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Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement

Posted by Anonymous User 
I found this little ‘gem’ browsing the internet and made me so angry that I had to unload some of it here. I hope you folks don’t mind.

LINK> http://atthewelcometable.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/things-that-seem-feminist-but-arent.html


First of, since when are we a movement? It's like saying the hipster sub-culture is a "movement." I love it when people use words that they don't even know what they mean, best of all they publish their ignorance on an internet blog for the whole world to see. The disturbing part is that these 'people' consider themselves feminists, which is indeed is a movement, but I wonder if they know that. Oh and apparently all childfree are liberals, exclusively. Further down that vein, the site seems rather conservative leaning; "The Welcome Table; Justice, faith, feminism, food and family". Did anyone explain to these people that right-wing political orientation and feminism are and for the most part always have been utterly incompatible? What's next? Feminists pro-lifers? I can't even....angry smiley

Excerpts followed by my commentary:

“At a basically level, it's simply people who do not want to have children, but it's often expressed as a disdain for children and, particularly, their parents.” Bang on and deal with it. It’s the parents choice to reproduce therefore it’s the parents responisbily to “deal” with the results of said ‘choice’.

“they should be free to not have children without being burdened by social pressure or disapproval.  (By the same token, of course, young women who want children should be able to do so without being burdened by the social pressure or disapproval, even if they aren't yet entirely financially stable.)" Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! If you’re not “yet” financially stable you’re not fulfilling the first and most basic requirement to be a parent. End of.

“Some of the oft-repeated beliefs--that children are solely the responsibility of their parents,” They are! You fucked, you spawned, your problem and yours alone. In what language are these ‘people’ gonna understand this very simple premise?

“that parents shouldn't be afforded "special privileges" (often including things like maternity leave or flexible work schedules)” They shouldn’t [refer to my previous comment].

“that people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford them” I won’t repeat myself again

“that children should be kept out of the public sphere as much as possible until they are able to act in adult-like ways” Ideally yes! Keep the product of your fucking out of other people’s hairs. It’s no one’s fault but your own that you decided to breed and then proceeded to not do the job you’re expected to do which is, wait for the shocking revelation: parenting.

“--are not simply not feminist, but actively anti-feminist.” Eh? How? On what basis? How is it anti-feminist of me not to pander to irresponsible people breeding for no other reason than to fulfill some backwards, archaic, patriarchal, selfish motive?

“I tend to think that "choice" has become an overused and problematic concept.” And I agree. Many people shouldn’t even be afforded the ‘choice’ to breed at all.

“Somehow we've gone from arguing that women should have choices regarding childbearing to the idea that having children is just another choice.” IT IS A CHOICE (dear lord, these people are thick, aren’t they). Spawning is no mandate neither by law, nature, social construct, or some invisible guy in the sky. If you believe any of that, THAT is anti-feminist.

“I'd say there is good response to keep those two ideas separate.” Why?

“Yes, women should have choices about whether, when, and how to bear children.” Notice there’s no option for not having them at all, your choices are: when - implying you will have them and it’s only a matter of time/timing - and how - again implying that it will happen there’s only the argument of methodology.

“But, if we reduce having children to a choice women may or may not make, we open the door to a lot of legal discrimination.” Eh?

“Most women have children at some point in their lives. Most women will be mothers. And if we entirely privatize the experience of childrearing, as the childfree movement seeks to do, we are leaving those women without necessary social, emotional, and material resources.” I don’t know where are we “leaving” these women since she never finishes the sentence but I get the gist of the unresolved point.

As classist as it may be, women and their men "without the necessary social, emotional, and material resources" should specially not reproduce. Bringing up a fulfilled, happy, well adjusted adult costs a lot of money, time, effort, expertise and a truck load of resources. This is reality. This is the world we live in. Don’t go on brainwashing people from poor backgrounds into breeding so you can have cheap labor when their futureless kids grow up.

“If we want children kept out of public spaces, then we are consigning women--often the primary caregiver to children--to their homes for a good portion of their adult lives.” Oh, cry me a freaking river, will ya! Again: choice! Get it yet? No? I didn’t think so...

