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"What Almost Destroyed Our Marriage" (So Says a Fundie Blogger):rolleyes2

Posted by kidlesskim 

God, this backwards dribble is sooooooooooooo long I edited out some of it. I will give a brief synopsis for those of us who don't have the patience for this nonsensical prattle today. Following my summary is most of her blog post with my usual commentary in red.

Translation Summary from Fundonics to Normal English
1) As a teen, Fundie-Moo is placed on the birth control pill by her doctor as a treatment for menstrual irregularities

2)Five years later after she's married and trying for, "One of Our Own"™, she is briefly unable to conceive and is allegedly told it's because she's been on "the pill" for so long, which enrages her because she feigns innocence she has been taking the birth control pill for FIVE YEARS and claims she thought it was ",medicine", at least that's how she refers to it in retrospect.

3)She sluices 3 loaves, all considered "high risk" inpignesses, is told REPEATEDLY by her doctor to put the dick down and/or to have her hole sewn shut, which of course she refuses to do. Somewhere along the line due to the potential threat to her life to continue sluicing, the husband gets fixed.

4)With no explanation as to why, she bleats on awhile about how all her "bad" menstrual symptoms returned and for reasons not really explained, since she seems vehemently opposed to birth control pills by this point, she goes BACK on the pill.

5)Then, she starts having depression and mood swings, her behavior causes a rift in her marriage, she goes online and gossips a bit with a sister in law who shares her symptoms, and finds out it's the birth control pill's fault AND their marriage is in shambles because they aren't open to receiving children as gifts from God any longer.

6)She and her husband have a heart to heart, she stops taking the evil pill, she blabbers on and on for what seems like an eternity about the evilness of the birth control pills and all the babies she killed while on the pill, their marriage is eventually healed, and they live happily ever after.

sarcastic clapping

Woe is Fundie- Moo:Violin
Dark Secret #2 & 3 Revealed eating popcorn
With all the talk about the HHS Mandate and the "pill" lately, I've seen lots of Facebook posts, read lots of articles, and viewed lots of video testimonies that question the Catholic Church's stand against the "pill". I've really felt called to share my story, but hadn't because it's very personal. But a few months ago, I had a dream in which my entire story was written out for all the world to see. I actually saw it being typed out before my eyes. So, I prayed and then typed it out, but could never click the "Publish" button. Jeez, one of the typical, "I had a dream", no doubt inspired by God himself, Christian fundamentalist's claims.eye rolling smiley

This past Sunday, I entered our church parish to find a Natural Family Planning framed poster on the altar in front of the ambo. Immediately, I thought of this blog waiting to be shared. Then our pastor told us that it was Natural Family Planning week and that his homily would be on Humanae Vitae. He shared how the Church shepherds had failed for so long to teach the truth of this document and that he would be changing that. Then he shared a little of his personal testimony. It was at that point that I knew I had to finally click "Publish." I can ONLY imagine what astute sermons were preached in churches across America during Natural Famblee Planning week. Does anyone know what this, "Humanae Vitae" means? I plan on looking it up later.confused smiley

So, here is my story of how the pill almost ruined my life, my marriage, and more importantly my soul.
My story begins back in high school. I was the last one in my circle, probably my class, to officially enter into womanhood. It was great and not so great at the same time. Most of the time I just pretended that I had gotten "it", because I wanted to fit in. Once I finally did get "it", "it" was horrible! I had the worst time every month. I started getting headaches, the worst cramping you could possibly imagine, terrible backache, and irregularity that had me constantly worrying about when "it" would come again. I often missed days of school laying on a heating pad. Finally, my mom decided to take me to a "female" doctor who was actually a man. Ick! What kind of a weirdo lies about her periods to "fit in"? I also fail to see how the birth control pill could ruin her marriage, life, and even threaten to take her soul.:crz

After my examination, this doctor wanted to talk to me "alone" in his office. He gave me the option of two different "kinds" of medication. One was the "pill". He explained that this one would help my monthly issues the most and protect me from other "things." (Wink. Wink.) Well, I opted for the one that would relieve my symptoms the most. I left out of there and got my prescription filled ready to have a "normal" life. Little did I know, I wouldn't have a normal life again for many, many years. Judging by her personal commentary about herself, I am guessing she is in her 40's and since she says she was a late bloomer that would place her at around 15 when she started her period, which means it was circa 1985-90 when she was prescribed and/or taking the birth control pill. Um, EVERYONE, including religious fundamentalists, knew that the pill was a contraceptive at that time. I remember knowing what it was for when I was a very young teen in the 1970's. That she claims-implies it was a "medicine" she chose ONLY to best serve her medical needs and that she hadn't realized what it was or how it worked is AB-SURDLY amusing. waving hellolarious

Fast forward five or six years, I'm married and ready to begin my family. I get off of the "pill" and nothing. Month after month, no baby. A year goes by, no baby. Several months in a row, I went in to my doctor's office after having a positive pregnancy test only to have the blood work come back negative. I was completely devastated, but still did not fully understand what was happening. I was told that this is "normal" after being on the "pill" for so long. What? No one explained this to me EVER! If she "got off the pill" when she was "...ready to begin her family", and she didn't know what the pill was or anything about it, why did she even bother to stop taking it? She doesn't outright say it, but she implies she was totally ignorant about the pill, referring to it indirectly as "medicine", but it's obvious she knows exactly what it was and how it worked! I also wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she and the mister played bury the bone before they got married too, making FULL USE of that particular, "medicine". This type of hypocritical fundie bullshit is extremely annoying to me. Perhaps she was ignorant of the pill when she was a teen, but she HAD to have continued seeing a doctor to keep getting her "medicine".

