Anonymous User
#1974 -Xtian Hypocrisy
November 13, 2006
Ya know, this reminds me of something I've often thought about. What do you think would happen if one of Duhbya's party girl daughters got knocked up out of wedlock? I would guess that if the baby's father was *suitable*, there'd be a shotgun wedding. But what if...gasp...little Barbara or Jenna were to do the nasty with a black man, or anyone else who might be considered an *embarassment* to the family, and got knocked up?

I would bet the rent that they'd be flown out of the country for a super-secret fact, it would not surprise me if this has already happened, and they somehow managed to keep it a secret all this time.

As for Ted Haggard and all of the other fundies who got caught...HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Re: #1974 -Xtian Hypocrisy
November 13, 2006
I had read somewhere that certian fundies were blaming the wife for Haggard's transgressions because she had "let herself go". Now, I have no idea what she looks like, but considering she's the wife of the (ex) leader of the US's largest evangeical church, I highly doubt she's become a toothless, stained sweat pants wearing hag. And even if she did, I highly doubt that would be enough to drive a supposedly "normal heterosexual minister of GAWD" to snorting meth and taking it up the ass, unless he already kinda swung that way. Generally, folks just don't change their sexual, and drug use, preferences like that.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: #1974 -Xtian Hypocrisy
November 13, 2006
I highly doubt she's become a
> toothless, stained sweat pants wearing hag. And
> even if she did, I highly doubt that would be
> enough to drive a supposedly "normal heterosexual
> minister of GAWD" to snorting meth and taking it
> up the ass, unless he already kinda swung that
> way. Generally, folks just don't change their
> sexual, and drug use, preferences like that.

You said it. People don't just change their sexual orientation because they have a bad experience with one person. If that were the case, the world would have about sixteen heterosexuals in it!!

And this dude's behavior just provides more proof that sometimes the most rabid homophobia is developed as a defense mechanism against examining one's own sexual thoughts. To paraphrase a famous quote "He doth protest too much."
Anonymous User
Re: #1974 -Xtian Hypocrisy
November 13, 2006
I hate to say it but it is always considered the wife's fault every single time a man strays. In some instances, the woman has to admit that she is also to blame if she has refused her husband sex for no reason other than that he does not need and should get over that desire for intimacy. Oh yeah...*sigh*...I have known a few women who felt they could snap those legs shut but the husband better never ever even look at another woman much less touch one.

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with a wife's looks. I saw the lady in a news photo. She was not a bad looking lady despite having five kids. Sure, Mrs. Haggard was on the heavy side...but c'mon...that is to be expected after FIVE pregnancies. I am sure people will have a field day calling her a true Mrs. Haggard. I do feel sorry for her due to the lie her Bible-thumping husband has lived and how she has given up her own life & desires to be a faithful minister's wife.
Re: #1974 -Xtian Hypocrisy
November 13, 2006
THere are many secrets becomming out in the open about this sorta thing. Not just pastors or christian ministers, but even the repubican party as well. I wouldn't doubt that either Bush's daughters have had abortions. I'm sure they have already had more than one.

lab mom
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