“If we make parents into our enemies, then we are making enemies out of most women.” :headbrick

“I would hope that more young, feminist women, whether they have children or not, or want children or not, would begin to speak out against the more problematic judgments of the childfree movement.” The Feminist Movement has already been taken over by a hoard of mooing cows that try to shun, segregate, shut up and stamp on every single childfree woman they come across that don’t udder rub them with pacifying sentences such as: “I’m childfree but-but-but I looove children”.

“When women complain about how it's unfair that their coworker gets maternity leave when it was her choice to get pregnant, it may be using the language of feminism, but it is an anti-feminist argument.” No it fucking isn’t, but forget feminism for a second, from the Labor Movement perspective; that someone is allowed to get special treatment over other fellow workers for something that is essentially self-inflicted is beyond preposterous.

You shouldn’t get special treatment because you have something growing in your uterus and was put there by you and whoever you decided to sperm infect you. You and the sperminator should had arranged for the necessary provisions for the event before hand, and the whole deal should be shouldered by you two and no one else.

“When parents are constructed as the enemy, remember that the "parents" being referred to are often mothers” Not true you stupid cow, as a feminist when I say parents I’m always thinking about the sperm donor too either if he’s in-house or absent.

“and making most women into the enemy is not feminist.” Whatever. I’m not one of those all inclusive, happy-hippy, earth mother, politically correct feminist. So blow me. I’m not gonna turn the blind eye to unacceptable, irresponsible behavior from women, purely because they’re women and I’m a feminist.
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 17, 2013

“But, if we reduce having children to a choice women may or may not make, we open the door to a lot of legal discrimination.”

So there's this person's real attitude. Children aren't a choice. It's just something that happens to most women. Yay.

Yeah, fuck off. Just because I'm a feminist doesn't mean I'm going to give udder rubs to every woman I see. Especially with some ugly kid hanging at a tit.the world 'fail' on flames

If we're going to get maternity leave for moos, then we better get some sort of other accommodations for CF people who are ill, mentally or physically. If I ever need to take it, I better not get any attitude. Oh, and my vacations better not be cancelled because some mooturd has to take her kid to Disney. Fair is motherfuckin' fair.

If this is going to be how the feminist movement is going to be, then I don't want anything to do with it.
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 17, 2013
This is right up there with Sarah Palin badmouthing Bill Maher for calling her kid retarded. She goes from "liberals are ruining the country with political correctness" from "you are not PC when talking about my kid, so mama grizzly gonna gitcha." (I did not hear the joke, but sources say he didn't even say "retarded." He compared her job at Fox to her day job of taking care of a child with Down syndrome.)

So which is it, Sarah?

Definition of RETARDED
: slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress

First Known Use of RETARDED

re·tard·ed adjective \ri-ˈtärd-əd\ (Medical Dictionary)
Medical Definition of RETARDED
sometimes offensive : slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development : characterized by mental retardation

Ditto for feminism. They don't give a rat's ass unless it works in their favor.

And having kids is a choice.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
I am a feminist who thinks one of the worst things to hit feminism is this idea that staying at home, breeding like a broodmare, and making sure your husband has a hot supper on the table when he gets home is just as equally feminist as movements for equal pay, equal rights, reproductive rights, and so on. No, it is not.

Stay at home if you want, I don't give a fuck, but stop trying to claim that the choice to be entirely dependent on your spouse is a "feminist one" simply because you otherwise would choose to work (right). Not only that, but the fact so many of them quit working as soon as they start sprogging is VERY anti-feminist in that it screws over all the other women of child-bearing age who, even if CF, are "assumed" to be future breeders thus deserving of less pay or career opportunities and so forth.
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 17, 2013
Does she really think having children is not a choice? Of course it is. Gravity is not a choice. Death is not a choice. Taxes are not a choice. You can't avoid those things.
Children? Some birth control and here you go!