Does she not EVER ask any questions of her doctor or pharmacist, or even bother looking it up online, about a prescription before she takes it? Does she not read the medical info, including side effects, etc...... provided in EACH prescription? If she took the pill for SIX YEARS, that means she ignored SEVENTY TWO pharmaceutical inserts on 72 separate occasions for her to have not known anything about what she was taking 3 weeks out of the month and every fucking day. No, I am NOT buying any of that nonsense.

After another year of no successful pregnancy, I decided to see another doctor, a specialist. This one informed me all about what prolonged use of the "pill" does to your body. He explained that the egg was being fertilized, but that it wasn't attaching to the uterus because my hormones were out of whack and weren't allowing implantation. I was so mad that no one had ever explained this to me before and so devastated that I had lost so many little blessings. But I still didn't realize the full reality of what had been happening---my own body had been aborting my babies. (Yes, the pill has an abortifacient effect.) Oh FFS! That entire paragraph is filled with one lie after the other from the part about how this "specialist" told her the eggs were getting fertilized and rejected by her baby oven because of the pill to the part about how she "...lost so many little blessings". SUCH bullshit it's up to her eyes. So, she doesn't get knocked up for two measly years and blames it on the pill she hasn't taken for that long. Obviously, she had menstrual problems LONG before she ever took the pill which could account for her brief period of infertility, but of course that never crosses her feeble mind. :headbrick

Fast forward again five years, we have three beautiful children and instructions from my new "Catholic" doctor NOT to have any more kids due to the three high risk pregnancies. This doctor had tried to convince me to have my tubes tied after baby number two, but really tried hard with baby number three. I continuously refused to allow that to happen. The doctor moved in on my husband making him fear that he could possibly lose his wife or the next baby if we were to conceive again. Again, being young and naive and thoroughly exhausted from all the issues we were having with our newborn daughter's health, we gave in, and my husband had the procedure done. I don't really consider sluicing three kids in 7 years of marriage as anything anywhere NEAR infertile, but that's just me. Now though, she's been through THREE "high risk" inpignesses, has been warned by doctors to STOP sluicing, her husband OBVIOUSLY doesn't want any more kids, but she blames that on the doctor coercing him into get a vasectomy via fear mongering, which I couldn't help but notice she calls it, "the procedure", much like she refers to birth control pills as "medicine". I also have to wonder what is wrong with Loaf#3? Who wants to bet it's a tard, was born with a hole in it's heart, half a head, or is a Spider Baby or Mermaid Girl? If she's, "thoroughly exhausted" with a sick infant and has been guaranteed a dead baby and/or death to herself, then WHY IN THE WORLD would she want to shit out ANOTHER loaf anyway? Do these stupid cunts think it's "okay" to leave behind three orphans in their quest for more kids?confused smiley

Once again the horrible periods came, the gut wrenching cramping, the horrendous back pain, and awful irregularity that I had as a teenager. This time I ended up in the hospital with a ruptured cyst on my ovary. Again, I was told the best thing for my problem was to go back on the birth control pill. But I was "so lucky" this time. They had come out with a pill that eliminated your cycle for months at a time! Medicine had advanced so much since I last took the "pill". They were much safer now." Once again, I, desperate and still somewhat naive, bought it hook, line, and sinker. I knew that I would never be able to conceive again anyway and the only "problem" it seemed to cause in the past was not being able to conceive. Wait. I thought she got off the pill during the 7 years she was bizzy shitting out loaves? If this part isn't a lie, then it means she was free of symptoms for over seven years and ONLY started having problems again after the husband got snipped OR she continued to take the pill as a contraceptive, not "medicine" UNTIL he got a vasectomy(which is my guess) and the rest of her story then is BULLSHIT.eye rolling smiley

It wasn't long before I started noticing some of the "unmentioned" side effects. My mood swings were swinging so quickly that I felt I was on a merry-go-around. My migraines began again and were worse than ever before. I was no longer attracted to my husband and wanted nothing to do with him---physically. Everyone and everything was against me, rubbed me the wrong way, and made me miserable. No one knew the horrible roller coaster I was on except my husband and kids. They began to tip toe ever so gently around me which made me more irritable and angry. Why is she just now getting these side effects from taking hormonal pills? I'd venture a guess this emotional merry-go-round, especially the part about how she doesn't want to fuck any more, has a LOT to do with she no longer needs him to create a baby AND she's pissed her glory days of attention, midnight pickle runs by her husband, baby showers and sprinkles, loaf related festivities, push presents, and casseroles are long gone. That's enough to depress and anger most any Moo.bouncing and laughing

