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Articles in National Post - Daters vs Breeders + sequel article

Posted by Anonymous User 
Here are two articles published in the National Post. It was discussed at lenght on other sites, but I copy-paste them here, because you need a subscription to access them.

1-At a restaurant near you, the war between Daters and Breeders

Jonathan Kay
National Post

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hi! Yes, you over at the next table. I was hoping we could have a chat. Mind if I pull up a chair?

You two are on a date, right? I can tell. You make a lovely couple! I'm sorry to intrude. This won't take a moment. We'll be done by the time your entrees arrive.

You know what this is about, don't you? Come on, now -- don't play coy. How many glances have you shot over at my table since you sat down? You've been polite enough not to actually say anything, naturally. But every time one of my kids make a peep, I detect your umbraged stare.

That's usually how things play out between our two camps -- the Daters and the Breeders -- isn't it? No loud scenes or confrontations, just a ritualized discharge of passive-aggressive gazes, frowns and eyeball rolls. If things get especially out of control -- like, maybe a toddler-launched bread roll sails over your heads -- you switch tables or complain to your waiter. But that's usually as far as it goes.

No, no -- don't try to deny it. Let's be adults about this. And don't be insulted, either. Hey -- I've been in your shoes! That's the thing:Most Daters have never been Breeders. But every Breeder has been a Dater. That's how we got to be Breeders in the first place.

Which is to say: I know what it's like. It's Saturday night. You're trying to get a vibe going with your honey. You've sprung for a good bottle and the table d'hote at a trendy boite. Things are going smoothly. Then all of a sudden, some noisy brood spills out of a Honda CR-V into the adjoining table. Next thing you know, you're surrounded by chicken fingers, sippy-cups and all things Dora.

Kind of kills the mood, right? Nobody wants to pitch woo in a daycare centre.

Ah, see -- you're nodding. We understand each other. Aren't you glad we had this little chat? We're not so different, you and I.

Well, I suppose we are in one crucial chronological sense: I'm you ? in 10 years.

So maybe now that I've sown the seeds of empathy, let me describe the restaurant experience from my perspective.

The first thing you should know about the family that invades your favourite restaurant at 6 p.m. is that everyone has been up for 12 hours. Kids don't know weekend from weekday: They bounce around from the crack of dawn. And by necessity, so do their parents. That's why you and your date look so relaxed and wellgroomed, while I've got bags under my eyes and stains on my clothes.

Kids are blessings -- don't get me wrong. But after a day of weekend child care, I'm ready for someone else to cook for me. Sometimes, that means drivethru at McDonald's. But every once and a while, the missus and I get ambitious, and we go for something more upscale.

Like tonight, for instance. This is a big deal for us, a special treat. And we don't like to have it ruined by guilt and cold stares from the likes of, well, you.

I know, I know -- there are some Breeders who give the rest of us a bad name. We all have our favourite horror stories: the parents who sit there idly chatting with one another while a kid wails away. Or who spread their kids' toys out all over the floor, like they own the place. Or the "continental" types who drag overtired children to trendy restaurants late at night. They deserve all the nasty looks they get. But me, I'm one of the good ones. I come early, eat quickly and get the bill paid by the time

the Daters' rush starts at 7 p.m. When my kid screams, I take her outside till she quiets down -- even if it means my food's always cold by the time I eat it, and the only conversation my wife and I get to share is a quick bicker over who forgot the colouring books.

Like everything else about parenting, dining out en famille is hard work, in other words. That's why it rankles us Breeders when we get the leper treatment just because, despite our best efforts, our kids occasionally spill their food, raise their voices and generally act their age.

OK, lecture's over. I've left my wife holding the fort over at our table long enough. Plus, I see your food is coming. Ah, you got the Smendozzata. And Madame has the San Giorgio. Excellent choices! I've always wondered what they tasted like served hot.

But please don't forget what I've told you. Indeed, you may want to commit my little speech to memory. Ten years from now, I predict, you'll be repeating it to a couple sitting in this very restaurant, word for word.


2-The sequel:

Send in the assmonkeys

Behold the latest environmentalist fad: going childless
Jonathan Kay, National Post
Published: Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Last Tuesday, I wrote a column for this space entitled "At a restaurant near you, the war between Daters and Breeders." It was one of those airy, self-indulgent pieces of cultural commentary that otherwise self-important op-ed pundits publish every few months to "show their human side." (See: I eat in restaurants with my kids --just like you!)

