Baby Alive Doll
December 12, 2005
Ha ha ha, ranter. I too received a Baby Alive doll when I was a kid. When the doll would crap, we would spoon the food out of the diaper right back into its mouth. It was hillarious.
Anonymous User
Re: Baby Alive Doll
December 12, 2005
XD My sister's daughter (who by the way is very well-behaved, a pleasure to be around) has one called Potty Dotty. You bottle-feed it water, then wait until it starts saying "Mommy, I have to go potty!" Then you try to get the silly thing to the pink potty chair on time. If you lift it off before it's finished "wee-weeing" she'll holler "Not finished!" And it even says "Uhoh! I'm sorry Mommy!" if it pees before you get it on the toilet. *rolleyes*
the professor
Re: Baby Alive Doll
December 13, 2005
well at least you can turn dolls off, is there a subtle brainwashing of kids into thinking babies are like dolls.. when i see these gross dolls i remember the barbarella film, with the dolls with the metal teeth, i remember a house near where i live they actually had dolls heads and dolls body parts partly protruding out of their garden i think it was to terrify kids. kid walks past sees a head hanging from a rope on a tree.
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