I sunk into a deep depression and just wanted to hide out in my room all day and night. I remember laying in bed trying to figure out a way to end my life without really committing suicide---car accident was the only thing I could come up with. I even remember asking God to just have me go off a bridge or something. I really feared that I could one day get to the point of hurting myself or someone around me. I felt as if there was a different person living in my body and in my mind. I knew I needed to get out of this "funk", so I prayed and prayed for God to show me the way.
One night after a horribly emotional day, I called my sister-in-law, and we began to talk. As we talked, I shared how "out of control" I felt. As I talked, she kept saying, "Me too." She and I began to compare stories and realized that we had all the same "symptoms". Finally, we learned that we had both been put on this new "pill" for medical reasons about the same time. I got off the phone and began researching this new "pill". I found tons of chat rooms, forums, support groups, etc. all full of women talking about this same "out of control" feeling I was experiencing. I checked the pharmaceutical website next----NOTHING! That was the last day I took the "pill." What kind of an idiot takes pills with hormones in them and it NEVER occurs to them it's the one variable that could be causing these symptoms? It is also a lie that depression and mood swings aren't listed as possible side effects of birth control pills either as well as it's bullshit she never asked her doctor about any of this.:BS

I continued to research and read over the next few months. I continued to learn all about the "unmentioned" side effects of the "pill"---mood swings, headaches, hormonal shifts, depression, anger, blood clots, stroke, cancer, etc. I began to look back at my life. My migraines, depression, and extreme moodiness began in high school (first began taking the pill), worsened in college/first year of marriage (switched to a new improved pill), and came back after third child was born (began the new only have a period every few months pill). It all began to make sense and fit. God what a LIAR! I don't know anyone who hasn't heard birth control pills can cause ALL of the above, especially blood clots and strokes! It is said on every commercial I have ever heard, it's spelled out in the accompanying literature, and doctors generally ask about risk factors too before prescribing birth control pills for these very reasons.shrug

Then I began to look at our society and realized that this little "pill" was probably the cause of so many failed marriages, broken homes, abusive homes, and the absolute fall of family life in our society. The Catholic Church was right and had predicted this way back in 1960---contraception would be the downfall of family values and society. It would lead the way to so many other sinful acts---sexual promiscuity, abortion, adultery. I don't EVEN know how to respond to THIS horse shit. HOW do birth control pills cause sin, promiscuity, abortion(of ALL THINGS!), adultery, child and spousal abuse, and divorce???????TOTALLY LUDICROUS saying 'wtf'

Over the next few months, I slowly began to feel like myself again, but really didn't even know who I was. I had been on this roller coaster of a ride since high school. I had a lot of self-discovery to do. For most of my life, I was either on the "pill" or pregnant, so I had no idea what "normal" for me was. Neither did my husband. It took a year or two for us to figure it all out and fall in love with one another again, but things still weren't perfect. There was still something eating away at my soul and causing intimacy issues in our marriage. Yeah, after sluicing three kids after having been warned by her doctor not to shit the third who's probably a tard, Ravaged Cooter Syndrome™, Bi-Polar mood swings she blames on the pill, and her bitterness she can no longer sluice, her fairy tale fantasies have been shot to Hell in a hand basket, but let's blame the evil birth control pill :mrd

A few years later, I attended a continuing education class on Sexuality and Morality to be able to continue to teach religion at my school. It was in this class that I learned so much about my body, my hormones and pheromones, and about God's plan for sexual intimacy. During this time, I was also reading a lot about Theology of the Body. God's plan for human sexuality, marriage, and intimacy was the Truth I had been searching for. It was then that I realized what was still missing in our marriage---our openness to receive children. WHAT? They HAVE three kids! HOW is that not "open" to receive children?confused smiley

Even though we both had confessed this many, many times to many different priests and both knew we had been forgiven by God long ago, we still hadn't forgiven ourselves for making such a hasty and uninformed decision. It was hard for us to work through this no matter how hard we tried. Something always felt missing. Something always felt wrong. We had always planned on having a large family, and I continued to imagine the kids that should have been running around our home causing chaos with the others. This is such ridiculous nonsense because if God wanted her to sluice a barn full, then he wouldn't have made her have such a fucked up reproductive system. I get it though, NOW she's blaming her husband for getting his sac snipped.drinking coffee

I desperately wanted more children---the children God had intended for us to have. I began to make this my plea to God everyday numerous times a day. My husband and I began to discuss this more and more. We wanted to make up for the mistake that we had made. We wanted assurance that we had been forgiven. That's when God began to call us to be foster/adoptive parents. We once again are able welcome children into our home and family. This is one of those ways that God turns a bad decision into something positive. After ALL attempts at sluicing a bio-loaf have failed, out of guilt they take in strays. I am certain the poor kids they foster feel right at home and loved. :smn

Another positive that can come from all the misery is if just one of you reading our story makes a choice to stop using contraception. If we can help just one couple from making the mistakes we have made, then it was all worth it. I challenge each of you reading this to do your own research and to pray fervently for our Lord to lead you to make the right decisions for your marriage, but more importantly for your soul and the soul of your spouse. I wonder if God healed her health problems the soul sucking pill DID help?confused smiley

