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"underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.

Posted by randomcfchick 
"underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 05, 2015
I usually stay at least five miles away from mommy sites, but I just had to peek at Scary Mommy today. Holy SHIT. The amount of bitterness and venom pieces is matched only by the maudlin it's-so-amazing-yet-I'm-a-mess pieces.

The writer tries to pass this off as "I underestimated"...but the poor planning and lack of backbone show through in so many places.

It comes down to getting married pretty early, not using birth control/not aborting after BC failure, and then for some reason being stunned by the results. The regret shines through the cracks.

Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 05, 2015
Once again, the most mundane bullshit is touted as revolutionary by moomy blah-gers. Ugh, Snotly threw up on something! Ugh, I thought I was tired in college! And I haven't showered in three weeks!!! sarcastic clapping

Well, whooptie fucking do. Not one thing in that article is new or noteworthy. Yes, we know kids make messes, won't sleep through the fucking night, are undisciplined apes and will ruin your mani-pedi regime. That's why a lot of us aren't fucking having any.

My last pedicure is starting to chip - I'll be thinking of this poor little moron as I'm having my calves wrapped in hot towels and my feet scrubbed and massaged and shed a little fucking tear (not).
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 05, 2015
It is so easy to figure out why they 'underestimated' how 'haaaard' being a dum-moo is. They don't believe the evidence of their own eyes when they observe other dum-moo's. They believe the breeding bingoes. They still believe in fairy tales and they will do so much better than all the other dum-moos', they will have the perfect child and show the other dum-moos. We have covered all the bases here, reality hits them all square between the eyes.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 06, 2015
Memories of sacrifices their parents made to raise them were always there to warn them when they considered becoming moms! smug
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 06, 2015
Bed made lie. Seriously, anyone with eyes can see the true effect of childbearing/rearing. Just because someone SAYS they're happy, doesn't mean they ARE. It's called LYING.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 06, 2015
Let's see them pull 6 months worth of back to back +16 hour shifts during a plant maintenance outage. Until you have fallen asleep face down in a pizza at lunch time, you don't know 'tired'...
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 06, 2015
Let's see them pull 6 months worth of back to back +16 hour shifts during a plant maintenance outage. Until you have fallen asleep face down in a pizza at lunch time, you don't know 'tired'...

Cmon guys, its sooooo exhausting playing farm ville and moo my blogging
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 06, 2015
Let's see them pull 6 months worth of back to back +16 hour shifts during a plant maintenance outage. Until you have fallen asleep face down in a pizza at lunch time, you don't know 'tired'...

Cmon guys, its sooooo exhausting playing farm ville and moo my blogging

Haha, that's so true. If you skim through the confessions, you'll see how many of these cows don't even cook or do housework. They just let their kyds run feral through the house while they play with their phones all day.

Not only that, but they're gross. They piss on their wallet's toothbrushes when they're mad at them.

Don't expect sympathy from me, moos. You made the choice, now fucking live with it.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 07, 2015
Let's see them pull 6 months worth of back to back +16 hour shifts during a plant maintenance outage. Until you have fallen asleep face down in a pizza at lunch time, you don't know 'tired'...

Cmon guys, its sooooo exhausting playing farm ville and moo my blogging

Haha, that's so true. If you skim through the confessions, you'll see how many of these cows don't even cook or do housework. They just let their kyds run feral through the house while they play with their phones all day.

Not only that, but they're gross. They piss on their wallet's toothbrushes when they're mad at them.

Don't expect sympathy from me, moos. You made the choice, now fucking live with it.

You're speaking metaphorically, yes?



"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 07, 2015
Unless these idiots live under a rock, this is all common knowledge.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 07, 2015
Not only that, but they're gross. They piss on their wallet's toothbrushes when they're mad at them.

You wouldn't understand. You're not a mahhmmmm.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 07, 2015
At age 9 I figured out that motherhood was a soul-sucking and boring task that offers no escape. Oh, and that was without the internet.

Take some responsibility, Moos. There are clues all around; you just didn't want to believe it and you thought you would be different.

Bed. Made. Lie.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 08, 2015

What “tired” really means. Have you ever known exhaustion like the first two years of your kid’s life? And then add a kid, or two. I don’t even know if I’d call it exhaustion anymore. I mean, I’m f*cking delirious!

Before kids, “tired” was the morning after a wild night out, or pulling an all-nighter, cramming for an exam. I nursed myself back to my spunky, energetic self by sleeping 12-14 hours straight. I’ve never, ever seen that kind of sleep since having kids, and never will.

I wish I could just be “tired.”

