CF Scorpio
Reese's Cup
December 08, 2005
I for one am getting sick and tired of these stupid peanut allergies. Now we can't even eat peanut products in a public place in front of one of these little invalids? WTF?

I'm actually pleasantly surprised to hear that the bus driver was on Ranter's side. I know that in NYC and Houston there's a "no eating or drinking" rule on buses. Not that I've ever seen it enforced though. I think a little discreet eating is OK as long as you don't throw your wrapper on the floor of the bus.
Anonymous User
Re: Reese's Cup
December 08, 2005
moo could have taken sprogg to another section of bus
Anonymous User
Re: Reese's Cup
December 08, 2005
Moos' entitlement-mindedness makes me seriously want to strangle each and every one of them. I tried to eat some boiled peanuts (I'm southern, that's why!) in front of a Mommee and Daddee and Baybee on the bus, and mind you, I was being very neat and putting the shells in a small Baggie, but oh no, Mommee doesn't think that's enough, starts REACHING THROUGH THE SEATS and groping for my peanuts! I turned around and one of her horrendous pink fake fingernails clipped me across the nose. I swatted her hand and told her "FUCK OFF!" Her PWESHUS MYWACUL, she said, was allergic to "Peeeeeeeeenuts", as she pronounced it. Couldn't you leave Baybee home with Daddee? >:p
Re: Reese's Cup
December 08, 2005
Man, I gotta eat more peanuts in public, it sounds awesome!

My guess is, most of these parents are just assholes. Their kids may indeed be allergic, but very few people are so allergic that they can't even inhale the micro amounts of peanut dust that might drift to the seat behind you. If their kids were that allergic they'd probably be dead already.

You should have turned around and did a mouth-full of peanut spit take on the both of them.
Re: Reese's Cup
December 09, 2005
Oh, FOR FUCK'S SAKE! (As catmommy9 would write!) A moo invading somebody's personal space to try and grab their peanutty food items simply because their chyuld is allergic is beyond STOOPID and incredibly RUDE! How would they like it if, while their loaf was being fed, someone tried to snatch their baybee's bottle and cite the cause as being, "I'm allergic to milk!" DUMB FUCKERS!
Re: Reese's Cup
December 09, 2005
oh the peanut thing. schools now don't permit nuts in them for fear that ONE kid might be EXPOSED to 'em! ok, i guess i can understand that, but to me a better approach would be to teach the child to AVOID peanuts on their own. what happens when the kid in question goes to a birthday party and another kid pulls out a chocolate bar and offers him a piece? will he know to not eat it after being 'protected' from the evil peanuts while at school? the bus thing seems pretty unreal to me. wowsers.
Re: Reese's Cup
December 09, 2005
Well I see two sides to this Peanut Allergy thing.

first of all the parent who grabs the tub and the peanuts from others is most definitely putting her child at more risk from contact with the nuts.

Secondly my elder son developed this allergy in recent months and trying to buy any prepared foods that do not contain peanuts, peanut oil or is made in a factory which also produces foods in the same machinery as the peanut products so they have to label the items "we cannot guarantee peanut free even though the recipe contains NO nuts"
Well all I can say to that these factories must be dirty as they appear not to wash or clean the equipment in between product use.

Then we come to the causes of this phenonomon - it is never heard of in my age group and only in the age groups that have been subjected to peanuts in everything by the vegetarians.

We used to have peanuts occasionally as a treat not in our daily diet.

So we need to look at the root causes and demand that more care is taken in the future.
Re: Reese's Cup
December 09, 2005
Good point. What if it isn't the peanuts at all, but cross- contamination at a processing facility? What if a reaction takes place, that produces certain allergens on only some foods? I don't even know if that's possible- I don't know squat about that kind of stuff, but it seems like that could happen. Does anyone know?
Re: Reese's Cup
December 09, 2005

I do know that with most brands of chocolate, it will say on the wrapper even if that particular candy bar doesn't have nuts in it "Manufactored in a plant that processes peanuts" or "May contain nuts".
And if you buy any type of nut, it will say "may contain traces of peanuts or other nuts" depending on the nut you buy. My cousin is allergic to almonds and just about every other nut BUT peanuts and walnuts. I can eat almonds (my favorite nut) around him. He just can't eat it himself otherwise his throat will close up.
I'm not sure if any other foods become cross-cotaminated as well.
Re: Reese's Cup
December 10, 2005
it all started due to people suing the producers of products, if they made that person ill. yes peanuts can affect people, but in some cases a peanut allergy is a must have accessory i think,

oh i deserve more coz my kid has this allergy, in most cases its a valid point, but in some the parents over react, one speck of peanut dust and oil and my ickle kiddie will die, therefore we must BAN all things that contain peanuts.. written on a packet of nuts.
Warning: This product contains nuts.