My basic point was that restaurant diners shouldn't go hard on parents whose kids emit the odd yelp at dinner time. I know, I know -- not exactly Pulitzer material. But I can't solve the Middle East conflict every week.

Besides, vapid as it was, the column hit a nerve: In the days following publication, I got a flood of e-mail feedback. The messages came in two flavours: (1) Brief, appreciative comments from fellow parents, often punctuated with smiley-faced emoticons; and (2) searing, cuckoo-pants rants like this one from a certain Gaby Kaplan:

"Mr. Kay, I hope we never have the misfortune to have your family ruin a nice restaurant near us, because I could hardly resist the compulsion to empty ice water into the faces of both you and your broodsow of a partner. Attention, Mr. Look-My-Sperm-Works, your job as a parent does not end at ejaculation: Would you please show the rest of us the Get Out of Courtesy card that they gave you when your wife grunted out your first replicant? Polite parents do not assault diners with their loud brood of assmonkeys."

I got so many eccentric messages of this type that I suspected an outside writing campaign: The Post's rank-and-file readership couldn't be this weird.

Sure enough, after a little ego-surfing, I found my column had been posted as flame-fodder on selfishheathens.com, Reprodcutive Ruckus and other Web sites catering to the "Childfree" lifestyle. (Whatever you do, don't call them "childless." As one site puts it, "'Childless' implies that we're missing something we want -- and we aren't. We consider ourselves Childfree -- free of the loss of personal freedom, money, time and energy that having children requires.")

This is apparently a vibrant niche on the Internet. And skewering "pathetic, self-congratulatory, over-entitled asses" (to quote the above-cited Welcome Back, Cotter name-alike) is the favored pastime. Masochist that I am, I spent much of the weekend surfing their many complaints about broodsows, replicants and the travails of living in a "kidcentric" society. (Sadly, none were as well-written and amusing as Mr. Kaplan's.)

For now, Childfree remains something of an obscure movement. But as environmentalism gradually becomes the West's secular religion, that may change. Indeed, if Stephane Dion and other Kyoto fanatics get into power, a sanitized version of Gaby Kaplan's complaint that I've "burden[ed] our humanity- clogged planet with [my] obnoxious seed" may become the stuff of public-service campaigns.

Here in Canada, the most militant enemy of human fecundity is environmental activist Paul Watson, president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Earlier this month, he declared that the world's human population -- "the AIDS of the earth," as he puts it -- should be cut by 85%. Humans would revert to a car-free "primitive lifestyle" and, under the creepiest part of his plan, only "a very small percentage of humans" would be permitted to reproduce.

In Britain, the more polite face of this movement is represented by the respected Optimum Population Trust, which last week put out a briefing statement exhorting the world's parents to have fewer children. Noting that a British baby born today can be expected to produce about 744 tons of planet-warming CO2 (the equivalent of 620 return flights from London to New York) over the course of a lifetime, the trust concluded that "Population limitation should therefore be seen as the most cost-effective carbon offsetting strategy available to individuals and nations." (Penny-pinching paramours take note: Given the expected cost of global warming, the Trust calculates that the use of a 35-pence condom produces a "9,000,000% potential return on investment." How's that for safesex pillow talk?)

On an intellectual level, I have a certain amount of respect for anyone who truly would forsake reproduction in the furtherance of "carbon offsets": Unlike the hypocrite yuppy who drives his Hummer to three different malls so he can pick the right kind of "carbonneutral shampoo" (yes, the product exists), the Paul Watsons of the world are at least trying to make good on their convictions.

But in my gut, I am well and truly weirded out. As George Orwell wrote, the surest sign of dangerous extremism is the willingness to pursue ideological purity and societal perfection at the expense of fundamental human imperatives. All things considered, I would much rather live in an overheated world teeming with assmonkeys than a Kyotofied utopia in which human life was measured against carbon credits.

And thankfully, my broodsow feels the same way.

Jeebus! Where to start? That smug assertion that Mr. Kay is "us in ten years" sure takes the cake. As if everybody wants kyds, of course! Why else would you get married? Oh, how about for love and companionship? The formula "dater--spouse--breeder" doesn't apply to everyone.

