Tit Nazi Laws being pushed
June 04, 2007
Ugh. I saw on MSN today...a headline that said 'New laws being considered to allow breastfeeding in public'...but wimped out. Anyone wanna hold your nose, be brave, and look? My friend 'A', a teen moo, is being a total pathetic bitchbaby about her mom not letting her breastfeed her disgusting smelly sprog in public...but now she's all hyped up over this crap...Oh well. Here's to all of us, the ones she calls "bitchy" for not wanting keedz ever!!
Re: Tit Nazi Laws being pushed
June 05, 2007
I've noticed that the same type of moos scream over thong bikinis in apartment complex pools or at the beach as well as protest the local strip club. Yet, they want to hang their teats out in public..
Re: Tit Nazi Laws being pushed
June 05, 2007
And ya know what? LET THEM.

Let them make asses of themselves because they have absolutely NO idea how fucking ridiculous they look.

Like I said before, while moo is making her little statement by breastfeeding in public, accompanying hubby is looking like he wants to crawl under a rock, while checking out all the attractive women in the vicinity. I've witnessed it first-hand.
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