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"WAHHH! I'm 39 and can't find the mayun of mah dreams and can't have a baybee, so I'm a failure!"

Posted by Anonymous User 
These "articles" are SO FORMULAIC!

I have seen so many of these, and I can now easily pick out their BS which follows the same old template.

They are even still referencing Sex In The City. I'm not familiar - but I do know this is like extremely yesterday.

Update your PROPAGANDA Daily FAIL!

The Desperate One is always a journalist too, and semi successful.

These things are so predictable bots are probably writing them.



  • Sex in the City reference? Check. (I've never watched it either.)
  • Mention of how she is less of a woman for her infertility? Check.
  • Statement about how her previously stated cheerfulness about not having children was feigned? Check.

Looks like a Daily Fail article, alright.
What she's really saying is that she always hoped she could find some rich man who would keep her in the manner to which she hoped to become accustomed without actually doing any work.
The men she found were not quite rich enough wallets, and despite the burning yearning achey breakyness of desperately wanting a baybeeeeeeee she decided against it.

Most women who have baby rabies will breed with any old bloke that'll stand still long enough. Therefore she can't have wanted one that badly, and this article is a sham.
This is the kind of article that propagates the stereotypes about CF women and further lead down to the well-known bingos: all women want kids, all women are designed for kids, you will regret it, you are a failure if you don't calve, you're not a real woman, wait until you find the right man and i can come up with plenty more. The whole circus is exactly a blacklash for the CF. And then we just wonder...why do we have to fight with this judgemental breeders all the time. Because of women like this...and yes, she is a total failure for writing such piece of crap. The whole article is just some....blah blah, baybeeee, blah blah baybeee, pity me, look at me....instead of brain she has just a gathering of hormonal matter.

Like it has been mentioned here, if she really wanted a child she could adopt or do smth. else, the breederific society will be more than glad to help her out no doubt about it. But no, she actually needs a wallet, not a child.

And surprisingly women are a great part of perpetuating the mysoginistic idea that the greatest accomplishment of a woman is calving. Because of these bitches the rest of us are not even taken seriously, no matter how many academical degrees and blissful careers we have. angry flipping off
This is the kind of article that propagates the stereotypes about CF women and further lead down to the well-known bingos: all women want kids, all women are designed for kids, you will regret it, you are a failure if you don't calve, you're not a real woman, wait until you find the right man and i can come up with plenty more. The whole circus is exactly a blacklash for the CF. And then we just wonder...why do we have to fight with this judgemental breeders all the time. Because of women like this...and yes, she is a total failure for writing such piece of crap. The whole article is just some....blah blah, baybeeee, blah blah baybeee, pity me, look at me....instead of brain she has just a gathering of hormonal matter.

Like it has been mentioned here, if she really wanted a child she could adopt or do smth. else, the breederific society will be more than glad to help her out no doubt about it. But no, she actually needs a wallet, not a child.

And surprisingly women are a great part of perpetuating the mysoginistic idea that the greatest accomplishment of a woman is calving. Because of these bitches the rest of us are not even taken seriously, no matter how many academical degrees and blissful careers we have. angry flipping off

You forgot the requisite SATC reference....either you are a mature parent or you are an immature SATC clone bed hopping and bar hopping.

Now I am a fan of SATC (athough I think Carrie is a self-centered, shitty friend) because the show also demonstrates female friendships that last in spite of jobs, relationships, marriage, kids, moving, and all the other things in life...you know, the thing most women forget once they get a boyfriend or shit out a kid.

She is a failure because men don't want her? If you are thin, blonde and blue eyed and STILL can't get a man, get a mirror. It is you. The smell of desperation can knock a buzzard off a shitwagon at 20 paces and men run screaming from the likes of her. I bet she goes into her ovulation cycles first five minutes of a first date.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
As I predicted, at least one commenter used this woman's whining as a way to discredit feminism:


"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." If there was ever an argument against feminism and this archaic canard, Ms Loyd's story is it. Honey, men don't want strong independent women as a life partner. No, we're not afraid of them as the media would have you believe. (They're great with snacks and beer just as long as they don't stick around and become irritating like last night's Taco Bell) We just don't want women who feel free to move on after a few years, independent of us, anymore than you want a man that's going to leave you and your progeny penniless. In spite of the fact that we love sex, we love Being-In-Love even more. There's nothing worse than being jilted by an Independent woman that you've dedicated your life to, that you've promised to protect and cherish. Your situation is the result of decades of women playing the victim card. Perhaps you'll now wake up and realize that feminism makes all of us into victims.
- anthony sprout, ohio, usa, 26/8/2011 11:18

This man's mentality is representative of that perpetuated by Henry Makow and his ilk, which presumes that all feminist career women will be doomed to an unhappy life. I want to shout from the rooftops about the fact that I'm a 29-year-old child-free feminist who is happy with my career, my cute apartment, and my single status. I also have healthy relationships with my male relatives and have tons of male friends. I'm sick and tired of bints like Ms. Lloyd perpetuating the stereotype that all single, childless/free women are sad, whiny, and maladjusted.

