Baby "Shower"
December 11, 2005
Dump the broad. There are plenty of delectable childfree women from which to choose as a replacment.
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 11, 2005
RUN Cf guy Run! If you get hooked up with a chick who you KNOW has baby rabies then DO NOT come back here in about 4 or 5 months complaining that you were oopsed, because guess what, you weren't oopsed, you were just stupid.
"Cf guy"
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 11, 2005
Well she said the shower was "boring," so there may be hope to convert her yet! winking smiley Her 'friends' look down upon her (I see it), because she doesn't have kids. Like they are superior beings for reproducing. I think she just wants to "fit in," and I'm trying to see if she can recognize the difference between really wanting children or just wanting to be part of the crowd. It's a sad state, isn't it?
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 12, 2005
Dude, get rid of the broad or use condoms. I have friends who've had the same "symptoms" as your girlfriend, and many of them deliberately "oopsed" their boyfriends. Needless to say, life is hell for all of them. Not one story had a happy ending. Be smart before it's too late. Mrs. Right for you will be as childfree as you are. And who's to say that if you guys marry, years down the road she won't end up resenting you for not wanting kids when she really did? Tell her not to worry about fitting in. Tell her to flaunt her spare time, extra money, freedom, stress-free life, and clean home to her breeder friends. The only reason her breeder friends want her to have kids is so she'll be as miserable as they are. Misery loves company. Good luck and be strong.
CF 4 Ever
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 12, 2005
Run like the wind. This CANNOT turn out good. She will either (a) oops you, or (b) resent you. No other choice. Having a baybee will dominate her thoughts. RUN! Between her friends' pressures and society's viewpoint, you have NO HOPE. I survived a similar situation, and now have a CF wife (of 10 years) and we both still laugh at parents and their kid-centric mentality. Please, think enough of yourself to move on. The choice to be a parent (or not to be one) is HUGE and should be a deal-breaker. Good luck.
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 12, 2005
kidfree, condoms are useless when she has the baby rabies. He needs to just get out till she decides if she wants kids or not.
doesn't matter
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 12, 2005
These chicks are so clueless when faced with their baby rabid friends who 'look down' on them for not spawning. Take advantage of the opportunity to be the still- hot looking girl with the active sex life, disposable income to enjoy designer makeup and fun clothes (no Mom Jeans here!), and who actually has the time and energy in the absence of PPD to go out in the world and do exciting things. Let them be jealous, and let their husbands drool.
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 12, 2005
Now is a great time to really talk to her and find out if you two are on the same page. She may have a very different view about what you think about kids. She might be thinking that you will change your mind once you see friends and other family members having kids. Be very clear with her that you do not want kids. Ever. Let her know (if she doesn't know already) that there are other CFers out there who are happy they didn't follow the LifeScript. As CF 4 Ever said, think enough of yourself to move on, if you guys disagree on this. Good luck to you.
Cf guy
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 13, 2005
Thanks to eveyone for their thoughts on my gf. Let me tell you all though, there is no way that an "oops" will occur. I don't care if I have to wear industrial strength condoms! winking smiley I do believe that she wants a kid just to fit in with her friends. I'm sure her friends are telling her what a joy it is to be a mom, and she is sort of buying into it. We'll see what transpires in the coming months, and if I can convert her to our way of thinking. But she does know my feelings on fatherhood - not interested, thank you very much. I'll keep you updated - and thanks again to all! Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays. winking smiley Cf guy
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 13, 2005
CF Guy, even with condoms, you can get oopsed. Make sure you're the one in charge of what happens to the condom before (no poked holes) and after (no using what's inside) it has been used. I'm serious. You'd be amazed what baby-crazy/wallet-crazy women can sometimes come up with. Also, be careful when getting a blow job. If she doesn't swallow, and runs to the bathroom immediately afterwards, you could be in deep doo doo. You think I'm kidding? This is not a joke.

If I were you, I'd get a vasectomy yesterday, since you seem pretty certain about not wanting kids. This is a serious matter. I've known several guys who wish they were dead now because they got oopsed. It's just not worth the risk, Big Guy.
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 13, 2005
CF Guy, you may also want to read this oopsing story.... It starts a couple of paragraphs down:
the professor
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 13, 2005
there is a risky way of possibly changing her mind, get ur g/f to volunteer to look after a couple of toadlers, for a weekend and see what havoc is caused. (word of advice from a man keep your condoms somewhere safe where it cant be pinned its happened before)..and explain to her that having a baby can cause flatulence, bleeding for months afterwards, depression, things will start to droop and sag, not to mention the stretch marks, and the possible cutting so the baby can fit, or the tearing of her own flesh. then if she is going through the labour could be 73 hours of labour, or a c section which is done under local, and you can watch it happen you see, (nearly throws up). then the hemorrhoids, whether her bowels start to move after the birth, the the staples where they put the skin back after a c section.

The term "lochia" is used to describe the bleeding that occurs as your uterus sheds its lining after the birth you'll experience it whether you have a vaginal or cesarean birth. While women have traditionally been told to expect their lochia to last for 10 to 14 days, recent studies have indicated that most women experience lochia for at least a month after the delivery, and many for as long as six weeks. then there may be a heamorage due to the birth.. get her to read a proper medical book, and it may turn her off way off then theres the incontinece, then theres the seperation of her abdominal muscles could happen, then she may faint..shivers or shakes or sweating.

not to mention her clothes wont fit, then maybe hair loss for her and you, and thats just the physical.. In fact, studies have shown that 50 to 80% of women are hit with a brief episode of mild depression at some point during the first week as their hormones return to their prepregnancy levels. Common symptoms are insomnia, sadness, mood changes, tearfulness, fatigue, headaches, poor concentration, and confusion. If you find, however, that you continue to feel exhausted, anxious, and depressed for weeks after the birth, you could be suffering from postpartum depression. Postpartum depression occurs in as many as one in five women.

and there u go. some things to try to put her off, get her to ask her friends about all these symptoms.. (and we all know childbirth is wonderful.. bugger than for a game of soldiers)
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 13, 2005
These symptoms posted by the professor are excellent! That's why I never want to be a victim and go though all this shit!! Not in a billion years!! Unfortuantely, even describing these symptoms won't stop the majority of the idiots out their thinking about breeding!
the professor
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 14, 2005
yes, but maybe it could stop just 1 person jumping onto the baby wagon, then its worth it..
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 15, 2005
I just received an invitation for a Baby Shower from by DH's freind's wife! Since she is not a family member, I'm thinking of NOT going. I hate these showers. They are so boring! I don't feel like being with a bunch of breeders taking about baby shit and asking me if I have children or when I will have children and why I don't want children, blah, blah, blah. Besides, I rather save my money on the gift.
Re: Baby "Shower"
December 15, 2005
I feel you on that, guest. Luckily everyone who knows me personally knows my feelings towards such things as baby showers. But that didn't stop my moo supervisor from going on and on about her knocked-up brat's baby shower even after I told her politely that I was not interested in hearing about it.
Just this Tuesday, she got a notepad with some creepy-looking sprog in a ugly-ass flower costume on the top of the sheets of paper. She kept going on about how "cuuuuuuuuuuute!" it was and was showing everyone including me after I told her that I really didn't want to see it. There's got to be a way to tell her that I don't give a fuck about her brats and her illigitimate grandbaby while keeping my job in the process until something better comes along.
Too bad the nearest "No Kidding" chapter is 2-1/2 hours away from where I live otherwise I would bore her to death about the meetings and see how SHE likes it.
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