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Letter I wrote to a Feminist Columnist

Posted by amethusos* 
Letter I wrote to a Feminist Columnist
May 15, 2007
Ms. Goodman:

Normally, I enjoy your column as you are strong on reproductive rights and feminism. However, I felt your column of how women with children get "mommified" on the job was entitlement for these mothers.

With feminism, more choices became available for women. Each choice has a consequence. If a woman wants a child, her career may suffer if she chooses to spend more time with her family. A lot of moms do want "flex time", part-time, or to stay home for a few years. With any field, part-time or being out of the profession is going to hurt a person regardless of gender. In many professions, change is constant. A lot of men do not do the same when it comes to staying home, being tardy, or asking for part-time because they have to support their families: often a stay-at-home wife and kids.

As a childfree-by-choice woman, I have felt that my personal time was considered less valuable by female co-workers with children. I was often expected to work weekends, evenings, holidays, or extra shifts because I did not have kids. It was worse when I did not have a mate. The attitude was a childfree and single female co-worker should live at her work station as she could not have a life outside of the job due not reproducing. I no longer take this behaviour from co-workers with children. My personal time is very important.

I have also worked jobs where women with children felt entitled to leave early even if it was during a busy time in a small call center where the load of the calls fell onto me and a few others. They would call out on a drop of a dime due to a child's cold but would make a scene if they were asked to stay later if someone else had called off from work. I also heard the "MY children are more important than this JOB"; yet, they cried of not having enough money.

Elinor Burkett wrote of this issue in her book, The Baby Boon: How Family-Friendly America Cheats The Childless. Ms. Burkett was blasted on a few television shows and Amazon.Com's review page for daring to write of this issue. The fact is that most of of the time, women with kids make the choice to go on the "mommy track". Feminism was never meant about "having it all". That is impossible. No one can have everything! We make our choices in life and take the consequence that goes with each choice.

My stepbrother is a "Mr. Mom" right now. I am certain his career will be stalled if and when he returns to work but he made the choice to stay at home while his wife works. No one is going to be waiting for him to come back into his chosen field as too many people want and need jobs.
Re: Letter I wrote to a Feminist Columnist
May 15, 2007
amethusos* :yr

Has society become so breedercentric that children are the only family?
Re: Letter I wrote to a Feminist Columnist
May 15, 2007
Great letter!

And yes,Liz, if you aren't a child, or haven't had a child, you can basically go get fucked in this society. One doesn't need to care for elderly parents, there's homes for them. And woe be unto thee who decides to say, care for a person who they aren't related to by blood or marriage. Your contribution is worthless and you are a stupid fool for caring. Basically, what I've seen develop in this soceity is "It's all for MEEEEE".
Your family is the ONLY one that matters, and EVERYTHING else in the world is merely here to support and enhance YOUR family. Illegal immigrants=BAD, unless they're doing YOUR yard work or home repairs for cheap. SUV's=BAD, but you really NEED one because you have to have something SAFE to shlepp the kids around in (and the neighbors have one). Walmart=BAD, but you absolutely can't afford to pay the extra 5 cents that it would cost Walmart to actually provide their employees with decent wages. Sweatshops=BAD, except Bratleigh really NEEDS those jeans from The Gap. McDonald's=BAD, except it's so HAAAARRRRDDD to cook after such a busy day of ass sitting. Foul language=BAD, except that it's the best way to express yourself when you step on Snotford's legos, someone cuts you off on the road or the bag of chips you're opening explodes in your face.
Re: Letter I wrote to a Feminist Columnist
May 16, 2007
smiling smiley

Thank-you, Feh & Liz. I doubt I will hear from Ellen Goodman as most feminists are fucking breeder pleasers...
Re: Letter I wrote to a Feminist Columnist
May 16, 2007
I liked your article. More of these columnists need to be shown the light and given a wake up call.

They float through their little realities, pen in hand, spewing shit out their asses without a second thought.
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