Lucy, same here. Oh oh oh, I am not in a relationship...therefore I must be football bat fucked up. Um, no. I am just not willing to sacrifice who I am just to be partnered up. And I don't consider my life a failure.

The person who thinks her life is a failure for not having a man or a baby needs to open a vein and call it a day. If she is not complete alone, she will never be happy.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." If there was ever an argument against feminism and this archaic canard, Ms Loyd's story is it. Honey, men don't want strong independent women as a life partner. No, we're not afraid of them as the media would have you believe. (They're great with snacks and beer just as long as they don't stick around and become irritating like last night's Taco Bell) We just don't want women who feel free to move on after a few years, independent of us, anymore than you want a man that's going to leave you and your progeny penniless. In spite of the fact that we love sex, we love Being-In-Love even more. There's nothing worse than being jilted by an Independent woman that you've dedicated your life to, that you've promised to protect and cherish. Your situation is the result of decades of women playing the victim card. Perhaps you'll now wake up and realize that feminism makes all of us into victims.
- anthony sprout, ohio, usa, 26/8/2011 11:18

See, the problem with this douche is he totally contradicts himself. Yes, little boy, I'm afraid you actually ARE scared of strong women, which is clearly shown by your contant prattling on about how they will leave you down the line. I'm a strong, independant woman who also happens to be married. He doesn't 'need' me, and I don't 'need' him. We suit each other, enjoy one another's company and choose to remain together. We are both mature, secure adults, so that's why it works.

This loon needs a SAHM type so he control her and keep tabs on her, since he's so desperatly insecure and jealous he'll convince himself she's fucking every man she glimpes at from a mile away.

Sorry for commenting on a comment as opposed to the article, but he really pissed me off.

Oh yeah, and the whiny bleating wannabreeder who started it all? She can go jump in a volcano. Whiny bitch. Adopt or foster if you love kids and want to help turn them into good well-rounded adults. Oh, wait, what's that? You don't actually care about kids per se, just your own narcissistic need to replicate your own DNA? Please fuck off.
Actually, I just had a brainstorm...maybe we can set these two thunderdouches up together. She wants a baybee and a man to take care of her, he wants someone that will be too insecure to leave. Perfect solution.

(Whinyman probably is bitching on those "only marry foreign women" sites about the eeebil Westernized women.)

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Many of the comments are scary. It's all angry men and baby obsessed women. The sense of desperation can only be compared to that of a drug addict who thinks they will die without a fix. Furthermore, she insults all CF and CL women as failures. Our bodies may be designed with the ability to calf but our brains were designed to allow for rational thought. So we get to choose. It is more of a failure to overlook the thing that makes us human (free will) than the thing that makes us like any other life form (breeding). So don't tell human beings that they have to or should breed just because they can, it's a stupid rationale.
Navi: thumbs upup thumbs upup thumbs upup on your last three posts. You and I might be joined at the brain.

If someone really wants something in life, they WILL figure out a way to make it happen. Like I tell my female friends, if a man REALLY wants to be with you, he will move heaven and earth to make it happen. You won't get a text message or an email or whatnot about being too busy. If you love someone, there is no "too busy". In this situation there is no "I was too much of a career person" or "the right guy didn't come along." Bullshit.

I think people lead the lives they really want or deserve. They jump through all the hoops and make the decisions that land them where they are. If this woman really wanted to get married and have a family, she would have actively done all the necessary things to get there. But she didn't. I'd be sympathetic to her story if there was a shortage of decent men in the world who were ready, willing and able to be fathers. But there isn't. There are plenty of good men in the world, and she's old enough to have met enough of them to have had a decent pool to choose from. Yet she rejected all of them - she cites money but if what she says she wanted was really what she wanted, that wouldn't have been such a huge factor for her.

Ergo I don't buy her story or any story in that vein - that "waah, my life left me behind" thing. No it didn't. You have exactly the life that you deliberately created for yourself though a string of conscious decisions. This type of bitching is a disingenuous lie.

Honey, men don't want strong independent women as a life partner.

GR, you nailed this one.