If I were at Chez Romantique and the Breedersons trooped in, I doubt I would suffer in silence while the sprogs act up. And they WILL act up, it's the nature of small children. More the parental units' fault, really, for taking kyds where they don't want to be. That "Get Out of Courtesy Card" isn't so far off the mark, IMO. Well said, Gaby Kaplan!

And yes, Mr. Kay, humans actually have overpopulated the planet, much as you and Pope Benedict may disagree with that fact. Some of us have to cut back on the sprogging; you ought to thank those who do it voluntarily!
Re: Articles in National Post - Daters vs Breeders + sequel article
May 15, 2007
Here's a copy of the email I sent the ass:

Dear Mr Kay

As a childfree woman, I took great offense to your recent article. Where to start?

How about the smug assertion that it'll be "you in 10 years" - did you ever stop to consider that it won't? I hate to break it to you, but not everyone wants to be a parent.

You also stated that "it's a big deal for us, a special treat". Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr Kay, but not every childfree person is wealthy. We have bills to pay too, you know. Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, it's a special treat for us as well - one we don't care to have ruined by kids screaming?

And why were you commenting on personal appearance? I for one don't give two hoots what you look like - I only care about your offspring running wild. If you can't get a babysitter or leave your kids at home, it's your responsibility to make sure they behave themselves.

Having said that, I must admit to being amused by your article. Judging by the condescending tone, you'd swear you invented parenthood.
There is a dater's response to the article and many comments follow:
Re: Articles in National Post - Daters vs Breeders + sequel article
May 15, 2007
Oh for chrissakes...
Until I can go get shitfaced drunk at Chuck E Cheeze and play video games all night without getting the stink eye from parents, and possibly ejected, I will continue to glare at and possibly complain about the breedersons and their fucking hellions when I'm eating out at a place that's going to cost me more than 30$ for a meal. There are places for adults to eat, there are places for children to eat AND there are places for all types of people to enjoy together.
A lot of those breeders really miss the point. When I do go to a TGI Friday's, Applebee's, etc. (and I go to these places only as an alternative to fast food while on the road or in an unfamiliar place), I expect families with kids, I expect some noise. No prob. I don't expect anything but mediocre food and service at a mediocre price, and I don't expect a nice ambiance. It's just not where I go for a nice night out.

But, normally, when my husband and I go out (which we pay for with our jobs, not baby-sitting -- WTF?), we never leave the house before 7. We usually try to go out closer to 8, although YES we have to get up at 6:30 the next AM becasue of our pets. We make that sacrifice to have a nice night out together. We never go to restaurants that advertise themselves aas being family friendly, we do not go to restaurants that don't feature a full bar, and we don't go to restaurants that have high chairs, boosters, or paper placemats. We normally are able to avoid the kiddies this way.

When some imbecile has brought their kids in, I DON'T shoot them daggers. Most of them are so warped they will simply assume I am admiring their child, and if they get that I'm upset, it will just cause them to feel good that they managed to ruin my evening. And I also think maybe I just don't get it, and maybe they do have some genuine brain damage or something that prevents them from either getting a sitter or going someplace more appropriate.

But what would really piss me off, I think, would be if I had kids, planned a nice night out with my husband, hired a sitter...and still had to listen to kids shrieking anyway. Now, THAT would have me up out of my seat telling the other parents off.
"But what would really piss me off, I think, would be if I had kids, planned a nice night out with my husband, hired a sitter...and still had to listen to kids shrieking anyway. Now, THAT would have me up out of my seat telling the other parents off."

Amen to that! A family legend is that my mom went off on a couple with a kid in tow at the best restaurant in my hometown, because the kid threw a handful of mac and cheese at their table. Of course the breeders in question whined that as a non-parent my mom couldn't have a clue-to which she retorted her five year old daughter was at home with a sitter, so she knows enough that a kid isn't comfortable at a nice restaurant! Smart woman, my mom.
liz Wrote:
> Here's a copy of the email I sent the ass:
> Dear Mr Kay
> As a childfree woman, I took great offense to your
> recent article. Where to start?
> How about the smug assertion that it'll be "you in
> 10 years" - did you ever stop to consider that it
> won't? I hate to break it to you, but not everyone
> wants to be a parent.