Fucking hell, I'm so sick of the "you don't truly know what tired is until you're a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn!" bullshit. Listen, bitch, you may only have known tiredness after spending a night out partying, and if that's the case, lucky fucking you. I've suffered from insomnia and a host of other medical problems that fuck up my sleep cycle for fifteen years now. And I'll probably suffer from the same for the rest of my life, because medication has been mostly ineffective. So anyone who's going to tell me that I don't know what exhaustion is can go get fucked. I work overtime almost every week in a job that requires quite a bit of physical exertion, and I can't sleep it off.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 08, 2015
If a woman can make it to adulthood and find changing the occasional diaper "fun" then she is probably a natural maahhm. Or crazy. Both in all probability. A normal person probably considers many of the following fun:
visiting with friends
enjoying a favorite food
watching a favorite show or movie
playing a favorite game
going to a party
sleeping in
listening to music

Guessing there are a bunch of women in their twenties who've never babysat in their lives. I was voluntold to babysit my younger sibling and all my mother's friends loaves starting at age 7. I had no illusions of parenthood whatsoever!
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 08, 2015
Fucking hell, I'm so sick of the "you don't truly know what tired is until you're a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn!" bullshit.
They could have easily found someone who'd be happy to pawn off their loaves for a week. The maaawm to be could see exactly what parunting would entail. The unencumbered maawm could enjoy her unencumbered freedom and later bleat about missing her baybeeee the entire week to save face. Nothing replaces experience and maaaawms are THRILLED to pawn their baybeez off on others as long as it is socially acceptable (think daycare, for a "vacation", preschool, etc.).
smile rolling left righteyes2
Jeezus. Anyone who's even mildly happy with their life could not bitch that much. We might come off as Negative Nancies around here (according to Dr. Drew anyway), but we're bitching about OTHER people...not how much we hate our own lives.

I'll never understand why people stay in miserable jobs, living situations or relationships either. Freedom and autonomy are two of the biggest perks of being an adult. If being a moo to one kid stresses you out, don't come crying to the blahgosphere when the second, third and fourth ones make you homicidal. We all make wrong decisions sometimes, but fucking learn from them! To keep doing the same shit and expecting a different result makes you a fucktard unworthy of respect.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 08, 2015
trance formation usa
Jeezus. Anyone who's even mildly happy with their life could not bitch that much. We might come off as Negative Nancies around here (according to Dr. Drew anyway), but we're bitching about OTHER people...not how much we hate our own lives.

I'll never understand why people stay in miserable jobs, living situations or relationships either. Freedom and autonomy are two of the biggest perks of being an adult. If being a moo to one kid stresses you out, don't come crying to the blahgosphere when the second, third and fourth ones make you homicidal. We all make wrong decisions sometimes, but fucking learn from them! To keep doing the same shit and expecting a different result makes you a fucktard unworthy of respect.

This x1000

I am happier than a ton of moos I know. And I noticed it one day when I was talking about my classes (I graduate this year). I never bitch about my classes. I bitch about my inability to stop procrastinating, I bitch about when certain assignments pile up at one time in the semester because everyone appeared to have synchronized their watches, but I don't ever bitch about my classes. The crazy thing? My classes are the hardest part of my life right now and I'm still not bitching. It's because I LIKE being in college. Moos bitch non-stop about everything. Everything. I am pleased to say that I am, overall, a very happy and content individual.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
March 08, 2015
Working several flights a day, and ending in a hotel room for six hours. Then doing the same at six in the morning, getting to the next hotel past midnight, and starting again at six am. Rinse, repeat, for a week, sleep a couple days off. And on again for the next couple weeks. Seeing Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, Detroit, Toronto, and San Diego all in the same day, for one hour at the terminal. The glamour of the not so friendly skies. Some of the gals were also moos. Likely more tiring than staying home all day trying to keep the little devils alive. Was I glad when I quit that job. The poor moos can't walk in the office and hand down their resignation papers. At least I knew early on that sluicing was the quickest way to hell on earth. So I skipped that part. Too bad some still believe in fairy tales.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
April 22, 2015
Fucking hell, I'm so sick of the "you don't truly know what tired is until you're a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn!" bullshit. Listen, bitch, you may only have known tiredness after spending a night out partying, and if that's the case, lucky fucking you. I've suffered from insomnia and a host of other medical problems that fuck up my sleep cycle for fifteen years now. And I'll probably suffer from the same for the rest of my life, because medication has been mostly ineffective. So anyone who's going to tell me that I don't know what exhaustion is can go get fucked. I work overtime almost every week in a job that requires quite a bit of physical exertion, and I can't sleep it off.

I have hypothyroidism. A "normal" 7-8 hours of sleep feels like 3-4 for me, and then I have to work a really demanding job all day (I write ads; you wouldn't believe how much pressure I face to produce things rightthefucknow). I NEED 15+ hours of sleep to feel somewhat normal, and I'm really stressing the "somewhat" here. Until I find a doctor who doesn't have his head up his ass and is able to regulate my hormone levels properly for once, this is my reality. People who bitch and moan that the most tired they've ever been is from a night of drinking deserve to be slapped.
Re: "underestimated"...yeah right. more like buyer's remorse.
April 23, 2015
@ aes sedai and alana:

The point is that this moo chosed to have kydz, she had to know
that a lack of sleep comes with the territory. #guilty as charged
You didn't choose the diseases!

I don't undestand why people are so stupid. BEFORE you decide to become a moo,
borrow a child for a weekend. If you don't have the possibility, take a very close look
at families + family lifestyles around you. But I suspect that at that point wannabe-moos became
dellusional and think: Those other moos are so stupid and disorganised, I am gonna show them
how the perfect family is done :-))))
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