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
I have a slightly different pissed off angle on this article. I am an extremely liberal person, and consider myself very much a feminist. But what I see is a bunch of double-speek from breeders, they are telling the child-free that if we DARE to speak up about issues that concern us, we are not supporting feminism and trying to make enemies out of the majority of women. Actually, what I see is breeders wanting to make enemies out of the child-free by requriing that we always couch anything we say in words they would approve of, that we proclaim a great love for the presence of children no matter how we really feel; or we will be daring to make enemies of them. It seems we are told what to say, when to keep quiet, and who we are supposed to be supportive of; this hardly seems like equality to me.
The author of that idiot article is the one who's anti-feminist.

I've highlighted the essential points, just so that dumbass won't struggle too much with figuring out what they are, should she wander in here.

I work on the basic notion that children are the responsibility of parents who get to choose things like if they breed. I make the assumption PEOPLE IN GENERAL are responsible for their choice, i.e. brats, and they can only be responsible because I assume they have the basic ability to make choices and I don't think one gender is more capable than another.

The author works on the basic notion, revealed implicitly by arguing "feminsim" in the first place, that children are the responsibility of a mother only who isn't smart enough to choose when or if they breed in the first place, or assumes all women must breed, and fathers don't have any responsibilities at all. By making this a "feminist" issue, she lumps all women together and releases men of any responsibilities for their own children, while also releasing women through pronatalist apologetics. The author argues implicitly that not only are women solely responsible for being parents, but they're also too stupid to be looked at with anything but pity when they do a shitty job.

I don't know about you, but I think my logic is considerably less sexist and hers.
The idea of maternity leave wouldn't piss me off as much, if childfree women got an optional vacation that was similar. If the cows get maternity leave to tend to crotch droppings, then we should get MEternity leave, so we can tend to our own well being, and whatever else we need to do. I mean, fair is fair, right?

These idiots want to spout their bullshit ideas about what feminism should be, well, we childfree should be eligible for every, single, fucking breeder-type benefit that they are. Things will not be equal for women until we are ALL honestly treated equally in every aspect.
crazy old crone
[...] Actually, what I see is breeders wanting to make enemies out of the child-free by requriing that we always couch anything we say in words they would approve of, that we proclaim a great love for the presence of children no matter how we really feel; or we will be daring to make enemies of them. It seems we are told what to say, when to keep quiet, and who we are supposed to be supportive of; this hardly seems like equality to me.

Well, that’s because it isn't. I’ve seen outspoken, feminist, childfree women being whacked over the head in feminists forums/sites/blogs for their views time and time again. I’m sick and tired of it. They only allow those childfree voices that ‘respect’ their choice to breed and how they go about it too; stay-at-home, working-mother, single-mother (etc).

And I’d like to point out that I’m not against welfare. I’m absolutely not against the state supporting those that truly need it. But breeding is not a necessity of any kind nor an inevitability (like old age is for example) and it shouldn’t be state supported in any way. But of course it is supported by the state because reproduction/natalism upholds the status-quo.
The author of that idiot article is the one who's anti-feminist [...]

I’ve spent the last weekend reading a lot of radfem blogs. You have no idea how many random women jump in the conversation, usually taking offense to something that’s been said and open their post with; “As a woman and a feminist...” only to spout a bunch of internalized misogyny. It’s painfully obvious that they don’t have the first clue what being a feminist is or what feminism is about, they just claim to be one and et voilà! They are. Well... that’s not how it works, and I suspect the cow in the OP may very well be one of these faux-feminists.
The author of that idiot article is the one who's anti-feminist [...]

I’ve spent the last weekend reading a lot of radfem blogs. You have no idea how many random women jump in the conversation, usually taking offense to something that’s been said and open their post with; “As a woman and a feminist...” only to spout a bunch of internalized misogyny. It’s painfully obvious that they don’t have the first clue what being a feminist is or what feminism is about, they just claim to be one and et voilà! They are. Well... that’s not how it works, and I suspect the cow in the OP may very well be one of these faux-feminists.

Yup. It's like they think having a vagina automagically makes them a feminist, no matter how misogynistic their foundational beliefs actually are.
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 17, 2013
The author of that idiot article is the one who's anti-feminist [...]

