pray for me
November 21, 2006
My bitch sister in law, who threatened to anniliate me last winter for displaying a US Army sticker (that my sister's hsuband sent me from Iraq) on my car, underwent invitro yesterday in her attempt to grab what is left of my in-law's fortune after buying her and hubby's brother a house, a restaurant, and two cars. Pray it fails, even though it cost inlaws a fuching thirty grand to try to get the almighty grandchilllld.
Re: pray for me
November 21, 2006
Yikes! What a mess of a situation! How are these people going to afford to take care of a child if they have to borrow money from other people for In Vitro, cars, house, etc.?
Re: pray for me
November 21, 2006
Did I say borrow?

LOL, they are on Parental Welfare. No paybacks are required. One time a friendly bartender commented to all of us how his mortgage was difficult to pay in the slower, winter months.

My bitch SIL piped up. "Oh, I don't BELIEVE in mortgages". Being familiar with the situation of my family, I thought this generally mind-mannered guy was going to blow a gasket.

They are both Republicans and looooove to complain about the "irresponsible" liberals. Yet while their jobs are subsidized, their cars and house free (plus dinner out three times/ week and monthly all-espense-paid-trips-for-two), these two have not saved a cent.
Anonymous User
Re: pray for me
November 21, 2006
frndofbear Wrote:
> Did I say borrow?
> LOL, they are on Parental Welfare. No paybacks are
> required. One time a friendly bartender commented
> to all of us how his mortgage was difficult to pay
> in the slower, winter months.
> My bitch SIL piped up. "Oh, I don't BELIEVE in
> mortgages". Being familiar with the situation of
> my family, I thought this generally mind-mannered
> guy was going to blow a gasket.
> They are both Republicans and looooove to complain
> about the "irresponsible" liberals. Yet while
> their jobs are subsidized, their cars and house
> free (plus dinner out three times/ week and
> monthly all-espense-paid-trips-for-two), these two
> have not saved a cent.

It is very easy for people to say such things about others not being responsible and how they do not believe in mortgages when THEY live off of the Parental Dole.

I knew a woman who opened a gift shop after getting help from her own family...yet she screamed against any type of social services for anyone else. And, this woman bragged about putting a competitor out of business who most likely did not have his/her shop subsidized by Moomie and Daddio. What a lack of class to be gleeful over the other business owner's "failure". Never mind that her husband barely worked and she...or I should say "her parents"...supported him as well. I know it sounds mean but I do get angry that Karma never got this woman and she is very successful with her little shop. I should not be that way. Another thing for me to work on...

I also worked a site where the owner of the cleaning company that maintained the building bragged how his entire family, meaning his "grown" kids, were conservatives just like him. It was very easy for Junior to be right-wing and scream with his daddio about those who are not responsible and how minimum wage should not be mandated. This is because Baby Boy got a cushy job at about $60 grand a year overseeing the cleaners. The 21/year-old sure as h*ll would have never landed such a gig had he not been born to a man who had his own business. Junior would have been busting his @ss just like everyone else who has had to start from scratch.

I guess I did go off about how I really feel...:lips
Re: pray for me
November 22, 2006
Well, I hope those "conservatives" have fun living out of boxes like the rest of us when the economy collapses, their credit fails, and health issues drive them to the poor house.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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