Re: Reese's Cup
December 12, 2005
Personally, I would have LOVED to see said sprogg on the floor of the bus, flailing and gasping for air, in the midst of anaphylactic shock. Would have been the highlight of my day.
Anonymous User
Re: Reese's Cup
December 12, 2005
Oh yes it would. :3 Crotchdumps can all go die from a measly peanut for all I care. XD
Re: Reese's Cup
December 12, 2005
I am so sure *insert an eyeroll here*. I think seeing anything dying is unpleasant, unless it is a convicted murderer, rapists, kitten/puppy/rabbit killer. You talk a mean game, but I doubt that is true.

Anyway, back to the OP. I love white reese's cups and woe to the breeder who would try and knock one out of my hand. I sympathize with people who have food allergies, but really, if it is that bad, get some kind of bubble for your child to live in.
Re: Reese's Cup
December 13, 2005
ok eyeroller a little off topic, the convicted murderer what if 5 years after their execution you find out they are innocent. you cant bring them back to life (and life is full of deaths, we kill vegetables, did you know to get milk from cows their calves are aborted so we can drink milk..)

yes we talk a lot but its about the frustration we get from having to change who and what we are to fit in with the breeding population.
CF Scorpio
Re: Reese's Cup
December 13, 2005
Legaleagle Wrote:
> first of all the parent who grabs the tub and the
> peanuts from others is most definitely putting her
> child at more risk from contact with the nuts.

That's a very good point. DUH!!!!
Re: Reese's Cup
December 13, 2005
That's true. But try to explain that to a moo. All they want is to draw attention to themselves so that others feel sorry for them. Moos like this want pity, as it's so hard to raise a child with allergies. It's her duty to police everyone for the good of her child. I bet half the time the kid has no allergies to speak of.
Anonymous User
Re: Reese's Cup
December 13, 2005
OK, I'm sorry if I was a bit cruel there. I meant no harm to ALL the children, just the horrid ones. =]
mercurior 1
Re: Reese's Cup
December 13, 2005
we all get like that purple, some days i want to super glue kids to a ceiling fan and send them spinning .. or ram them with shopping trollies, and send them hurtling down the aisles..
Anonymous User
Re: Reese's Cup
December 13, 2005
Yay ^^;
Re: Reese's Cup
December 13, 2005
***yes we talk a lot but its about the frustration we get from having to change who and what we are to fit in with the breeding population.***

I know. I was feeling a little pissy. Now Merc's idea about supergluing them to a fan might be fun. winking smiley
Re: Reese's Cup
December 14, 2005
Ya know, I have a perfume allergy yet I don't go around trying to bathe everyone who's wearing it. That moo needs to get a grip.
Anonymous User
Re: Reese's Cup
December 14, 2005
Eeeee-xactly. XD
CF Scorpio
Re: Reese's Cup
December 14, 2005
blank Wrote:
> Ya know, I have a perfume allergy yet I don't go
> around trying to bathe everyone who's wearing it.

Hey, so do I! I know you were kidding, but the forced bathing actually sounds like a good idea! >:-D

Re: Reese's Cup
December 18, 2005
If people will start to do a bit of scientific research, they will find that children nowadays are being born with more and more defects that contribute to a loss of health. Peanut allergies, ADD, asthma, lactose intolerance, immune deficiencies, etc.

I hate to be the one to bring it up, but, in a perfect ecology setting, these problems would help the society as a whole by weeding out the sick and infirm. Because as humans we are having babies past the real childbearing years, and because medical advances keep infants alive who should have succumbed, we are going against natural selection and evolution. More people are alive than should be.

The planet can only support so much life. It is a finite amount.

How interesting that at this time in our modern society, it is so much more important to bring a new life, however fragile or possibly doomed, into the world, than to deal with the alreadyy-born children who have AIDs, or are starving, or to deal with the elderly, who in many cases have already contributed to our world.
the professor
Re: Reese's Cup
December 18, 2005
wow baudelaire, i been saying that to a few people over the years, that nature knows when something isnt going to work, and so lets it die. we are altering evolution and not in the good way. as an aside, has anyone seen kids nowadays looking more and more thug like, rather than put generation.
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