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2236 Moos in Mini Vans

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2236 Moos in Mini Vans
March 27, 2007
AAAAAAH, yes. The moo in capri pants. Pretty soon they'll all be out in full force with their sneaker mules and tri-color dyed mom-do's, clogging up the lines at the local coffee bars with the brats in tow. All very cliche.

And they're always out on the roads, doing something stupid like cutting you off, pulling out in front of you, exceeding the speed limits getting Cuntleigh to soccer, or doing 20 on the highway so as not to disturb Shitford watching Barney in the back seat.
Re: 2236 Moos in Mini Vans
March 27, 2007
I have seen the tri-colored, capri-wearing SAHM with the SUV where I used to live. That hair is so tired looking...
Re: 2236 Moos in Mini Vans
March 27, 2007
This part of Wisconsin has its own version of the Mom-do. I haven't seen the tricolor variation; maybe that's more exotic : ) Young mom (say, under age 40) cannot cut her hair. Maybe duhd wouldn't like her anymore if she did, so no matter if it's mostly split ends, she wears it "unstyled" like Angelina does. It helps if there's about an inch of dark roots and a Packer scrunchie somewhere.

Love the sneaker mules, BTW. What is the point of those anyway? : P
Re: 2236 Moos in Mini Vans
March 27, 2007
Good God, while driving home, I ran into an SUV SAHM. I heard the brakes screeching at the light. Nosy Me pulled up a little further. Yeah...the moo was on her damned cellphone. Of course, she had the tri-coloured tresses. I had to drive a Ford Expedition one a job from 1999 - 2000. You cannot stop on a dime in those things and have to be damned careful. About the hair, CJ, a lot of these husbands will not like the wife regardless what she does to look good or is drop-dead gorgeous. Many of the fellas are always looking for something better.
Anonymous User
Re: 2236 Moos in Mini Vans
March 29, 2007
About the hair, CJ, a lot of these husbands will not like the wife regardless what she does to look good or is drop-dead gorgeous. Many of the fellas are always looking for something better.

Sadly, isn't that the truth? Why else do people think there's porn in the world? I'm firmly convinced that no woman will ever truly be good enough for her male significant other, but that's a different rant for a different place.

That all sure describes my moo stereotype to a T, though...don't forget the hairdo has to be one of those short (about ear-length) "lawnmower" haircuts where it looks all choppy and like they let a careless blind hairdresser at them with a pair of dull scissors...next time I see a picture of such a 'do, I need to bookmark it so I can pull it out whenever I'm trying to describe it.
Re: 2236 Moos in Mini Vans
March 31, 2007
CJ Wrote:
> Love the sneaker mules, BTW. What is the point of
> those anyway? : P

LAZINESS! Because when you're child-burdened, putting on REAL shoes is tooooo haaaaaarrrrrd!

There's one stereotypical SAHMoo who lives just down the street from us. She bugs the hell out of me with her fuzzy, frumpy mom-do, mom-jeans (even worse, in summer mom-jean-shorts, those horrid Chic things that make her ass look even bigger), and those damn mule sneakers, in WHITE, of course! As an added bonus, she always wears color-coordinated T-shirts and socks, which is especially horrifying when she's wearing the Chic mom-jean-shorts. Purple T-shirt, purple socks. Bright pink T-shirt, bright pink socks. Looks soooo attractive with those white mule sneakers. I bet hubby spends looooong hours "working late" rather than come home to that.

As a topper to all this, there was a house fire across the street from us a couple years ago. The firefighters naturally had firehoses strung everywhere, with red cones set up near them. Most people know you're not supposed to DRIVE over firehoses. Well, White Mule Sneaker Moo apparently thinks this doesn't apply to her, because I saw her drive right between the cones and over the firehose! The firemen were yelling at her. I'm sure her excuse would've been "But I have chiiilllldrunnn at home." Then park the damn car and WALK in your white mule sneakers the 1/2 block to your house!!
Re: 2236 Moos in Mini Vans
April 02, 2007
K12144 Wrote:
> About the hair, CJ, a lot of these husbands will
> not like the wife regardless what she does to look
> good or is drop-dead gorgeous. Many of the fellas
> are always looking for something better.

> Sadly, isn't that the truth? Why else do people
> think there's porn in the world? I'm firmly
> convinced that no woman will ever truly be good
> enough for her male significant other, but that's
> a different rant for a different place.

How true...

Even as a childfree-by-choice woman, I found that the case with the opposite sex. Often, the fellow would make it very clear that he found other women more attractive. Hell, this even happened in my 20's when I was considered better-looking. I was alway reminded how I would never measure up no matter how "pretty" others said I was as a woman. It used to really get under my skin. Now, I just understand that it would not matter even if I looked like Halle Berry or Raquel Welch. I do like to look nice. That is normal for anyone. However, I do not jump through the hoops as I used to when it comes to "looks" and males because I have learned how it is never "enough". A man would still be looking for better but this is for another thread...:lips...so I will shut up for the time being! But...the childed women do find this out the hard way even if they do work at looking good and succeed. I guess I did not "shut up"...:lips
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