Smear campaigns???
March 01, 2007
Just as I expected, the Catholic priests and other Christian clergy are flipping out over the possibility of remains of Jesus...and a FAMILY being found. Boy...does that take away any credibility if Jesus Christ was just another dude who married and had children as most did in those days rather than be this Son of a God who did not have a healthy male sexuality.

Even a talk-show host who I like went on to say this was a "smear tactic" even though he is a devout Catholic with a wife and children. Saying that Jesus possibly being married with a family is akin to mudslinging? Does that mean that the talk-show host along with any other Catholic or other breeders' life is unworthy? That is basically what they are saying when they claim it is awful for the Christ to have done the same.

Same goes for Catholicism's claim on Mary's lifelong virginity. She was to give birth to Jesus after a god impregnated her but was not to have nasty, filthy, dirty sex with her husband later even though the Holy Babble claims Jesus had brothers and sisters.

Many Protestants believe Mary had other children but Catholics cannot fathom the Mother of God having a penis inside of her. Yet, we wonder why the Catholic Church is so weird about female sexuality and want to keep abortion and contraception from us? It is about keeping women on an impossible pedestal that they are bound to fall from and to keep women birthing more tithing Catholics.
Re: Smear campaigns???
March 01, 2007
Yea, I got a chuckle out of this too. Bet all the religious bible beaters really have their assholes in a pucker over this interesting tid-bit of information! WOO HOO!

Keep in mind, these are the same lame brains who think GAWD put dinosaur bones here just to test their faith in him. *YAWN*
Re: Smear campaigns???
March 01, 2007
KFLL, what is the funniest about the "smear campaign" whining is how these breeders and clergy who demand breeding claim how it is mudslinging to claim Jesus was a married and childed man. What does that say about their own lives, religion, and the breeding they try to impose onto unwilling people or their church members? These people basically stated how the married and breeder life is a lesser existence without even realising they said such a thing. That alone is a riot! grinning smiley
Re: Smear campaigns???
March 01, 2007
actually if you do research there was a lot of "virgin" births

a wiki about it with citations

the original site went down, but i managed to save it on my blog.

About two thousand years before the Christian era Mut-em-ua, the virgin Queen of Egypt, was said to have given birth to the Pharaoh Amenkept (or Amenophis) III, who built the temple of Luxor, on the walls of which were represented:-

1. The Annunciation: the god Taht announcing to the virgin Queen that she is about to become a mother.

2. The Immaculate Conception: the god Kneph (the Holy Spirit) mystically impregnating the virgin by holding a cross, the symbol of life, to her mouth.

3. The Birth of the Man-god.

4. The Adoration of the newly born infant by gods and men, including three kings (or Magi ?), who are offering him gifts. In this sculpture the cross again appears as a symbol.

Another Egyptian god, Ra (the Sun), was said to have been born of a virgin mother, Net (or Neith), and to have had no father.

In many other countries besides Egypt similar stories of the virgin birth of gods were told.

Attis, the Phrygian god, was said to be the son of the virgin Nana, who conceived him by putting in her bosom a ripe almond or pomegranate.

One of the legends which arose as Buddhism degenerated from its original lofty idealism was to the effect that the Buddha Gautama was given birth to by Maya, an immaculate virgin who conceived him through a divine influence

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: Smear campaigns???
March 02, 2007
The Egyptian story is most interesting since it actually was used by several pharaohs in their history. The story of Queen Mutemwia and Amenhotep III is well documented on the memorials he left behind, but Queen Hatshepsut similarly used a divine lineage from Amun-Re. Horemheb, the general who succeeded the vizier Ay who succeeded Tutankamun when he died at a young age, also used a similar story to anchor his claim to the throne of Egypt.

In general Egyptian royal lore, the Pharaoh was the son of Re, Amun and indirectly of Ptah and/or Osiris, depending on the particular moment in religious time and/or the dynasty involved. There are also the associated stories of Horus, who was born of Isis afters he restored the body of Osiris and magically fashioned a new penis for him. (In the days before assisted reproductive technology)

Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian religious myths are rife with stories of virgin births, as were Roman and Greek classical mythology. Athena was born of her father Zeus when he cracked open his head to relieve a headache and out she stepped. A story of how Aphrodite (Venus) arose from the sea foam and other gods/spirits just "showing up" are commonplace.

Virgin birth is hardly a Christian exclusivity.
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