another couple (mutual friends) who have a kid the same age as the adopted one, but we barely ever see them.

The single woman moved out of town a year after the adoption and I never saw her again. She occasionally sent emails asking people to come visit her, and she could never go anywhere because the kid was so much trouble (very hyperactive and with emotional problems). I never even found out she moved until a month later, and I was supposed to plan her going-away party!
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 26, 2006
I keep hoping that is not going to be my friend but since she announced she was buying a foreign crotch nugget I haven't heard from her. We used to write each day about our fitness and diet goals and now, it's nothing. I keep wondering is something bad happened because she was having marital problems on and off. But I think it's the bayyyybeeeeee. And yes. I too had CL friends and once they spawned, they dropped me so they can go to those mommy and me playdates and bond with other women with crotch nuggets the same age.

At least I am not a moo.
Re: 1937 Foreign Adoption
October 31, 2006
Typical breeders. Actual PNB's make time for all their friends and actualy have/want some alone time, sans kids. But with breeders, it ALWAYS about their kids.

lab mom
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