I’ve spent the last weekend reading a lot of radfem blogs. You have no idea how many random women jump in the conversation, usually taking offense to something that’s been said and open their post with; “As a woman and a feminist...” only to spout a bunch of internalized misogyny. It’s painfully obvious that they don’t have the first clue what being a feminist is or what feminism is about, they just claim to be one and et voilà! They are. Well... that’s not how it works, and I suspect the cow in the OP may very well be one of these faux-feminists.

Yup. It's like they think having a vagina automagically makes them a feminist, no matter how misogynistic their foundational beliefs actually are.

Crazy stuff. They are clueless and so self absorbed. Whatever things they want defines feminism and fuck any other opinions regardless of how valid they may be.
dis bitch
“If we want children kept out of public spaces, then we are consigning women--often the primary caregiver to children--to their homes for a good portion of their adult lives.”

Then THESE HOS need to STEP THE FUCK UP and make their WORTHLESS FUCKING SPERM DONORS carry their half. NOT my problem that you chose to be a domestic sex servant SAHM instead of enjoying your adult life or managing a job and half of the domestic responsibilities with your baby daddy instead.

"Yes, fellow readers, nothing says 'devoted father of a special needs kid' quite like drinking, snorting cocaine, and then taking the boat out for a spin."
- Tiquer
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 17, 2013
If you frequent any corners of the internet heavily populated by 20- and 30-something women who consider themselves liberals, you know about the childfree movement. At a basically level, it's simply people who do not want to have children, but it's often expressed as a disdain for children and, particularly, their parents. Could this cunt BE any more stereotypical in her prejudicial thoughts? I am 50 years of age, don't consider myself a Liberal, and don't hate children just for the sake of the age group to which they belong, but rather bad behavior allowed, condoned, and encouraged by their parents. I don't have anything against parents, per se', except in certain cases which includes this ridiculous "attachment parenting" nonsense which negatively affects "the village", those who feel entitled to freebies of the state JUST BECAUSE they have kids like with tax breaks, WIC-Welfare, Medicaid, etc............................Oh, and childfreedom is NOT a "movement", but like loaf shitting it is a lifestyle choice which doesn't impose on or negatively affect anyone else. I guess I don't fit her "mold" as a member of the "movement". She'd probably refer to me as one of those, "old, bitter, lonely, childless women":headbrick

It seems as though many young women feel that this is a very feminist position: they are exercising their choice not to have children, after all. And, yes, they should be free to not have children without being burdened by social pressure or disapproval. (By the same token, of course, young women who want children should be able to do so without being burdened by the social pressure or disapproval, even if they aren't yet entirely financially stable.) NO, no no no. If they are NOT financially stable then "the village" will be forced to pick up the tab for their irresponsible lifestyle choices, which is WRONG. Since when is it "okay" and socially acceptable for strangers to have to foot the bill for the consequences of irresponsible behavior for people who purposely make bad choices? Spawning while financially unable to properly take care of their offspring is akin to prisoners who CHOSE to commit crimes expecting innocent bystanders to feed, clothe, and house their sorry asses, IMHO. The excuse their shitbag will "pay for us in our old age", "become a contributing member of society", or will one day cure cancer is woefully inadequate, likely untrue, and their kids are more likely to become a criminal than a Nobel Prize winner. eye rolling smiley

But, when you really look at the online rhetoric of childfree advocates, it looks a whole lot less like feminism than like libertarianism. Some of the oft-repeated beliefs--that children are solely the responsibility of their parents, that parents shouldn't be afforded "special privileges" (often including things like maternity leave or flexible work schedules), that people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford them, that children should be kept out of the public sphere as much as possible until they are able to act in adult-like ways--are not simply not feminist, but actively anti-feminist. saying 'wtf' If children aren't solely the responsibility of their parents, then who IS responsible for them? WHY does this stupid cunt think it's okay to have kids she can't afford? This common mindset is a puzzling to me as it is infuriating and the main reason I LOATHE Moos. angrily flogging with a whip

