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Anti-Vax Catch-All

Posted by MerlynHerne 
Anti-Vax Catch-All
February 02, 2015
Here's Chris Christie pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers. And this idiot wants to run for President?! What fucking moron!

Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 02, 2015
He is actually the most dangerous kind of politician--the one who will say ANYTHING to get elected.

Others like Rand Paul or Hillary Clinton--agree or disagree with them--will take tough positions on issues, ones that may be seen as unpopular. But CC is all about pandering to whomever his audience is.

Great article on CC, by James Howard Kunstler
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 02, 2015
Thanks for the link. I have long considered him a crass opportunist. This crap with the anti-vaxxers confirms it.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 02, 2015
Unless you are from NJ, you cannot truly understand Governor Crispy Creme.

We've had to put up with this asshole for 2 terms now. He has done nothing good for the state of NJ. The only people he identifies with are wealthy, childed people. Everybody else can go suck donkey balls, especially union workers. I can't wait for him to run for POTUS, because he's such a loud, uncouth, crass, twisted, two-faced individual. He makes NJ look bad. No, we're not all like him.

He'll get his comeuppance in the primaries :yeah
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 02, 2015
Trust me, I know this jerk is in no way representative of NJ. My wife and I have a couple of friends there and we were actually considering moving there for a time...we may still do so. It depends on whether or not she can get a job in SF. That's home to me and I miss it.

My condolences to all the good people in NJ for having to suffer with that jerk.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 04, 2015
Unless you are from NJ, you cannot truly understand Governor Crispy Creme.

We've had to put up with this asshole for 2 terms now. He has done nothing good for the state of NJ. The only people he identifies with are wealthy, childed people. Everybody else can go suck donkey balls, especially union workers. I can't wait for him to run for POTUS, because he's such a loud, uncouth, crass, twisted, two-faced individual. He makes NJ look bad. No, we're not all like him.

He'll get his comeuppance in the primaries :yeah

He strikes me as a big, fat idiot who is cheered on by other fat idiots.

And I blame the media for guys like him rising to power. When politicians pander to masses of fat idiots by shouting things that are, scientifically speaking, completely erroneous, the media should be calling them out for being the idiots that they are.

Instead the topic is debated on cable news between a legitimate doctor and an 8th-grade-educated SAHM who thinks that vaccines are the work of the boogieman. This topic is not worthy of debate.

As a result of entertaining this nonsense we are positively crippled as nation, and politically we can't get anything done in this country, because we're CONSTANTLY debating non-issues, on topics that intellectual circles have settled decades ago.

"When we return on Worthless Cable News, Governor Christie says 1 + 1 = 3, and the homeschooling moms who believe he's correct..." smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 05, 2015
Here's Chris Christie pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers. And this idiot wants to run for President?! What fucking moron!


If there is a God this will fart in his face!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 05, 2015
Am I the only one excited for the million people die-off? The world is literally getting saved by the dumbasses who caused the problem! I know I'm evil and calculating sometimes, but shit, this may be what saves the race!
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 05, 2015
People just don't remember all the problems we had before vaccination. Children and adults getting horrible diseases and ending up with lifelong disabilities or dying, it was pretty bad. These anti-vaxxers weren't around when all of this was going on so they don't see the consequences of what they are doing. Just a case of those who don't learn from history being condemned to repeat it.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 05, 2015
They need to make vaccination mandatory. If the breeders can't pay, work something out so the brats can have their shots. If it's this conscience bullshit, take the brats away and jail the parunts. Meanwhile vaccinate the brats and find suitable homes for them. This shit really has gone on long enough,.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 05, 2015
Bet we'll see more and more politicians "taking sides" in this debate purely for political reasons. They may not even be anti-vax themselves but will gladly spew the propaganda for votes.

That's somehow even more offensive than people who actually believe vaccines are poison.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 09, 2015
Rand Paul didn't take "a tough stand." He said the same thing as Christie. I vaccinated my kids but nobody should have to. Trust me. I want Rand to run. He can't run for both Senate and President by law in Kentucky, so he will be out of politics all together along with socially conservative faux libertarian bullshit. He is kissing so many asses his lips are chapped.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 09, 2015
Governor Crispy Creme is toast:


Yeah, yeah, it's a NJ site, but other people I've talked to who don't live in NJ have a bad opinion of him, too. Chris Christie makes Tony Soprano look classy.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 09, 2015
Oh, I spend summers at our place on the Jersey Shore. I can't wait until he is out of office and all his minions start spilling the beans. I also grew up in Kentucky and the lauded Rand Paul may not, by law, appear on any ballot twice, including a primary. Win-win.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 09, 2015
They won't spill the beans on Sir Crispy Creme. He'll pay them all off with political appointments, cushy Port Authority jobs, or other such bennies. Nothing changes in NJ when it comes to self-aggrandizing creeps like Christie.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 09, 2015
Chris Christie makes Tony Soprano look classy.

Yeah that's about it about Christie. Sad, but true.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 10, 2015
People just don't remember all the problems we had before vaccination. Children and adults getting horrible diseases and ending up with lifelong disabilities or dying, it was pretty bad. These anti-vaxxers weren't around when all of this was going on so they don't see the consequences of what they are doing. Just a case of those who don't learn from history being condemned to repeat it.

Ever hear of someone or worse, someone's CHILD, suffering from the effects of polio? No? Exactly. Thank you... I want to say Dr. Salk, but im lazy to do a quick wiki, you fine people KWIM.
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 10, 2015
Governor Crispy Crème? waving hellolarious

Someone needs to roll him and his multiple chins back into the ocean.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Chris Christie Pandering to the Anti-Vaxxers
February 10, 2015
Governor Crispy Crème? waving hellolarious

Someone needs to roll him and his multiple chins back into the ocean.

waving hellolariouswaving hellolariouswaving hellolarious You got THAT right!
Melanie's Mahvelous Measles
February 10, 2015
I'm hearing the title spoken in my head in that Billy Crystal voice smile rolling left righteyes2

The "reviews" of the book are acidic and awesome. I thought it was the author of the article, making them up, but went to Amazon and saw that they are actually taken from that site.
Re: Melanie's Mahvelous Measles
February 10, 2015
The title is a play off on Roald Dahl's book, George's Marvelous Medicine: http://www.amazon.com/Georges-Marvelous-Medicine-Roald-Dahl/dp/0142410357

Especially insulting when you remember that Dahl's daughter died from Measles, and wrote a plea to other parents to vaccinate their kids :http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/roalddahl.asp
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