The only reason the "pill" did not destroy our marriage was because through it all we kept turning to God in our trials. We continued to attend Mass even when we didn't think we were worthy. We continued to beg for His help when things seemed hopeless. We continued to stand by our vows even when we didn't want to. I thank God everyday for my husband and the strength and courage God gave Him to stand by my side as Satan tried to destroy our family as he has so many others. I dunno, but somehow I don't think Satan had anything to do with her menstrual woes, her marriage troubles, her voluntarily having taken birth control pills, or the husband getting a vasectomy. Nope, that sounds like decisions they made, all on their own. If God hadn't cursed her health in the first place then none of this would have happened.eye rolling smiley

Here's a link to the KC article What They Didn't Tell You in Sex Ed by Alton J. Pelowski. This was the article that summed up about 16 years of my life. It helped both me and my husband better understand that awful time in our life even though we had left it behind many years ago. God, just HOW LONG did this stupid woman languish over her decision to take a fucking birth control pill for a few years? confused smiley

My last blog was about accepting God's challenge. This was not an easy challenge for me. It was one of the hardest things for me to publish. I pray that you accept the challenge---inform yourself and seek the truth. That is our biggest regret---we didn't inform ourselves. HOW is ANY of this a "challenge" from God?:satan

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Satan done stunk up mah Pheromones with the Hoor Pills!

Again, being young and naive and thoroughly exhausted from all the issues we were having with our newborn daughter's health, we gave in, and my husband had the procedure done.

I think it's pretty unbelievable when you try to play the "young and naive" card when you're at least 28 years old (15 years getting on the pill, took it for 6 years, married for 7). It seems to be her perpetual state (I think she means "clueless" not "naive"), given that she's still like that in the next paragraph. When will she grow up and start taking responsibility for her choices instead of claiming others coerced her? Oh, right, never: she's in a perpetual state of childhood in her twisted relationship with her daddy God.
Listening to fundy Catholics talk about birth control, sex, medicine, or science is like listening to a coondog bay all night long, night after night.

Idiots like this are the vuvuzela of political discourse. This woman is a MORON and her depictions of what doctors told her about the medications she was taking are outright fictions.

BTW, notice how fucked up you are about humanity in general when you are forced to say that a male gynecologist is "icky."

What a stupid cunt.
When I'm stressed, my period lands me with a trip to the emergency room with the intense pain and nonstop vomiting. The pill stops that and I would happily trade in my marriage not to go through that again. Plus, the clear skin and conscience free sex it allows me to have are well worth it.

It just seems to me like these women are blaming every problem on the pill because they were brainwashed into believing it's "evil". Then they tell their friends and suddenly their friend has the same problem and are totally not a fucking hypochondriac because they were also brainwashed.
I grew up in a very small town in a conservative area of the US. I was talking to my husband tonight (who is 11 years older than me) about how all but one family had only 2 at most 3 kids (and they were usually twins), spaced at times that worked for the family and then life went on. There was no mooing or lowing about birth control. Everyone did it even if nobody talked about it. Fertility treatments, twat snot and TTC were all things that were not shared. My parents used the ebil "pill" until they were ready to spawn because jobs/money/housing were adequate for the resultant spawnage (me). Used teh ebil birth control again to prevent pregnancy until finances and job situations allowed for spawning the sibling. My sibling and I were both planned around optimal breaks in the school calendar that required taking minimal time from work. During the agonizing labor process with my sibling my mom recalls my father's motivations statement was "You never have to do this again, you never have to this again" and the next week when she was back on her feet, he got the snip. Sorry for the long ramble but I just don't get where all these contraceptive idiots are coming from. I have many Catholic friends who all use contraception.. Geez, I am grateful for my parents who don't think the worst thing in the world is having no kids. They think the worst thing in the world is making kids you can't care for or having "oopsies" and taking no responsibility as the "pregnancy just happens" bullshit. My mom told me when I was an adult that if I wasn't using some form of birth control then I was trying to get pregnant. If I didn't want to be pregnant, I should be using BC. Soooooo glad I got my parents and not this weirdo fundy mom. And my parents just celebrated their 43 anniversary. So much for the Fundy Theory of Birth Control Divorce.

Again, being young and naive and thoroughly exhausted from all the issues we were having with our newborn daughter's health, we gave in, and my husband had the procedure done.

I think it's pretty unbelievable when you try to play the "young and naive" card when you're at least 28 years old (15 years getting on the pill, took it for 6 years, married for 7). It seems to be her perpetual state (I think she means "clueless" not "naive"), given that she's still like that in the next paragraph. When will she grow up and start taking responsibility for her choices instead of claiming others coerced her? Oh, right, never: she's in a perpetual state of childhood in her twisted relationship with her daddy God.

