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2308 Guiliani

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2308 Guiliani
May 11, 2007
Rudy will get his pee-pee slapped by all the mommies of the world for such a horrible comment. Then he'll get a time-out.

A right to choose???? OH MY GOD!

This country is on the fast track back to the middle ages, 3rd world style, why stop now by electing a guy like Rudy for President?

I think Ted Nugent would KICK ASS as president. Too bad he's not running.
Re: 2308 Guiliani
May 11, 2007
The problem is that abortion goes right out the window when the person running for office wants those voters. I have seen it with Democrats as well. Hillary used to be very pro-choice with no apologies. Now...she wants the Mommy and Religious Vote so she is catering to Evangelicals. In the "Catholics for a Free Choice" mag, she said how abortion is such a tragedy and how there should be less of them. Even the once radical CFFC for abortion has become watered-down about how to make adoption better or more affordable to birth that baby.

A childfree woman like myself has no place in those groups so I canceled my membership with the supposed pro-choice Catholic group as well. Women get sold out every fucking time. I am over it! It women want abortion, it is time for them to get off their asses and do something about it. I did security for aboriton clinics. When the volunteers from abortion rights groups asked patients if they wanted pro-choice literature or possibly attend a meeting on this issue, the hands would go up in their faces...yet they wanted us to escort them to the door when a forced birther was screaming in their faces!

The gals just wanted to get their abortions done unnoticed and get out of there ASAP so they can pretend nothing happened. That is so the women can get the "right" man down the road with that suburban life along with the SUV and strollers. I am sure the abortion was never mentioned to "Mr. Right". Women will need to lose everything before they get active again. Right now, shopping and manicures are what is on the Average Female's mind. Wait until birth control pills are harder to get. That may wake someone up! Until then, women will just go on obliviously...

Rudy's problem is that he apologizes for his position rather than say what he feels and tell others to deal with it. Politicians need to quit saying they are sorry for a pro-abortion stance.
Re: 2308 Guiliani
May 14, 2007
Abortion will remain a "shameful" activity as long as supposedly pro choice politicans continue to bleat and moan about what a horrific and shameful tragedy abortion is. No one is proud of tragedy, even if that "tragedy" has actually allowed them to have a decent life with future prospects. The real tragedy in unwanted pregnancy is people having children they don't want and can't care for properly because they're ashamed, or pressured, to have carry that glob of unwanted cells to term. See, then you end up raisng a fucked up kid, who will turn into a fucked up adult who will probably end up making more fucked up kids.
Re: 2308 Guiliani
May 15, 2007
Pro-lifers AND pro-chociers also love to tout adoption even if the woman says she will be scarred by it. Often, the adopted out babies suffer throughout childhood. On this CF site and others, I read posts of adopted people who were mistreated by the family they were to be "grateful" to for "saving" them from foster care. Many infertiles or even those with kids adopt for the wrong reasons. The twitching infertiles have this "Kodak idea" of what parenthood is like and then are hit with the harsh reality of what it takes to care for a baby. I have also heard how the adopted child is treated as second-class if the parents end up having their own children. With interracial adoptions, the child has the extra burden of feeling how his/her heritage has been obliterated. I am tired of pro-lifers saying how white women who abort make the adoption pool smaller. There are a lot of needy older children who need homes. Let's start with them rather than coerce women to add more Caucasian newborns for white people to buy.
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