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My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 10, 2012
So a while ago(I'm not sure if I posted about this), I posted a Facebook status, asking people to stop sending me religious invites to church garage sales, charities, etc. It went something like this, "I'm asking everyone to please not send me any religious invites. I'm an atheist, so I don't do the whole church benefit dinners, church garage sales or any other shit that comes with the words church, religion, or faith. I really don't want to start unfriending and blocking people for this. Thanks!" and my fiancee's aunt AND sister came on, raging, as if I posted this on their walls and directed the status to them(I didn't). Higher up on the thread, a friend made a joke that he was going to pray for me and said it was a joke before someone posted it seriously. My response to him was "prayer wont work on me because I really don't care" and that the only way I'll be caught in a church is to get married(my fiancee's uncle is a priest and wants to marry us so I agreed- less money to spend on our part), and of course, the aunt goes on and says "I will seriously pray for you" :headbrick Seriously?! This was like RIGHT after I said I don't care about prayers. I explained it politely to her that any time I see someone say they'll pray for someone who hasn't asked for it as rude and condescending. She then backpeddled. Then, my fiancee's sister came on, and started raging about how I wont be welcome in any church, that I should be ashamed of myself for not having god in my heart, and that I should just get married in a "park or something"(pretty sure she was pissed because their uncle refused to marry her and her husband as they had a kyd out of wedlock). A few people then stood up for me, told her she's not being Christian-like, and she hadn't said anything else. I put her and the aunt on the Restricted list.

A few hours later, my fiancee got a call from his mother, and as soon as he answered, I knew it had to do with the status. He went into another room, and came back about 20 minutes later. He then asked me about my status, I showed it to him, and he got mad because I "knew [his] family is really religious". I told him I put it on my profile and it wasn't like I was pointing fingers. So then he told me that his mom called, because his sister called her irate about my "lack of faith and morals" and was bitching about it. He then told me that his mom just asked about my religious views, and he just told her that I have the right to believe what I want to believe and my lack of faith shouldn't be a concern to anyone but us. Apparently, she just agreed and that was that.

Now, his mom is a Christian lady, Pro-Life, etc., but I honestly didn't expect her to react the way she did. It makes me actually quite happy that she's not the judgmental type, like most are. She is baby-rabied though, but my fiancee's sister already has two sprogs and his older brother wants chyldren as well. My guy has yet to tell his mother that he doesn't want kids. I'm also keeping my TL under wraps as I don't want them prying into our personal life, as much as I want(and am used to) to be open about it.
Re: My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 10, 2012
One beliefs aren't a matter that should be challanged unless in a mutually agreed, matured discussion. It was none of their damn business what you believe -or not- about God.

Your MIL seems a open-minded woman, this is good grinning smiley


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
...she was pissed because their uncle refused to marry her and her husband as they had a kyd out of wedlock

how did you *not* bring that up if she's the one accusing you of having no morals/values?! you may be an atheist, but you're a lot more christian than most when it comes to non-judgey ways and casting stones.
Re: My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 10, 2012
I think it's entertaining when religious fundies use the, "I'll pray for you" as an end to an argument or debate for which they have no logical come back. They also use it when they are being condescending AS IF they are somehow able to call on a higher power to back them up in their self righteous attitudes or commentary. RARELY is, "I'll pray for you" used in a genuine way, which I think hammers the point they are, by and large, a bunch of asshole hypocrites. WHY they would think anyone would want or need their special prayers is beyond me, but since a sincere prayer isn't their intent anyway in 90% of the cases when it's said it's just rude and offensive when they say it.thumbs updown

I LOATHE it when someone says they''ll pray for me when it's done in a condescending way as if I can't reach God on my own that I'd need their fucking prayers in the first place! If I want or need help or comfort from God, I am FULLY capable of praying myself and I suspect I will get the same result from it as anyone else might. Whenever anyone says it in that way I find offensive, I enjoy taking them down a peg or two. Just the other day I had the opportunity with a customer who called in wanting a freebie. Notice how she claims to "always" call on us, yet she doesn't even appear to know the prior owner of the business, my husband's dad, has been retired nearly FIVE YEARS. In fact, she pissed my FIL off so much the last time she called, he told her to go to the competition!