I tend to think that "choice" has become an overused and problematic concept. Somehow we've gone from arguing that women should have choices regarding childbearing to the idea that having children is just another choice. I'd say there is good response to keep those two ideas separate. Yes, women should have choices about whether, when, and how to bear children. But, if we reduce having children to a choice women may or may not make, we open the door to a lot of legal discrimination. I don't even know what any of that means! "...open the door to legal discrimination?" WHAT? If having kids isn't a choice, then what is it? I suppose this way of thinking is what gave birth to phrases like, "I fell pregnant", AS IF pregnancy just happens and isn't a choice. Well, maybe in the 1950's that's true, but most of the cows today weren't even born until the 1970's or later, so that shit is a moot point!:headbrick

Most women have children at some point in their lives. Most women will be mothers. And if we entirely privatize the experience of childrearing, as the childfree movement seeks to do, we are leaving those women without necessary social, emotional, and material resources. If we want children kept out of public spaces, then we are consigning women--often the primary caregiver to children--to their homes for a good portion of their adult lives. If we make parents into our enemies, then we are making enemies out of most women. God, could any of that be any more illogical?eye rolling smiley

I would hope that more young, feminist women, whether they have children or not, or want children or not, would begin to speak out against the more problematic judgments of the childfree movement. When women complain about how it's unfair that their coworker gets maternity leave when it was her choice to get pregnant, it may be using the language of feminism, but it is an anti-feminist argument. When parents are constructed as the enemy, remember that the "parents" being referred to are often mothers, and making most women into the enemy is not feminist. Being anti-child/anti-childbearing and being feminist are not the same thing, and I do think we need more feminist voices critiquing the excesses of the childfree movement. I am so sick and tired of loaf shitting moos and their overwhelming NEED to be granted special privileges and concessions above and beyond what anyone else gets in the workplace. If they want Moo-Leave, then it shouldn't be any different than anyone else's leave regarding pay, time off, or job security. The FMLA pretty much covers anything related to 3 months of protected (and paid if it's earned time)leave for ALL, but that isn't good enough for these greedy cows. They want additional benefits and pay not afforded to the rest of the employees, many of whom are mothers who have retired their baby ovens. What about all those working moms who are done with making babies? No, these bitches want EXTRA pay and time off which isn't available to anyone else while they are in a decade long quest to crank out as many kids as they possibly can, going on Moo-Leave every time the season changes.cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 17, 2013
NOT my problem that you chose to be a domestic sex servant SAHM.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. The TRUTH, ladies and gentlemen.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 17, 2013
Just by themselves, I think the sheer number of men on this forum, and the number of people here who are in the middle to right of the political spectrum, shoot holes in her argument.

I'm a fucking libertarian. I hate paying for anyone's stupid lifestyle choices. If they want money for sprogging then I want money for building a glass blowing studio or trips to Italy to learn about glass.
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 18, 2013
Unfortunately when i read smth. that claims to be feminist on the internet it's always about moo's rights, maternity leave, accomodating moos at work, breastfeeding, SHAMS, women having it all etc. I agree...if you want to stay at home and crap out kids - your choice but don't claim that this is feminism. The feminism i used to know was getting women out of the kitchen and offering them equal opportunities as men. It seems that nowadays it's going backwards.

I've read somewhere else (don't remember exactly where) that the CF movement is misogynist because we hate mothers. I don't know where they pull this crap from. So, giving women the chance to choose NOT to have kids is sexist because that equals hating mothers? fainting
I've read somewhere else (don't remember exactly where) that the CF movement is misogynist because we hate mothers. I don't know where they pull this crap from. So, giving women the chance to choose NOT to have kids is sexist because that equals hating mothers? fainting

Obviously. If you're not stroking SAHMoo's udders by living exactly as she does, you must be a misogynist.

Honestly, I think these women are just brainwashed. They obviously aren't all that bright to begin with if they found themselves as a SAHMoo, and in order to keep them compliant, they have to be kept feeling superior, so their controllers (a Og male, society, whatever) beat in this kind of "war is peace" mantra about how "childfree is misogyny."
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 18, 2013
I don't hate mothers, I hate MOOS. Perhaps I should add that to my signature line.drinking coffee

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
dis bitch
“If we want children kept out of public spaces, then we are consigning women--often the primary caregiver to children--to their homes for a good portion of their adult lives.”