I think you may be on to something, Yurble. This woman has the mentality of a seven-year-old. Nothing’s ever her fault. Those big meanie head doctors made her take teh ebil pillz. Teh ebil pillz made her all moody and stuffs, even though as KK stated above, she was probably miserable because all that pignancy attention, loaf showers and udder rubs were gone bye bye, and those cute wittle baybeeees grew into shrieking, house destroying toadlers, who eventually grew into independent, mouthy teens. I bet you anything this good Catholic moo only fosters loaves and toadlers, and when they reach a certain age she gives them right back to Social Services. Because once they stop needing to depend on her constantly and giving her the attention she so desperately needs, they’re no longer of use to her.
I also think that everything she wrote in that long-winded post didn’t happen the way she said it did. I’m sure her husband was all too happy to get fixed. In fact, I’m going to take it a step further and say he’s got himself a mistress on the side.

This here only perpetuates the blaming of all problems on the pill.
Idiots like this are the vuvuzela of political discourse.

I am going to steal this line for future use! thumbs upwink
The more I think of it, the more I think she's dim. I tried the pill and I didn't like the effects. It made me lose interest in sex, which I suppose does prevent pregnancy, but not in the way I was hoping for. It had some other effects of a personal nature which I didn't care for. So how long did I put up with this? About one year, and only because I was enjoying having less intense cramps.

I can believe that she had some physical reaction to the pill, but how could she know her own body so little that she couldn't recognize that? She did have two years when she was "trying" where she experienced her normal cycle, so she knew what it was like even if she first got on it too young to know what to expect.

The psychological problems are all specific to her, and scream of regret and shifting the blame.
Oh, good lord what a whiner! It sounds like she has had a defective loaf-maker from the start, but she's attempting to blame ebil science-y doctors for introducing Satan to her cooter.

Different BC pills work differently from each other. If you don't like the pill you're on, go back to the doctor and get try a different Rx. But this bimbo didn't know that because it sounds like she works terribly hard to not know anything about anything. She probably gets off on being a constant victim.

Also note how ms. fundy blames her marriage problems on her mood swings. While I have no doubt she was/is completely insufferable to live with, this just underscores how fundies expect women to be constant and happy servants to their men. My husband knows that there are mood swings when PMS comes around. He deals with it. While I'm sure it's not fun for him to live with, it's not fun for me either, and it's certainly nothing I choose to bring upon him or myself. Sometimes living with a woman means putting up with women hormones. Sometimes living with a man means dealing with man hormones, too. I'm not going to divorce my husband because he's not happy and accommodating all the time. And if he suddenly became a constant bitch to be around I'd suggest he go to a doctor, not resent him for being ill or having his hormones out of whack.
If God intended for her to have more than two, wouldn't he give her twins/multiples both pregnancies? eye rolling smiley
Oh, good lord what a whiner! It sounds like she has had a defective loaf-maker from the start, but she's attempting to blame ebil science-y doctors for introducing Satan to her cooter.

Different BC pills work differently from each other. If you don't like the pill you're on, go back to the doctor and get try a different Rx. But this bimbo didn't know that because it sounds like she works terribly hard to not know anything about anything. She probably gets off on being a constant victim.

Also note how ms. fundy blames her marriage problems on her mood swings. While I have no doubt she was/is completely insufferable to live with, this just underscores how fundies expect women to be constant and happy servants to their men. My husband knows that there are mood swings when PMS comes around. He deals with it. While I'm sure it's not fun for him to live with, it's not fun for me either, and it's certainly nothing I choose to bring upon him or myself. Sometimes living with a woman means putting up with women hormones. Sometimes living with a man means dealing with man hormones, too. I'm not going to divorce my husband because he's not happy and accommodating all the time. And if he suddenly became a constant bitch to be around I'd suggest he go to a doctor, not resent him for being ill or having his hormones out of whack.

I agree on everything. The part I have undescored the most, of course.

And the "introducing Satan to her cooter just made me laugh xD


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Okie Dokie then. Like I mentioned in my commentary above, I looked up this, "Humanae Vitae" speech Fundie-Freida spoke of and learned it is Latin for, "Of Human Life" and was the title of a religious text( papal letter) written by Pope Paul VI and issued on 25 July 1968. It's subtitle was, "On the Regulation of Birth". It basically upholds the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church regarding married love, responsible parenthood, and the continued rejection of most forms of birth control. It says a lot of shit, of course, but below is what it says specifically which applies to our Fundie Friend and her cooter woes:

From the Pope's Papal Piehole
"...Every action specifically intended to prevent procreation is forbidden, except in medically necessary circumstances. Therapeutic means necessary to cure diseases are exempted, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should result, but only if infertility is not directly intended. This includes both chemical and barrier methods of contraception. All these are held to directly contradict the "moral order which was established by God". Abortion, even for therapeutic reasons, is absolutely forbidden, as is sterilization, even if temporary. Therapeutic means which induce infertility are allowed (e.g., hysterectomy), if they are not specifically intended to cause infertility (e.g., the uterus is cancerous, so the preservation of life is intended). Natural family planning methods (abstaining from intercourse during certain parts of the menstrual cycle) are allowed, since they take advantage of "a faculty provided by nature...."shrug