This cunt here is a "good Christian" and I had already been warned about her freebie bullshit long ago by my father in law, so I was prepared for her the minute she said her name. I'd also like to add I already knew she's one of the wealthier people in town who likes to pretend she's poor in order to get discounts and freebies. Here's how the conversation went down:

"I'll pray for you" cunt-conversation

Fundie Cunt:Yes Hun, I need such and such for my rental properties and your husband just always comes to me and does it for me and doesn't charge a service call fee. What time can he come to my house today?

Me:We no longer waive service call fees, but I'd be happy to make you an appointment and the first available is at the end of the week

Fundie Cunt-Your husband has made thousands off me over the years! HE knows who I am! HE ALWAYS does this for me!

Me:No mam, you are mistaken. The man you are referring to is my father in law, NOT my husband, and he has been retired for five years now, so you do NOT always call on us for anything and in fact, we haven't done any work for you at ALL in at LEAST five years. Perhaps you are mixing us up with someone else.

Fundie Cunt: I think I must have spoken to him directly

Me:No, I am afraid not. ALL calls go through me and you have not called in five years, not here anyway.

Fundie Cunt:Well, tell me where he is then and I will go to him!

Me:No mam, we don't let people just walk up to him and interrupt him while he's on a job where the customers are PAYING him to perform a service. It's either an appointment with a service call fee, or we can't help you

Fundie Cunt: Not that I would pay it, but how much is it so I can tell all my friends?

Me:I don't know who you'd tell, everyone already knows we charge a service call fee, but it's $60

Fundie Cunt:I am on a fixed income!

Me:Yeah, times are tough for everyone and we can't afford to NOT charge for our services. In addition to that, he had an accident last year and has tons of medical bills. We can't afford to help people right now, sorry

Fundie Cunt: I don't WANT help!

Me:Oh, okay then, do you want an appointment?

Fundie Cunt:I am going to tell everyone at my church you charge a fee now for your services

Me:Okay(and audibly laughing on purpose)

Fundie Cunt:I will PRAY for YOU young lady!

Me:Oh PLEASE DO, by all means! I don't suppose it could hurt! Pray me up some paying customers while you're at it because we sure could use the money!

Fundie Cunt:Look, your HUSBAND knows who I am and he will help me!

Me:***I*** know who you are too, but that doesn't change the fact we need to be PAID for our services! I know a LOT of people, but they still are expected to PAY for our services!

Fundie Cunt:I will definitely pray for you

Me:I'll pray for YOU too! Maybe between the both of us, we'll get some good results!

Fundie Cunt: When everyone in my church hears you won't help me, they probably won't call you any more

Me:Maybe not, but if we didn't charge for our services, we wouldn't be in business for anyone to call any way! I am sorry it upsets you we have to charge for our services, but it's just a fact of life! Do you let people live in your rental properties at no charge?

Fundie Cunt-No, but that's different

Me:Oh, okay, just call me back when you want to make an appointment, okay?

Fundie Cunt:I can't afford it, so I will find somebody else

Me: Good luck to you and I won't forget to pray for you!

drinking coffee I am NOT intimidated by that type of shit at all or in the least. MY prayers are just as important as theirs and God isn't any more likely to grant my wishes than he is THEIR wishes. Besides, WHAT, exactly, is she going to tell people? Will people be shocked and appalled that a business expects to be paid for services rendered?confused smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 10, 2012
ILs are a hotbutton issue with me. Like your faith and morals (or lack thereof) have fuckall to do with anything involving your future SIL. I don't get where ILs get off being so judgy-judgerton about anything involving who their kid/brother/whoever chooses to be their SO.

I decided my ILs could accept me for me or fuck off. Right now we're in "fuck off" mode and it's not hurting anyone but them.
Re: My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 10, 2012
KidFreeForMe: "So then he told me that his mom called, because his sister called her irate about my 'lack of faith and morals' and was bitching about it. He then told me that his mom just asked about my religious views, and he just told her that I have the right to believe what I want to believe and my lack of faith shouldn't be a concern to anyone but us. Apparently, she just agreed and that was that.

