Anonymous User
Hating All Kids?
December 22, 2006
Hello everybody~
I was just curious as to how all of you felt about hating kids. First off, do you just hate the "bad" kids? Or all of them? Do any of you just dislike them?

As for me, I have to be completely honest. I hate all kids. They annoy the living hell out of me. I hate the "bad" kids (personally I think all kids are bad) because obviously they are horribly behaved and are rude, obnoxious, stupid, self absorbed and whiney. There's more of course, but I'll save that. And "good" kids? (Give me a break...) I hate them because first of all, they are kids, so they're going to act like them, and second of all, these types of kids are usually being praised for doing something that you or I could do easily and no one would say a word. There is no such thing as a good kid anyway, because they all go bad sometimes. Plus, good kids piss me off in the way that they're annoying anyway, looking at you constantly or doing something disgusting.

Arg. Sorry, rant there. Felt like I had to vent. Does anyone feel like I do, or am I just a b*tch?
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 23, 2006
i hate bad behaved kids (i even hate badly behaved adults).. but good kids are rare, if a young kid does someething without thought of a reward, then i dont have any probs with that..

however they are so rare as to be impossible to find.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 23, 2006
I do not mind well-behaved kids. I just am not a "kid person". I am not into hanging out with children with maybe a few of friends but they are an exception.. TimsGirl, as a college person, do you find more childish students on campus? Speaking of the kid issue, I ask because I have worked with university students who have the same entitlement issues as children. They think they should be paid a higher wage despite having no real work experience and are the most unreliable people.

Re: Hating All Kids?
December 23, 2006
I don't hate kids. In fact, I work with kids and most of them are OK by me. Most behavior issues I just attribute to their parents not raising them right, and/or their age.

My biggest peeve is how most kids are spoiled rotten today, and are allowed to get away with things that I would've been embarrassed to even consider when I was a kid, and I'm only in my twenties. I think my own generation is entitlement-minded and bratty enough, and I'm part of Generation X, so I can't even imagine how this next generation is going to turn out. How can it get worse than now? Ugh, it's something I dread!
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 23, 2006
Hi TimsGirl139,

I totally understand where you are coming from. I also hate ALL kids. I have a 16 year old niece that I love dearly, otherwise I could careless about my cousin's kids and DH's niece and nephew or his kid cousins. I hate when family members send stupid photos of their kids!! What a waste of paper! I declined going to DH's 6 year old niece's X-mas school musical play because I hate kid-related events plus it was on a Monday night far away from my work. NO THANKS! Unfortunately, I have to go to the b-day parties, but I go more to accompany DH!! Even DH who went for his niece's play said it was boring and cheesy. For X-mas morning we will go to DH's family for breakfast and the highlight is watching the niece open gifts and the newphew whoo is 1 1/2 year old open gifts and not have a clue what's going on. HOW BORING!!!!
Anonymous User
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 23, 2006
I'm one of those people who cringes when I see kids coming near it next to me at a ball game, at a restaurant, on public transit, or any place else. The thing is, that there are so many bad kids, that I have come to expect bad behavior from all kids. That's why I cringe when I see them coming near me.

Once in a great while, I am pleasantly surprised. At a baseball game, I am always happy to be sitting near a kid who cares about watching the game, and is even keeping score. Or at the next table from me at a restaurant, where the kid is speaking in a normal voice and eating in such a way that it is not grossing people out.

But kids like this, sadly, are few and far between. At the ballpark, it is more likely that the kids will climb all over the seats like monkeys on crack, and even knock over my food and beer. At the restaurant, they are either shrieking at the top of their lungs, smearing food all over the place, or running around. Or all of the above. And of course, the breeders do nothing about it.