SO, her having taken birth control pills to cure her menstrual "diseases", directly and indirectly, and her husband getting snipped to avoid inpigness that may result in her death, and so is medically necessary for the preservation of life , are "okay" and "approved" by the pope himself who wrote the speech on it!!! Therefore, unless she's lying about her reason for having taken the birth control pills and/or about the true reason her husband got fixed, then WHAT is her problem? Do these people not even READ what it is they "believe" in and practice as a way of life? I'd suspect not since I have rarely met any church going Christians who possess even the slightest knowledge of The Holy Bible, let alone any of their own church-denomination doctrines!shrug

This shit right here is one of the primary reasons I detest fundamentalists because they don't even know what it is they "believe in", don't appear to have even glanced over documents they uphold as sacred, yet continue on blabbering non-stop about it like this stupid woman.The vast ignorance, lack of basic common sense, unfounded sanctimonious attitudes, pious demeanor, and pure idiocy of religious fundamentalists is mind boggling to me and frustrating.


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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Okie Dokie then. Like I mentioned in my commentary above, I looked up this, "Humanae Vitae" speech Fundie-Freida spoke of and learned it is Latin for, "Of Human Life" and was the title of a religious text( papal letter) written by Pope Paul VI and issued on 25 July 1968. It's subtitle was, "On the Regulation of Birth". It basically upholds the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church regarding married love, responsible parenthood, and the continued rejection of most forms of birth control. It says a lot of shit, of course, but below is what it says specifically which applies to our Fundie Friend and her cooter woes:

From the Pope's Papal Piehole
"...Every action specifically intended to prevent procreation is forbidden, except in medically necessary circumstances. Therapeutic means necessary to cure diseases are exempted, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should result, but only if infertility is not directly intended. This includes both chemical and barrier methods of contraception. All these are held to directly contradict the "moral order which was established by God". Abortion, even for therapeutic reasons, is absolutely forbidden, as is sterilization, even if temporary. Therapeutic means which induce infertility are allowed (e.g., hysterectomy), if they are not specifically intended to cause infertility (e.g., the uterus is cancerous, so the preservation of life is intended). Natural family planning methods (abstaining from intercourse during certain parts of the menstrual cycle) are allowed, since they take advantage of "a faculty provided by nature...."shrug

SO, her having taken birth control pills to cure her menstrual "diseases", directly and indirectly, and her husband getting snipped to avoid inpigness that may result in her death, and so is medically necessary for the preservation of life , are "okay" and "approved" by the pope himself who wrote the speech on it!!! Therefore, unless she's lying about her reason for having taken the birth control pills and/or about the true reason her husband got fixed, then WHAT is her problem? Do these people not even READ what it is they "believe" in and practice as a way of life? I'd suspect not since I have rarely met any church going Christians who possess even the slightest knowledge of The Holy Bible, let alone any of their own church-denomination doctrines!shrug

This shit right here is one of the primary reasons I detest fundamentalists because they don't even know what it is they "believe in", don't appear to have even glanced over documents they uphold as sacred, yet continue on blabbering non-stop about it like this stupid woman.The vast ignorance, lack of basic common sense, unfounded sanctimonious attitudes, pious demeanor, and pure idiocy of religious fundamentalists is mind boggling to me and frustrating.


I read it as her pills were fine but the vasectomy wasn't, so I wonder why she's saving her wrath for the pills. The pills were clearly "therapeutic means necessary to cure diseases" whereas sterilization seems to be forbidden even for therapeutic reasons relating to fertility (but not for therapeutic reasons unrelated to fertility). At any rate, her husband wasn't the one who was sick.
Okie Dokie then. Like I mentioned in my commentary above, I looked up this, "Humanae Vitae" speech Fundie-Freida spoke of and learned it is Latin for, "Of Human Life" and was the title of a religious text( papal letter) written by Pope Paul VI and issued on 25 July 1968. It's subtitle was, "On the Regulation of Birth". It basically upholds the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church regarding married love, responsible parenthood, and the continued rejection of most forms of birth control. It says a lot of shit, of course, but below is what it says specifically which applies to our Fundie Friend and her cooter woes:

From the Pope's Papal Piehole
"...Every action specifically intended to prevent procreation is forbidden, except in medically necessary circumstances. Therapeutic means necessary to cure diseases are exempted, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should result, but only if infertility is not directly intended. This includes both chemical and barrier methods of contraception. All these are held to directly contradict the "moral order which was established by God". Abortion, even for therapeutic reasons, is absolutely forbidden, as is sterilization, even if temporary. Therapeutic means which induce infertility are allowed (e.g., hysterectomy), if they are not specifically intended to cause infertility (e.g., the uterus is cancerous, so the preservation of life is intended). Natural family planning methods (abstaining from intercourse during certain parts of the menstrual cycle) are allowed, since they take advantage of "a faculty provided by nature...."shrug

SO, her having taken birth control pills to cure her menstrual "diseases", directly and indirectly, and her husband getting snipped to avoid inpigness that may result in her death, and so is medically necessary for the preservation of life , are "okay" and "approved" by the pope himself who wrote the speech on it!!! Therefore, unless she's lying about her reason for having taken the birth control pills and/or about the true reason her husband got fixed, then WHAT is her problem? Do these people not even READ what it is they "believe" in and practice as a way of life? I'd suspect not since I have rarely met any church going Christians who possess even the slightest knowledge of The Holy Bible, let alone any of their own church-denomination doctrines!shrug

This shit right here is one of the primary reasons I detest fundamentalists because they don't even know what it is they "believe in", don't appear to have even glanced over documents they uphold as sacred, yet continue on blabbering non-stop about it like this stupid woman.The vast ignorance, lack of basic common sense, unfounded sanctimonious attitudes, pious demeanor, and pure idiocy of religious fundamentalists is mind boggling to me and frustrating.