"Now, his mom is a Christian lady, Pro-Life, etc., but I honestly didn't expect her to react the way she did. It makes me actually quite happy that she's not the judgmental type, like most are. She is baby-rabied though, but my fiancee's sister already has two sprogs and his older brother wants chyldren as well. My guy has yet to tell his mother that he doesn't want kids. I'm also keeping my TL under wraps as I don't want them prying into our personal life, as much as I want(and am used to) to be open about it."

KFFM, I smell big trouble brewing with your soon-to-be mother-in-law. Rethink marrying this man, please.
...she was pissed because their uncle refused to marry her and her husband as they had a kyd out of wedlock

how did you *not* bring that up if she's the one accusing you of having no morals/values?! you may be an atheist, but you're a lot more christian than most when it comes to non-judgey ways and casting stones.

I almost brought up how those prayers seem to be helping all the starving kids and adults :drool, but I was attempting to be diplomatic. I just reveled in the fact that their uncle likes me more than her enough to marry us without a problem bouncing and laughing
Re: My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 10, 2012
I think it's entertaining when religious fundies use the, "I'll pray for you" as an end to an argument or debate for which they have no logical come back. They also use it when they are being condescending AS IF they are somehow able to call on a higher power to back them up in their self righteous attitudes or commentary. RARELY is, "I'll pray for you" used in a genuine way, which I think hammers the point they are, by and large, a bunch of asshole hypocrites. WHY they would think anyone would want or need their special prayers is beyond me, but since a sincere prayer isn't their intent anyway in 90% of the cases when it's said it's just rude and offensive when they say it.thumbs updown

I LOATHE it when someone says they''ll pray for me when it's done in a condescending way as if I can't reach God on my own that I'd need their fucking prayers in the first place! If I want or need help or comfort from God, I am FULLY capable of praying myself and I suspect I will get the same result from it as anyone else might. Whenever anyone says it in that way I find offensive, I enjoy taking them down a peg or two. Just the other day I had the opportunity with a customer who called in wanting a freebie. Notice how she claims to "always" call on us, yet she doesn't even appear to know the prior owner of the business, my husband's dad, has been retired nearly FIVE YEARS. In fact, she pissed my FIL off so much the last time she called, he told her to go to the competition!

This cunt here is a "good Christian" and I had already been warned about her freebie bullshit long ago by my father in law, so I was prepared for her the minute she said her name. I'd also like to add I already knew she's one of the wealthier people in town who likes to pretend she's poor in order to get discounts and freebies. Here's how the conversation went down:

"I'll pray for you" cunt-conversation

Fundie Cunt:Yes Hun, I need such and such for my rental properties and your husband just always comes to me and does it for me and doesn't charge a service call fee. What time can he come to my house today?

Me:We no longer waive service call fees, but I'd be happy to make you an appointment and the first available is at the end of the week

Fundie Cunt-Your husband has made thousands off me over the years! HE knows who I am! HE ALWAYS does this for me!

Me:No mam, you are mistaken. The man you are referring to is my father in law, NOT my husband, and he has been retired for five years now, so you do NOT always call on us for anything and in fact, we haven't done any work for you at ALL in at LEAST five years. Perhaps you are mixing us up with someone else.

Fundie Cunt: I think I must have spoken to him directly

Me:No, I am afraid not. ALL calls go through me and you have not called in five years, not here anyway.

Fundie Cunt:Well, tell me where he is then and I will go to him!

Me:No mam, we don't let people just walk up to him and interrupt him while he's on a job where the customers are PAYING him to perform a service. It's either an appointment with a service call fee, or we can't help you

Fundie Cunt: Not that I would pay it, but how much is it so I can tell all my friends?

Me:I don't know who you'd tell, everyone already knows we charge a service call fee, but it's $60

Fundie Cunt:I am on a fixed income!

