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2076 Another Reason Not to Breed

Posted by amethusos* 
2076 Another Reason Not to Breed
December 29, 2006
I am continuing on my rant on the Rant side of the Bratfree house. Last night, I heard from the other lady at my job site how this manager's husband disappears for days and is very mean to the teenagers at home. Yet, this team leader/manager still stays in a marriage to a man who has not worked in ten years all because of a f**king HOUSE!!!!! The husband was a computer/IT guy who lost a great job a decade ago and refuses to work "for less". Come on...many of us have had to take lesser paying jobs when certain aspects of the economy tanked out so we can keep an eviction notice off the door and our bellies sated.

The lady stays because of that freaking box with a mortgage on it and due to feeling she must pay for those teen sprogs to go to caw-lidge. Let the "kids" do what other young adults do regarding education: loans, grants, and...yes...even WORKING!!!! The woman staying with this deadbeat a-hole does the children no good since he puts them down all of the time. The male kids are learning that this is how a man is supposed to act with the not working and "disappearing". Daddio probably has some dense honey on-the-side who thinks he is the "greatest". The female teens are learning bad lessons of how to enable an @ssh*le man. Sell the house and pay the ba$tard to go away already, lady!

This is one more f**king reason to NOT have those babies! At least, a childfree woman has an easier time walking away from a son-of-a-female-dog husband!

Oh, I could just go on and on...

Time for more coffee since I have been in b*tch mode for two days...

drinking coffee

Pirate Jo
Re: 2076 Another Reason Not to Breed
December 29, 2006
I was just reading about a woman who had been supporting a deadbeat husband for ten years and ended up paying him alimony for fourteen months, plus a generous cash settlement, when they split up. It's not exactly the way alimony laws were intended, but I think alimony should go the way of the dinosaur in this day and age, anyway. I don't have any more respect for deadbeat wives than I do deadbeat husbands. You want to be respected as an adult, male or female, then stand on your own two feet and take care of yourself like an adult.
Re: 2076 Another Reason Not to Breed
December 29, 2006
Well, my understanding of the situation is a little different. From the story as I interpert it, nearly twenty years ago, the guy got oopsed- once, twice, maybe more (yes, I agree its hard to oops a guy who uses his own protection, but I will bet the kids were "surprises"). Now... this guy is stuck, so he sits his butt down and doesnt even bother to attempt to try. Why should he-she'll just suck him dry- so he preempts her, and figures the chains wont bother him if he doesnt move. She keeps him around "for the children" even though he probably resents the kids and isnt a good dad. He puts up with her because he has a free ride, even if it is also a prison. Its a bad scene all around. People just shouldn't make more people, that's all there is to it.
Re: 2076 Another Reason Not to Breed
December 29, 2006
Who knows what the real story is with this woman at work? I only heard one version but the lady is a hard worker and makes good money. Everyone wants to assume it is always the female's fault. It is also always assumed how the WOMAN is the one who demanded those babies.

Many times, the man presses for marriage and those babies. At age 19, I was daft enough to go with a man who was ten years older...and who had TWO ex-wives that he paid NO child support. Of course, this misogynist claimed it was those cunts fault for saddling him with two children. Yet, this jackass said he wanted two kids with ME but I made it very clear that I was not having those babies for anyone, period! Hit me with the jackass stick for even going with this fellow for almost two years!

The sad thing is how too many women do allow themselves to be deceived by the promises of love, fidelity, and marriage. I am very cynical. Most marriages do not last. Go to any divorce lawyer and see how busy they are. Even when when I was a young woman, I never would believe it when a boyfriend said he wanted a child with me and would love me forever. I am not that stupid especially knowing how many men do get tired of fatherhood and monogomy in their middle-aged years after feeling they lost out on meaningless relationships with "hot young women" and felt a life drained from supporting a family.

The man could have wrapped it up had he been "oopsed" once. Unfortunately, a lot of wives will play the martyr and keep a deadbeat man around for the "sake of the children" when no one but the user benefits from this situation. Maybe the woman I ranted about was the one who was rabid about wanting the children. However, I tend to believe the woman is a good person. She works hard as h*ll in her job as a call center team leader. She is the only person bringing home any money and she makes a darn good living. I see her at fault for putting up with such behaviour from a man who clearly does not give a d@mn.

Re: 2076 Another Reason Not to Breed
January 02, 2007
I'd have to agree with Amethusos here. It's not always the woman who "tricks" or "begs" a man for babies. Alot of times, it's the men who want the babies to "prove" something, or to keep the women at home (you know, where we should be).

It is fishy to me that anyone would go 10 years without working for any reason beyond lazyness or illness. Unless you're born into it, the only way you get to make the big bucks is to work for the small bucks at first, and a 10 year hole in your employment record looks good to no one.
Personally, I couldn't be a part of a household without contributing what I could, be it money or labor, it just doesn't seem right.
Re: 2076 Another Reason Not to Breed
January 03, 2007
Man that sucks. Travel light is my motto. What a load of baggage she's got going on.
Re: 2076 Another Reason Not to Breed
January 03, 2007
The youngest of my sisters is married to alcoholic, abusive asshole who leaves for days at a time then shows up hung over and pissed off at the world. The loserfuck can't hold a job, has been kicked out of every lowlife dive in town and uses friends like toilet paper until he flushes them.

So my shithead sister decides that having a brat will change him. Knowing that she is a big country music fan, you would think she has heard of all of the "done me wrong" songs, but she is going to be the exception to the rule. As expected, it didn't work and now she's stuck with a kid that they both hate, treat like shit and it acts like it. The little fuck needs a good kick in his ass with a steel-toed boot and my sister needs to divorce the stupid fucking loser before she loses what precious little sanity she might have left. She also needs to belt our drunken bitch of a mom across the mouth and tell her to stop interfering.
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