I read it as her pills were fine but the vasectomy wasn't, so I wonder why she's saving her wrath for the pills. The pills were clearly "therapeutic means necessary to cure diseases" whereas sterilization seems to be forbidden even for therapeutic reasons relating to fertility (but not for therapeutic reasons unrelated to fertility). At any rate, her husband wasn't the one who was sick.

My take on it was that since the pill was an abortifacient it wasn't acceptable either. It seems like she believes had she had a hysterectomy or tubal ligation to cure her "disease" it might have been okay. It seems it may have even okay if they used condoms or cootie creams or gels since "barrier" and "chemical" methods are mentioned as approved IF the method is for the purpose to "preserve life" and not directly used to prevent births. Indirectly his vasectomy was for the purpose to prevent her inpigness related death and not to prevent kids, so I don't know why that isn't "covered" under the plan. Then again, there isn't much I DO understand about any of this nonsense.confused smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
I don't get all this mooing and lowing over the pill or the vasectomy. I know fairly observant Catholics who got some sort of special dispensation from their priest to use birth control pills to treat a variety of "female problems," the husband getting snipped because it was dangerous for the wife to get pregnant due to a chronic health problem, the husband getting snipped because he and the wife were approaching an age where there was a chance they could have a tard and various tubals done after the birth of the second or third C-section child because doctors "recommended" the moo not have any more. Apparently, you can go to your priest and they can basically approve any sort of birth control if for medical reasons. I think involving a clergy member in something as personal as BC is silly but apparently there are ways around the Famblee Planning Only ban.
Roman Catholics, no matter how intensely they believe and practice their religion, are not "fundamentalists." In the Christian world, "fundamentalist" refers to a certain flavor of Protestantism that regards the Bible as inerrant. I know it's convenient shorthand to refer to all True Believers as "fundamentalists," but it's not accurate. The writer - a particularly annoying RCTB (Roman Catholic True Believer) - is a *Catholic*, not a fundamentalist.
Something that always confused the hell out of me when it comes to contraceptives: I've heard people drone on and on about how it's "a sin because you're denying God's will", and yadda yadda yadda...

Here's where my issue is: as a Christian, I believe that people need to be responsible and able to prepare for problems, while being willing to accept help if the problem gets to be too much. A lot of that believe comes from the passage "Live as if he will return tomorrow, but prepare as if he will not return for a thousand years" (paraphrased, of course). To me, that means that we need to take personal responsibility and not be reliant on the aid of others, but willing to offer what aid we reasonably can when someone has a sudden emergency. Now, to me, having children that you cannot afford is the real sin when it comes to contraceptives, because you are not preparing adequately to care for your home. People can try to make a case regarding God's will for babies and all, but I feel like God would be more upset at you knowingly causing your children to starve because you had too many to care for, than he would at you wrapping up your junk before going cave diving.

...Just a thought.
Roman Catholics, no matter how intensely they believe and practice their religion, are not "fundamentalists." In the Christian world, "fundamentalist" refers to a certain flavor of Protestantism that regards the Bible as inerrant. I know it's convenient shorthand to refer to all True Believers as "fundamentalists," but it's not accurate. The writer - a particularly annoying RCTB (Roman Catholic True Believer) - is a *Catholic*, not a fundamentalist.

To me, "fundie" isn't shorthand for "true believers". If I was referring to all followers of Christianity as "fundies" then I wouldn't bother using a different word to describe the ones I am talking about when I post about those I think are religious nutcases. Instead, I'd just use a derogatory word that was prejudicial towards an entire religion like "Jesus Freak" or something equally rude. There are fundamentalists in every religion, with Christianity being only one, and MY interpretation of a "fundie", although it's probably not the only definition, is this:

KidlessKim's Definition of "Fundie" as it Pertains to Religious Nut Cases
Someone who is affiliated with, believes in, or practices any religion's "fundamental" teachings with staunch, and often pious, literal interpretations of specific passages in their religious literature. In the case of Christians(depending on their denomination) this material would include The Holy Bible, ancient scrolls, texts, and others created by those thought to be "inspired" by God, presumed prophets, and even modern interpretations by religious leaders such as the Pope's Encyclical Letter in 1968 in the case of this topic. To the purposeful exclusion of other verses, chapters, texts, and alternate interpretations within their own chosen religious material, they blindly hone in on and obsessively profess that particular passage or even one sentence is to be taken literally and without question.