Right on for the e-mail, Liz. Thank you

Moos love to say how that will be us in ten years because they do not want any other woman to be able to avoid those babies. Ann Landers ran an anonymous polls many eons ago asking parents if they would have still had their kids if they could do it over. A whopping 70% said they would not have done it again. That says it all...
First of all, anybody who would have the balls to come over to my table and accost me while I'm trying to have a pleasant evening would get his eyes stabbed out with the butter knife.

What an asshat.
Hooray, Feh!!!!

I ALWAYS file a complaint when the dumbass breeders' brats near me are making way too much noise (as well as running around like monkeys on crack).

And I usually get moved to another section of the restaurant far far away (I'm on the verge of declaring that the assholes should move somewhere else - I usally get to a restaurant early, ask for the "childfree section" - but invariable they seat these morons nearby. But at this point, it's just a relief to get away from them.)

I think they should fine manners-impaired breeders. At the very least, they should pay for MY MEAL as well as my guests (hey, garcon, bring on the filet mignon, Cristol [spelling, sorry, kiddos!] champagne - in short, the works!)

That MIGHT get their attention. Then again, they're so braindead to begin with, maybe not.

I knew of someone who wouldn't take his kids out to dinner until they were "restaurant ready" - if only the rest of the breeder nation would do the same. The restaurants would have NO KIDS FOR DECADES!!!!!!!!

In a perfect world, fellow CFers, in a perfect world.
That article is not even fit to line the cat litter pan. I respect my cat too much to subject the poor thing to that bullshit.

Just another fucking whiny-assed breeduh doing a shitty job of raising loud, free-range brats.
What a stupid, deluded idiot he is. I think we CF scare him winking smiley

Why is it that these idiots think everyone wants to, or will, breed? It is EXTREMELY annoying to go somplace very nice, and try to eat when craplings are screaming at the next table, or standing and looking over your shoulder in booths. I HATE when they do that. I don't want some little fucker staring at me when I'm trying to eat. Why is it that we are so eeeeevil when we just want to go somewhere that isn't infested with brats?

I'm with you Gaby, keep the ass monkeys out of nice restaurants :yr

angry flipping off Jonathan Kay.
Elizabeth Wrote:
> What a stupid, deluded idiot he is. I think we CF
> scare him winking smiley

You are very right. Many men are very afraid of a childfree-by-choice woman. We show these guys that there are a few less women who can be controlled by a male. A non-childed woman can take far less shit than a woman saddled with children. Men who fear CF women can be very nasty. Many years ago on a 12-Step board when members were talking of families and such, I mentioned being childfree. Feminism also came up. This "recovering" man called me a 'lesbian' and said he wished I would die alone from some horrible, painful form of cancer. The moderators of the board never banned this asshole despite banning trolls. To them, it was not a big deal that the CF AA'er was literally being harassed by a woman-hater who probably would have wanted to harm me in "real life". I stopped participating on that site. Yet, people wonder why I can be such a bitch... yawning smiley
Re: Articles in National Post - Daters vs Breeders + sequel article
May 30, 2007
You're so right, amethusos*, and I'm sorry you had to deal with such an asshole. I can't believe the fucktard wasn't banned.

I too have noticed that a lot of men are very threatened by a CF woman.
They seem to see it as a direct insult to their "masculinity".

I've also noticed that the most rabid and nastiest men are happy to leave the cuntwork of raising children to the unfortunate women in their lives.
Yep, me too! I've seen men feel threatened, been called all sorts of names because I am CF - everything from a slut, to a lesbian to a selfish bitch, to a reproductive mutant. Yes, a reproductive mutant. Go figure! LOL

But ya know what? In the end, sure, they've trolled the boards, harrassed us, jabbed us with insults, profanity, inappropriate gestures, whatever. In spite of all this, we STILL get to be childfree forever, have a fabulous life, enjoy our time, money and resources. Have a clean, quiet, organized home and car, no physical problems from childbirth or repugnancy, and our life and money is OURS. And I remind anyone of this who tries to put me down because I am CF.

Them? They get to wallow in their bitter, miserable existence. SUCKS TO BE THEM!!!!!
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