Me:Yeah, times are tough for everyone and we can't afford to NOT charge for our services. In addition to that, he had an accident last year and has tons of medical bills. We can't afford to help people right now, sorry

Fundie Cunt: I don't WANT help!

Me:Oh, okay then, do you want an appointment?

Fundie Cunt:I am going to tell everyone at my church you charge a fee now for your services

Me:Okay(and audibly laughing on purpose)

Fundie Cunt:I will PRAY for YOU young lady!

Me:Oh PLEASE DO, by all means! I don't suppose it could hurt! Pray me up some paying customers while you're at it because we sure could use the money!

Fundie Cunt:Look, your HUSBAND knows who I am and he will help me!

Me:***I*** know who you are too, but that doesn't change the fact we need to be PAID for our services! I know a LOT of people, but they still are expected to PAY for our services!

Fundie Cunt:I will definitely pray for you

Me:I'll pray for YOU too! Maybe between the both of us, we'll get some good results!

Fundie Cunt: When everyone in my church hears you won't help me, they probably won't call you any more

Me:Maybe not, but if we didn't charge for our services, we wouldn't be in business for anyone to call any way! I am sorry it upsets you we have to charge for our services, but it's just a fact of life! Do you let people live in your rental properties at no charge?

Fundie Cunt-No, but that's different

Me:Oh, okay, just call me back when you want to make an appointment, okay?

Fundie Cunt:I can't afford it, so I will find somebody else

Me: Good luck to you and I won't forget to pray for you!

drinking coffee I am NOT intimidated by that type of shit at all or in the least. MY prayers are just as important as theirs and God isn't any more likely to grant my wishes than he is THEIR wishes. Besides, WHAT, exactly, is she going to tell people? Will people be shocked and appalled that a business expects to be paid for services rendered?confused smiley

Are you sure this woman wasn't Mother Teresa? It sounds like the type of thing she'd do.
KidFreeForMe: "So then he told me that his mom called, because his sister called her irate about my 'lack of faith and morals' and was bitching about it. He then told me that his mom just asked about my religious views, and he just told her that I have the right to believe what I want to believe and my lack of faith shouldn't be a concern to anyone but us. Apparently, she just agreed and that was that.

"Now, his mom is a Christian lady, Pro-Life, etc., but I honestly didn't expect her to react the way she did. It makes me actually quite happy that she's not the judgmental type, like most are. She is baby-rabied though, but my fiancee's sister already has two sprogs and his older brother wants chyldren as well. My guy has yet to tell his mother that he doesn't want kids. I'm also keeping my TL under wraps as I don't want them prying into our personal life, as much as I want(and am used to) to be open about it."

KFFM, I smell big trouble brewing with your soon-to-be mother-in-law. Rethink marrying this man, please.

Why would I leave a man who supports me over his mother, who he happens to disagree with anyway?!
Re: My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 11, 2012
Snark Shark
Me:Oh PLEASE DO, by all means! I don't suppose it could hurt! Pray me up some paying customers while you're at it because we sure could use the money!

YOU BURNED HER GOOD!!! waving hellolariouswaving hellolariouswaving hellolarious

Since I don't get out much, burning ANNOYING customers when they call, especially breeders and church people, is one of my favorite past times. Some days I actually look forward to it, much like a hobby! Just last night I had THIS call. Not meaning to thread jack, but I can't resist sharing it since somehow I strayed upon the subject and The Shark stoked my fire! Background: The customer-caller owns five successful businesses in town including two car lots, an apartment complex, and a dozen or so "low income" rental houses.

Dick Head:I realize you are closed, but is there any way you could go to one of my rental houses and let the tenant in because they've locked themselves out (we are in a service oriented business and have key access to his rental property)

Me:We will, but we charge $50 to do that and need to be paid immediately after. Will YOU be paying, or should we collect from the tenant?

Dick Head:They will be paying, but is there any way you can give them a discount, they are poor and that's an awful lot of money for them!

Me:That IS a discount because we would normally charge $75, after hours, but since you are a good customer we are charging the day time rate

Dick Head: JUST to go and unlock a door?