Chosen Scripture Fits the Fundie Chosen Lifestyles, Without Fail
"Fundies", within my definition, don't generally do this occasionally and with only one specific verse or chapter from their religious beliefs such as a firm belief in, "Thou Shall Not Kill", for example, rather it's an ongoing, cherry picked, and numerous sets of scripture they consistently quote and preach for which they also use as a measuring stick to judge others. Examples include, but certainly aren't limited to, the ones that include "...go forth and multiply", man can't "lie with man" like he does with woman, and God "knowing..." babies while they are in the womb, and women should "submit" to husbands, among many many others. One tell tale symptom of a "fundie" is the cherry picked scripture they tend to rely on for their belief systems generally falls conveniently into the lifestyles they have chosen for themselves, excluding and condemning anyone else's beliefs, culture, religion, and/or lifestyle choices.shrug

Fundies VS Religious-Spiritual People
Therefore, "fundie" generally describes ignorant, backward, nut cases who have chosen religion as their conduit to self righteousness and as their weapon to be judgmental of all others they don't consider, "true believers". There are "fundies" within ALL religions, but I am generally referring to Islamic and Christian religions when I speak of it and use the term because those are the ones of which I am most personally affected and familiar. I was raised in a Christian fundie church, so that's the fundie-faith which I am VERY familiar. While most people involved in most religions feel they are "true believers", I'd also like to point out that most people who don't affiliate with a deity based religion can't comprehend the concept of what it means to be a "true believer" because what does that even mean in the context of religion?confused smiley

I am a "true believer" that ALL followers of faith based religions believe they are right and everyone else is wrong with the major difference being that some are more open to various interpretations of religious doctrine, tolerant of the beliefs of others which differ from theirs, and are by and large well educated. My own mother, a very good person and sincere in her religious beliefs, faith, and without a doubt a "true believer" in The Holy Trinity, would fit into this description and was NOT a "fundie". angel with halo

You Can Be a "Good Person" Without Religion and Avoid Hell
That some religious people truly try to follow the path of what their prophets and Gods have outlined as a good and healthy way to live, are tolerant of other peoples, religions, and cultures, and don't "preach" and try and convert everyone who believes differently is refreshing. However, many NON religious people follow those same paths and ways of life, not because of a religion or "faith", but because it's just the most logical, fair, and healthy way to live among others peacefully in a society. That the promise of an eternal afterlife, which can't be disproved OR proven, is generally a strong selling point of most every religion makes me suspicious of it. This is especially true of the religions who claim people who don't believe the way they do will be punished and cast into an inferno after they die.confused smiley

Believe-or Burn in Hell Forever
It is a common belief in every Christian religion which I am aware that if someone does NOT, "accept Jesus as his personal Lord and saviour", then he will PERISH after he dies and spend eternity in somewhere less than Heaven, regardless of his great kindnesses, acts of love and peace, and lofty contributions he has made to mankind throughout his life. On the other hand, a killer of hundreds can convert to Christianity right before he's fried in the electric chair, have his sins washed away through Christ, and STILL get a pass through the Pearly Gates. Assuming there IS one God, why would anyone believe in, and "worship" him for God's sake, if he would condemn billions of souls to a horrific and ongoing torture in a fiery inferno for the sole transgression of not "believing" in his son, yet let a killer pass right on through to Heaven? According to many Christians, if not most, one MUST believe in Jesus, or else he will suffer FOREVER.

Believing in God isn't enough, rather we MUST believe in his human form he sent down to Earth in the shape of his son AND in his spirit that ascended back into Heaven after his execution too. To me, none of that makes any sense, NOR is it just or fair, that an all powerful and omnipotent supreme being interested in love and peace, and the ability to MAKE everyone understand and believe it within his power, would allow "non believers" to suffer for all of eternity. No, that sounds more like a man-made threat to me.:smn

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting.

Where Are All the People?
While all people who believe this verse aren't fundies, ALL Christian fundies believe this whole heartedly, which means they think ALL OTHERS will perish and THEY will continue to thrive after death due SOLELY to their belief Jesus is the son of God. I might add that little explanation is given to the where abouts of the souls of the BILLIONS of people who died BEFORE Jesus made his appearance a little over 2000 years ago. Even if the fundie belief the Earth was only created 6000 years ago is to be believed(:headbrick) WHERE are all the souls from the 4000 years prior to Jesus' birth? Anyway, I hope this clears that matter up regarding my use of "fundie".smiling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
All organized "religions" and "scriptures" are stories, nothing more. As much as leaders in those areas try to homogenize the world of the afterlife, no two people have the same. Same as no two people have the same life. Even those who have died and come back experience sensations that correspond with their personal beliefs. Each person should live their lives that informs their own beliefs. If they want to incorporate established orders, fine. I only ask 4 things: 1. Believe in most of the tenets, 2. Practice what you "preach", 3. don't hurt anyone or anything in the process, and 4. Don't force your beliefs on others.
Her own body was fucked up before the Ebil Pill. I bet she doctor shopped until she found one to back up her fundie nutjob thoughts.

And yes, the attention train derailed with no moar baybeez. That is the real issue.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
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