Article on how the UK has the fattest women in Europe

moo's comment

Not a surprise. The UK is the least family friendly country in the EU and it's the mums who end up putting themselves last. You're torn between not being seen as a weak link at work because you have children and doing as much for them as you can in the precious little time you have with them. At the end of the day you're too tired to the exercise you need to stay healthy with a sedentary job.

I'm not exactly petite myself, but I know where to lay the blame... MYSELF. If I stopped stuffing my face with cheese and laid off the cocktails for a while, I'd be ten lbs thinner in two months. NO EXCUSES MOO. What do you bet her brats are little chunkers too?
Ridiculous rationalization on mommy's part. Why would this be true now when it wasn't 20-25 years ago? PUT DOWN THE FORK, MOMMIES.
Am I missing something here? What does being a country being 'least family friendly' have to do with eating healthy? Is there a rebel group out there targeting families? Are they camping out at Sainbury's to beat up the parents?

If the parents are complaining they don't have any time to wipe their own asses, much less eat sensibly, that's their problem. No one said you have to be at your child's every beck and call. They're always schlepping their kids to every whackjob activity except sleeping. No one said you must feed your child junk, ready meals and take-aways every single day. That's some bullshit right there.

Find some time. Make it. Maintain it. Make choices. Not rocket science.
Article on how the UK has the fattest women in Europe

moo's comment

Not a surprise. The UK is the least family friendly country in the EU and it's the mums who end up putting themselves last. You're torn between not being seen as a weak link at work because you have children and doing as much for them as you can in the precious little time you have with them. At the end of the day you're too tired to the exercise you need to stay healthy with a sedentary job.

I'm not exactly petite myself, but I know where to lay the blame... MYSELF. If I stopped stuffing my face with cheese and laid off the cocktails for a while, I'd be ten lbs thinner in two months. NO EXCUSES MOO. What do you bet her brats are little chunkers too?

Whatever. Look-you can blame anything you want for obesity: processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, your parents, your genes, being bullied, society not being"family friendly", but the reality is:you are obese because you are eating too fucking much and not moving your ass enough. It is your own fucking fault you are fat. It is very rare for it to be anything but that. Your want kids to not be obese? Tell them to go outside and run around. Fuck, I hate this mindset!

"you" being rhetorical to the person in the article

I live in one of the most expensive cities on the planet and I eat healthy for under $40 / wk. And that includes 'extras'.

Here are the stores I usually go to ~
Notice the vast produce selection.

I like this store too ~

Cheap food right there! Pepsi at Jewel (Albertson's) (Big US chain store) is $2 / 2 Liter; at Ultra? 99 cents.

They have the "Certified" ("Store Brand" or "off label") products there too, also at Tony's, Kraft Mac N Cheese, as example - $2, the 'off' brand? ~ 59 cents.

And as often as not - these are made by the same producer. Only the packaging changes.

I always get 'store' brands and don't tell me vegetables are too expensive because you can get the off brand frozen ones for 69 cents a bag when they are on sale, 99 cents otherwise.

And guess what? Birdseye or Green Giant probably produced them, too.

Store brands are just as good as name brands. Not all, but you can begin to see what's what.

Here's a brand of foods I've come across - and I've found them to be very good! Even better than some 'name brand' stuff ~

I love the Always Save tuna - you get more and it's much whiter and 'meatier' then the 'name brands'. And their salad dressings are great too! Why pay $4 for a name brand salad dressing when you can get this for $1.50 and it tastes just as good *if not better* than most others? I've begun to look for this 'brand' at the store, tried a few products of theirs and thumbs upwink Good stuff! smiling smiley

And it's cheaper as you're not paying for the fancy packaging and advertising.

Stray Factoid: Godiva chocolates were once owned and produced by the Campbell Soup company.

Don't let that fancy packaging fool you. Many things come from general producers and the $ is in the label. Don't fall for advertising.

Here's another $ saving tip: Plastic bags. I NEVER buy them! When I buy produce I put it in the plastic bag they provide - then re - use these as food storage bags.

The plastic totes to bag it all up? These = Garbage Bags. I NEVER buy any type of plastic bags or containers - I use what I get. Cottage cheese, butter, and those type of plastic dishes = free "Tupperware"! grinning smiley Seriously. These type of things make excellent storage containers, why waste your $ on buying others?

Yeah, I'm cheap grinning smiley

But - this enables me to eat well! For under $150/month! I also take vitamins, this amounts to maybe another $10 per month.

5'9" tall, 145 lbs, (US) size 4 or 6, - and most importantly - we've all heard my recent illness stories here, which nearly killed me, and a BIG REASON why I survived it - is because, as the Doc's said ~ "You are in excellent health."

Yeah, I eat healthy. It's important to me and as you can see - I can do it fairly cheaply. The $ spent that I speak of includes beer and Ben and Jerry's and everything!