My response: As a matter of fact yes, there are men out there who DO want strong, independent women. I have one of those men. He has worked hard to secure a retirement for himself and has no desire to lose it through a bunch of dependents. He is a very smart man. There are women out there, like myself, who have jobs and careers and take care of ourselves and have our own money, and yes, we can walk out on you if things get shitty, and yes, we manage to find boyfriends and husbands all the time. Maybe that's your problem, is that men like you are no longer allowed to get away with your bullshit by keeping women economically dependent on you. I guess if you want to stay being an abusive asshole, you'll either have to get used to being left, or pay for a prostitute. Because our societal structure no longer demands that women stay shackled to men who treat them like shit.
Lucy, same here. Oh oh oh, I am not in a relationship...therefore I must be football bat fucked up. Um, no. I am just not willing to sacrifice who I am just to be partnered up. And I don't consider my life a failure.

The person who thinks her life is a failure for not having a man or a baby needs to open a vein and call it a day. If she is not complete alone, she will never be happy.
THIS ^ (infinity).

lol @ "football bat fucked up," also.
Seriously. I might go back and finish the article, but I literally couldn't get past the second paragraph. It pissed me off that much.

A lot of women, and quite a few men, wrap too much of their identities and self-worth in marriage and children. Of course, you have to make adjustments. ANY time your life changes, and you invite someone into it, or CREATE someone to add to it, you'll have to make adjustments. It's the way things are. But to use those things as a measurement of your worth is just asinine.

For about five minutes, a few years ago, I was like, "Damn. My little brother is married, and has kids. AND has his degree." But I think that brief lapse of reason and judgment of my own life came as a result of the insidious "you're not an adult if you haven't ______________" indoctrination that we've all experienced. It's hard to shake. But it is shake-able. It's not even something that my parents drilled into me, or anything - in fact, qutie the opposite. But society at large, and having a brilliant, patient mother who is the greatest person in the world, will make you feel guilty for not wanting to have children, as if it's an affront to them, somehow. That's just my own issue that I have.

Well, I went off on a bit of a tangent. But, well - I hurt my back, and I'm on medication, lol.
With regards to kids, I never felt the pull though I was on the fence. I think I have male blood in me in that I felt "meh, take it or leave it" with a serious lean toward "leave it." When I dated a man who was adamantly CF, I realized it was OK to not sit on the fence, though it would be more difficult to find a partner. We did not last and I did find a lot of men were "meh take it or leave it" unless forced to have kids.

I hopped off the fence and found it a hindrance but hey, I don't want 'em and never see myself changing my mind. Especially since it won't be long before the eggs resemble raisins (which can't happen soon enough.)

I agree with Law...we build the life we want through our decisions and choices. She claims to want a husband and kids, but never bothered to make that happen. SO did she really want the husband or a wedding, the kids or the parties that come with being pregnant. We have the lives we subconsciously want to have. Settling for less just to fit a mold is a recipe for disaster (though I think we need to hook whiny wannamoo with Bitter in Ohio.)

Law, we may be separated at birth lol.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
She sure as hell was no 'go-getter'. eye rolling smiley wishy-washy morons like her make the rest of us, who know exactly what we want, look bad. angry smiley

And yes, I'm intelligent, secure, strong and independent willed, married to a man who loves that quality. winking smiley

lab mom
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." If there was ever an argument against feminism and this archaic canard, Ms Loyd's story is it. Honey, men don't want strong independent women as a life partner. No, we're not afraid of them as the media would have you believe. (They're great with snacks and beer just as long as they don't stick around and become irritating like last night's Taco Bell) We just don't want women who feel free to move on after a few years, independent of us, anymore than you want a man that's going to leave you and your progeny penniless. In spite of the fact that we love sex, we love Being-In-Love even more. There's nothing worse than being jilted by an Independent woman that you've dedicated your life to, that you've promised to protect and cherish. Your situation is the result of decades of women playing the victim card. Perhaps you'll now wake up and realize that feminism makes all of us into victims.
- anthony sprout, ohio, usa, 26/8/2011 11:18

See, the problem with this douche is he totally contradicts himself. Yes, little boy, I'm afraid you actually ARE scared of strong women, which is clearly shown by your contant prattling on about how they will leave you down the line. I'm a strong, independant woman who also happens to be married. He doesn't 'need' me, and I don't 'need' him. We suit each other, enjoy one another's company and choose to remain together. We are both mature, secure adults, so that's why it works.

This. My husband and I like to spend time together, but we also have our own hobbies and interrests. He would never put up with a clingy bimbo like this.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
You and your Prince Charming fantasies. smile rolling left righteyes2

If you're THAT desperate, you might as well open your legs to some horny man nearest to you, girl.
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