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I am the mother and the father! eye popping smiley

Posted by mrs. chinaski 
I am the mother and the father! eye popping smiley
April 25, 2016

Nicolas Berggruen (born 10 August 1961 - 54 yo) is a philanthropist and investor. A dual American and German citizen, he is the founder and president of Berggruen Holdings, a private investment company and the Berggruen Institute, a think tank that works on addressing governance issues. Through the Berggruen Institute he is also a co-founder with the Huffington Post of The WorldPost, a media publication dedicated to global issues. (Source:Wiki).

Last month, he became a bachelor father. Or, as he put it when asked who the mother is: “Me. I am the mother and the father.
Mr. Berggruen has two newborns, a boy and a girl, born three weeks apart to different surrogates and conceived using eggs from two donors.

Single fatherhood has now tethered him to Los Angeles, he said, but not too tightly: He bought the apartment one floor down for the children and their nannies.

I think he is a game changer, he definitely took the breeding to the next level.
It is insane but it is a sort of smart - he will definitely avoid baybee-mamma drama in the future.
No disputes over how to raise the kydz, no custody battles, no alimony...
On the other side, this shows how the commercialization has advanced.
Today, you can buy whatever you want, supposed you have the money - human beings as products.
Re: I am the mother and the father! eye popping smiley
April 25, 2016
This guy is an excessive billionaire professional navel gazer, who is so far up his own arse that he contributes absolutely zilch to the human race. In fact, he's so obscenely rich that he's presides over his own 'think tank' - which is euphemistically his own personal institute for mental masturbation. Seriously, what do born-rich billionaires know about the wider world, to make them an expert in consulting in world affairs? Going by the likes of Donald Trump, I'd have to say sweet FA. The repugnant sycophantic PR piece by nytimes just confirms my suspicions about this ivory tower silver spooner.

I dunno if he's going to avoid alimony, custody, or other drawn out legal processes Mrs Chinaski. In fact, I'd dare say he's probably going to have more, simply because the donors and surrogates would smell a very healthy meal ticket.

Actually dumbarse, you're not their mother, as the eggs were donated and gestation was outsourced. Heck, I doubt he's even the father after donating his genetic material, as that role too is outsourced to nannies.
Re: I am the mother and the father! eye popping smiley
April 25, 2016
"Tethered him to LA, but not too tightly"? I have a feeling those nannies are going to be the closest thing to real parents those kids will ever have if their so-called father is jet-setting back and forth on his private plane, guzzling champagne and signing gazillion-dollar deals before he can be arsed to FaceTime with them.

He probably just did this to earn himself that shining family man image that is everything but worshipped in its own temple these days. Now that he has gold-plated picture frames of two kids on his desk, he probably thinks his image is so perfect it will undoubtedly rake him in even more money. With what he paid to manufacture two humans Of My Own TM I'm guessing this narcissistic idiot could have singlehandedly funded relief for Ebola. I hope his surrogates and caretakers milk him for all he's worth. It would serve him right for exhibiting such an extreme degree of selfishness.
Re: I am the mother and the father! eye popping smiley
April 25, 2016
children as fashion accessories.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: I am the mother and the father! eye popping smiley
April 27, 2016
children as fashion accessories.

Accessories on floor eight. Bitch needs his penthouse space for himself!
Re: I am the mother and the father! eye popping smiley
April 27, 2016
I still think about it.
If Karl Marx were alive, he would be drooling all over it.
Then he would write "Capital, Volume 4".
Re: I am the mother and the father! eye popping smiley
April 27, 2016
I guess to him, it's a big accomplishment, even Darth Vader could only say "I am your father, Luke" He couldn't be Luke's mother too.
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