Then THESE HOS need to STEP THE FUCK UP and make their WORTHLESS FUCKING SPERM DONORS carry their half. NOT my problem that you chose to be a domestic sex servant SAHM instead of enjoying your adult life or managing a job and half of the domestic responsibilities with your baby daddy instead.

Now you see? That's feminist (even if you're not one yourself). Demanding men to take responsibility for what it comes out of their balls, that's feminist. Not going back to traditionalist, gendered roles where dad works and does pretty much fuck all else, while mom stays at home and tends to everyone's needs. You don't get to repackage that tired old shit and sell it as feminist.

You hear me second wave? :sbx
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 18, 2013
The idea of maternity leave wouldn't piss me off as much, if childfree women got an optional vacation that was similar. If the cows get maternity leave to tend to crotch droppings, then we should get MEternity leave, so we can tend to our own well being, and whatever else we need to do. I mean, fair is fair, right?

These idiots want to spout their bullshit ideas about what feminism should be, well, we childfree should be eligible for every, single, fucking breeder-type benefit that they are. Things will not be equal for women until we are ALL honestly treated equally in every aspect.

I do not consider my decision to not have children any more a political or social movement than I do my decision to eat a burger for lunch. People want kids-that's fine. I do not consider my getting miffed over a child running around my table a part of my agenda either. Having a child is a responsibility and parents need to realize that their kids' behavior affects others, whether it is running like maniacs around a couple trying to have an evening out or smashing up some guy's house on a lark. I think if your child is affecting someone else adversely, it is not part of a covert movement if they want to strangle the kid and parent.

I noticed also that most breeders are actually liberals, unlike the bulk of the child free people I know. I notice many breeders think "it takes a village" to raise their kid up until it involves disciplining their brat and holding him accountable. Feedus,give us money and a house and a free phone, let us send our kids to a free daycare called school and provide us with a tooth mobile, but if you so much as look at my kid wrong or try to rein him in when I won't, I'll call the cops!

And for the record, I am a forty-something conservative, not a twenty something liberal.
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 18, 2013
Thinking people shouldn't have children they can't afford hasn't got fuck all to do with being non feminist. Neither is believing that children don't belong in certain places and if they're out in public they need to behave themselves. I apply my parenting standards to both genders. I once waited on a nice PNB couple where the dad ordered his meal and then asked to have it boxed up to go. Mom told me their child was getting fussy and dad was taking him home to bed. She said "when we take him out, we agree ahead of time that one of us will be responsible for taking him home if he acts up. Today it's dad's turn." Now that's a good example of equality.
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 18, 2013
The idea of maternity leave wouldn't piss me off as much, if childfree women got an optional vacation that was similar. If the cows get maternity leave to tend to crotch droppings, then we should get MEternity leave, so we can tend to our own well being, and whatever else we need to do. I mean, fair is fair, right?

I agree on this. Say, during the whole course of your career you can take 3 to 5 years off and they have to keep your job for you. You can use this time to travel the World, go to university or, if you wish, have children.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: Things that seem feminist but aren't: The childfree movement
June 18, 2013
I am a feminist who thinks one of the worst things to hit feminism is this idea that staying at home, breeding like a broodmare, and making sure your husband has a hot supper on the table when he gets home is just as equally feminist as movements for equal pay, equal rights, reproductive rights, and so on. No, it is not.

Stay at home if you want, I don't give a fuck, but stop trying to claim that the choice to be entirely dependent on your spouse is a "feminist one" simply because you otherwise would choose to work (right). Not only that, but the fact so many of them quit working as soon as they start sprogging is VERY anti-feminist in that it screws over all the other women of child-bearing age who, even if CF, are "assumed" to be future breeders thus deserving of less pay or career opportunities and so forth.


The "femoonism" that tries to pass as feminism is not the feminism I still subscribe to. Years ago, when Ms. Magazine started to pander to the broodcows, I knew feminism was taking a very negative turn. The person who posted this blog is NO feminist...at least not as I would define feminist.
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