Eat Smart and Shop Smart!
Zzelda, I with you 100%, I do all this too. Even no time to excersize isn't an excuse. I'm a full time student and I have a job.I park in the far parking lot for both and I WALK. I do the same thing when I go to the sotre. I take stairs and not elevators. I go the long way around when feeding my animals. There's ways to incorporate movement into your daily life without going to a gym.
What I get from this article is that there's an obesity epidemic in the UK and the reason is that it's not famblee friendly or some such crap. Does the moo know that the "epidemic" is on this side of the world too??? It's called laziness. When I didn't like what I saw in the mirror I looked for ways to change it. I started taking my big dogs for longer walks. I cut down on soda and started doing situps while I was in front of the TV. I gave myself a piece of motivation: that great pair of jeans that I WILL fit into on my birthday. (Dec. 13th) If moo pulled her head out of her ass, she'd realize fruit is cheaper than chocolate.
I might have missed something here so I'll shut up now.
chicken lady
Zzelda, I with you 100%, I do all this too. Even no time to excersize isn't an excuse. I'm a full time student and I have a job.I park in the far parking lot for both and I WALK. I do the same thing when I go to the sotre. I take stairs and not elevators. I go the long way around when feeding my animals. There's ways to incorporate movement into your daily life without going to a gym.

I'm 100% with you on the exercise too! smiling smiley

I try to *move*. Even simple movement helps alot. I get up and move too, because it keeps things tidy - you have to pick up and clean as you go along, it simplifies, you don't have a pile of a mess built up, and it gets you moving all at the same time! grinning smiley I am very organized smiling smiley I also try to go out for a walk every evening after dinner. Even in the dark - I take my flashlight smiling smiley

Or, with it being Fall here / Dark, chilly, possibly rainy - do your housecleaning after dinner. It's exercise! Keep that metabolism going.

And - it doesn't cost anything either, like a gym smiling smiley

I would bet that I do alot more basic housework and movement than the average SAHM.

Whether walking or just doing chores for exercise - even if I don't feel like it - I try to do a little. And then you build on that. There's some runner's axiom too, along the lines of - if you don't feel like it - tell yourself 'I will" - just for 5 minutes - and then once you get going you will tend to keep going, and at the least do a bit anyway.

There IS a reason why I'm average sized and these whinging Cows are often Whales.

Also shows why my home is neat, clean and organized as opposed to a filthy dump that should appear on an episode of "Hoarders".

Also shows why my home is neat, clean and organized as opposed to a filthy dump that should appear on an episode of "Hoarders".

Ok, I confess that I love this show (I wish Netflix had more episodes!). I can't help but clean up a little bit after watching, even if my house was pretty clean to begin with! It's quite a motivator. smiling smiley
It's not surprising how those spots on the globe that have a massive infrastructure catering to brats (Fuck-E-Cheese, Mickey Dees, Disney Stores, etc.) are also considered the least famblee-friendly and have the fattest, lousiest and most incompetent breeders. smile rolling left righteyes2

It may be that the parunts are engaging in comfort eating, to ease the pain of dealing with the little hellions in the first place. :bedmadelie
Major bullshit. My friend who lives in the UK is currently enjoying lengthy generous mooternity leave. She was fat prior to the pignancy, got gestational diabetes and high blood pressure the way most lardos do when they get knocked up. Gave birth to a small, premature loaf due to her health problems. And now complains that she is fat because doctors don't give her enough advice on how to lose weight. While status updating about how many times she has enjoyed lunch at TGIFridays with other new-moos. When she's not blaming the system for her weight, she blames the loaf, saying it's baby weight. Again, major bullshit. She gained very little as the loaf was so small. I suggested maybe she should go back to work as working hard burns calories. No reply.
The only thing I am having trouble believing here is there's anywhere else in the world with more obese people than in The United States! I am not exaggerating when I say that at least 70% of the adult female population in my area, small town in Southern Kentucky, are obese. I don't mean pleasantly plump either, I mean muffin top, fat hanging out and over, and rolls of lard around their bellies and thighs as big around as my entire body, fat. I have a tendency to put on weight easily and since I have moved here I have to be extra cautious about not starting to get cocky and feeling thin or anything, which would be easy to do if I were to compare myself to most of these Moo Heifers, which I don't. Whenever I start to feel the least bit porky I consume less, drink more water, and bump up my walking distance each day.shrug

That woman who blames an entire country for her obesity because it's not "family friendly" is grasping at straws to explain away her laziness and lack of organizational skills. How can obesity have anything to do with whether a country is "famblee friendly"? Her comment doesn't even make any sense! Is she saying if the government gave her a salary for being a stay at home Moo that she would have more time to eat properly or exercise? Is she blaming her sedentary job? If so, that's one of the most piss poor excuses for remaining fat and out of shape of just about any I have ever heard. No one is stuffing McDonald's down her gullet at lunch and even if fast food was her ONLY choice for lunch, they do have salads! Does she not know how to pack her own healthy lunch and take a walk around the block a few times in the evening?confused smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
It's total bullshit.

I'm from the UK and to claim we aren't family friendly is bollocks!

'At the end of the day you're too tired to the exercise you need to stay healthy with a sedentary job.'

What the fuck? So after a busy day's sitting, you're too tired to go to the gym, or ride a bike home instead of getting in your car?

I work in an operating theatre, hard physical graft, 12 hour shifts. I bike to and from work, and go to the gym a couple of times a week. My mum is a nurse also, she works on ICU, very hard work. She always had time to do her workout videos, and use the home gym her and my dad have got. She used to get me doing it too, which a) means 'I'm a mummy' is no excuse, mine managed, and b) I grew up around excercise so didn't grow up to be a fat trog myself.
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