So, it is hard for me to like any kids, when most of them are ill-behaved little shits. I only like kids when I know that said kids can behave properly and treat others with respect. Otherwise, guilty until proven innocent!
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 25, 2006
Here's my feelings, as plainly and simply as I can put them: I dislike all kids by default, but I hate the ill-behaved little bastards. I don't like being around kids in general because even the best-behaved ones will be sticky and grabby and I just get grossed out thinking their fingers will be on me after being in their noses or mouths or asses and the likes. I also feel very awkward when a kid wants to play with me or sit on my lap or whatever - I do not feel that melting heart feeling when a kid is near me. I want to move away, and if it's a toddler or younger, I tend to just stay out of the way entirely so I don't step on the kid or accidentally boot it. I'm not exactly a genius, but I usually cannot lower my IQ enough to play silly little pretend games with kids - I most often need some kind of real conversational stimulation, which kids do not provide except for screaming.
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 25, 2006
I just got back from church and had the misfortune of sitting behind two very figety brats so I'm a little cranky. Anyway, I generally have no interest in kids. I don't like humoring the well behaved ones when they talk to me and I cringe whenever I'm around the badly behaved ones. When little kids wave at me I don't have any inclination to wave back. I don't feel like making funny faces at them. I certainly don't want to talk to theparents. Fortunately during metro rides or plane rides, I can drown them all out with an ipod.
Anonymous User
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 25, 2006
Yes, I really do find a lot of VERY childish college people on campus. It's ridiculous how they make a bad name for all of us. It's very sad, also, how "adults" can act this way. I just hope they all wake up and realize they could be doing more productive things while they're sitting there partying.
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 26, 2006
I have a rave from the day of X-mas Eve. I was one of the dummies who cruised the mall. I must love torture. Where is John McCain when you need him? I bought a gift from Barnes & Noble. I did not want to deal with wrapping an odd shaped book or go to a crowded Hallmark store for a gift bag. There was a table with a woman and a young teen boy wrapping gifts for donations. The money goes to the abused greyhounds who were used as race dogs. The boy wrapped my gift and was a very nice young man. I do not mind good kids even though I have never been a "kid person even as a child. However, it is important to give praise when deserved.

Re: Hating All Kids?
December 26, 2006
I don't hate all kids any more than I hate all adults. Every kid and adult has its own individual personality, and I like the kids - and adults - who are good people and have nice personalities.

By the same token, I hate rude, ill-behaved children and adults. I also realize that out-of-control, ill-mannered children are largely the way they are due to their parents.

That's why I don't understand people who say "I love children." What does that mean? You love ALL children on the entire planet, including the ones you've never met, AND including the ones who torture animals, just because they are children? That makes about as much sense as people who claim to hate all children. You can't love or hate all of something you've never met. Just my humble opinion.
Re: Hating All Kids?
December 26, 2006
You would think after teaching for 16 years I would easily say that I hate kids, but I really can't. I bristle when I see a child coming near me. I anticipate the noise they will make, the usual useless chatter that escapes their lips, and the endless possiblitly of germs and goo that eminates from their being. I prefer to avoid them in 99.9% of all settings, but hate is such a strong word.
Re: Hating All Kids?
January 02, 2007
I have no problem with kids, as long as they are quiet and stay out of my space. As soon as I hear them, the hair on the back of my neck stands up and I get the urge to strangle or run. Babies are slimy, toadlers are loud, tweens are a made up marketing demographic, teens are stinky, college kids are just a bunch of pizza-stuffing, beer-swilling entitled jerks, and I seriously don't want anything to do with any of them.
Re: Hating All Kids?
January 03, 2007
I hate all children, no exceptions. I hated being a kid, couldn't wait to grow up and get the hell out of the shithole that was my parents house and become independent.

I avoid brats and breeders whenever possible.

I get the usual fucking lectures about how hating children is unnatural or something worse. Like I would fucking care.
Re: Hating All Kids?
January 03, 2007
Same here BillyC. The only 2 kids I DO like are my nephews and that's because they are being taught their place, how to behave, be respectful, and to be thankful. The minute that changes, they go on the HATE list with every other asshole under the age of 21.
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