Me:Not JUST for that, but ALSO because we are CLOSED, it takes gas to drive the 25 mile round trip to get there and back, the actual service, liability, cost of our time, wear and tear on our tools and vehicle.......................

Dick Head:(interrupting) I GET it, but it's just that these people are poor

Me:Well, WE are poor too in that WE can't afford to provide our services for free! Don't YOU have a master key? Why don't YOU drive over there and open it for them for free?

Dick HeadI am already at home now and don't want to get back out in this rain

Me(In disbelief) WE are already home too and WE DON'T EITHER

Dick Head:I don't guess they have a choice because otherwise they'd be out in the cold and rain all night!

Me:If you feel so bad about it then why don't YOU pay for it? I have your credit card on file, ya know, do you want me to just run your card for their fee? (you cock sucker, I am thinking, for ATTEMPTING to lay a guilt trip on ME)

Dick Head::(with a tone change) No, no no, that's okay. I get it. I'll tell them they have to pay you

Me:Mkay, Thanks!:1wv

I am HIGHLY offended by people who want to masquerade as good Samaritans on MY dime and around here, that shit happens all the fucking time! Other business owners/customers will ask us to discount THEIR customers and say shit like, "She's a single mom", or, "He's on a fixed income", yet THEY don't offer to pay the fucking tab or discount THEIR services! FUCK that. When they start up with that shit my pat answer is, "That's SO nice of you to care! Will YOU be paying for it then, we'd be HAPPY to bill YOU for their work!?". Not ONCE have any of them offered to do that, greedy hypocrites that they are. At least I don't pretend to give a shit and expect someone else to pay for it..shrug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 11, 2012
Kim, you're killing me with the prayer-baiting. waving hellolarious

You must be a polite Southern woman. As a Chicago native, I can only be genteel for about two minutes before losing my shit.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: My future MIL accepts my religious stance :faint
December 11, 2012
I don't understand this idea that because you're poor, a business should give away its services for free. A business is not a charity; a business needs to make money in order to, well, stay in business. Why should the business owner go broke? If the owner is broke, the business goes under.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan

Earlier today, fiancee and I were running a buttload of errands, and his mom called and asked if we wanted to meet for lunch(I should note that his mom is, I think, pretty fond of me since she always asks how I'm doing, when are we coming down, wished me happy birthday for the last 2 years, and has taken care of me after I had my wisdom teeth taken out, etc). We agreed and decided on Chipotle as everyone is happy with Chipotle lol. Well, what I didn't know(and neither did my fiancee) was that his sister and her loaf were with his mom as well. I almost changed my mind about going, but I sucked it up, and just went along.

I have to say, the lunch date went exceptionally good, fiancee's sister didn't raise hell, nor did his mom, and I found out some gory details about my fiancee like when his sister(who is about 2 years older than him) pawned off a baby doll on him when he was young and he named the doll "Mimi" bouncing and laughing. Sister's loaf was mostly giggly and all bouncy, but I tried to hide my annoyance by talking to his mom. Fiancee was making googly faces at the baybee and the baybee kept staring at us. The baybee started getting fussy as fuck after we were finished eating, and the sister excused herself to the bathroom to change the baybee. She came back, and said Chipotle didn't have changing stations(yay Chipotle!) and said that it's time to get the baybee home. I don't think any of us minded. We were there for almost an hour and a half, and the baybee got fussy for about 2 minutes before the sister got him out of there.

So, even though what happened seemed like a disaster, I don't think she is holding a grudge against it, and I honestly think that their mom had something to do with getting the sister to shut up lol.

Also, once we got home, my fiancee told me something about his sister. He said that she is very protective over him, especially if he's not happy about something or someone. But since he is happy(or so he says) and I'm sure his mom knows this, then she's calm and isn't making a big deal about it. I also have to say that I'm happy about how his sister is about parenting and doesn't just let the kid scream his brains out and be oblivious. Props to her. So good day, good lunch, happy famblee lmfao! Let's hope!
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