Procreation as the answer
December 19, 2005
I know several idiotic, stupid family members like this.

1) I have a cousin living in South America who got himself in this situation. He and his girlfriend were barely together for one year and she got knocked-up. They broke up several times before that, always argued, he was so miserable, post-poned their engagement after dating for three months, etc. The 30 yr. old girl lost her business, went bankrupt, had to sell her car, sell her unconstructed condo, had no health insurance, had creditors after her, then goes after him becasue he was helping her pay bills, etc.... and guess what happens she gets pregant after several months! Gee how smart can you be!!!! My stupid cousin has to marry her and they plan the wedding in one month so she doesn't show, etc. Last month he told me that he would have to wait several days for his paycheck to buy her a b-day present! Hmmmm. If he has trouble having money for a smiple b-day gift, imagine the bills he will need to pay after the stupid baby is born. As it is he told me he has to pay for her labor, since she has no insurance and is unemployed! Plus it is much, much harder to find a job in South America then the U.S.!! What happens if she has a C-section or complications, more bills!!!

2) My brother-in-law in U.S. quits his job because he is burnt out. The brother-in-law's girlfriend also quits her job for the same reason. They both do not have anything lined up. Guess whay happens! This also 30-year old idiot gets knocked-up! Gee! How stupid can you be with no job and wanting to have a baby. It took the brother-in-law almost one year to get a job. He ended up going back to the same job he quit and the idiot woman also went back several months before she had the baby! Both couldn't find better jobs! Both live now with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law (who is also a single mother) of one girl. There is a total of 6 people. When I asked the girlfriend how she copes living there, she comments that she has no privacy, except when she goes to the bathroom! Both my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law who bacame a mother at 17 are both on welfare!!

The moral of the story for supid women: For these idiotic bimbos, when women turn 30 yrs old, many feel like it is their duty to have a baby no matter if they are unemployed, bankrupt, etc. My damn father-in-law hints saying that my biological clock is ticking (I'm 32). I always say let it tick because I don't care! I don't want children. There is always a stupid comment like you'll regret it, blah, blah, blah. I ignore people like this! Let them turn blue from talking too much! Screw everybody!!!!
Re: Procreation as the answer
December 19, 2005
I am in my early 30s and I don't hear shit.

Re: Procreation as the answer
December 19, 2005
To add to this...
A guy I was very close to in the past was married with one kid, their marriage SUCKED. He worked two jobs because she wanted to stay home with the baby (even though when they started out they spent all their money sending her to college and it was decided that LATER it would be his turn...)...well his turn never came because the baby came along, she refused to work, and as I said the marriage sucked. So here's a bright idea (NOT) let's have another baby (because in stupid breeder land that is a good way to save a marriage). She gets knocked up on purpose again, he is now almost working three jobs, baby comes, and guess what...the marriage STILL sucks. He finally wised up and divorced her lazy ass. Seems she only wanted to stay pregnant and sit at home and not work and as soon as her meal ticket left she found her another man and basically dumped the two kids on my friend and prompty got knocked up by the new guy (another meal ticket for her so she can sit at home and breed).....
My best friend recently had her first baby. She and her husband are good parents, both work really hard, and while I don't ever want kids, I will say they are working really hard every day to be good parents. However, I was at her house the other day and her husband was bitching about how when it was just him and my friend she would make him nice dinners, they could go out, the house was always clean, he got laid alot more, etc etc. Now she tells him to heat up whatever he can find in the frigde, do his own laundry, and sex has to be quick (when it happens at all) because the baby might wake up. I wanted to tell him to shut up. What did he THINK was going to happen when they had a kid? He needs to help out too (like I said she works full time at a good job) and he is still expecting she can do everything. If he didn't want to give up the other stuff he should have thought of that!

And I am 34 and I get ragged on by my family all the time for not wanting kids. They are about to have to give it up because I am getting my tubes tied in less than a month so they can talk shit all the want after the fact but it isn't going to change the fact that no baby will EVER come out of me and I couldn't be happier about it!

Re: Procreation as the answer
December 19, 2005
Do these breeders live in a cave or under a rock or something? Don't they watch Maury and see all the women on there looking for their "baybees' dadyees"? After they have a baybee and the duhd denies it. But sometimes I don't blame the dude; especially when the moo sleeps with 12 other dudes during the time of conception.
Despite what TV sitcoms and "women's magazines" say, having a baybee will actually break up a relationship versus saving it.
Dr. Phil (out of ALL people) actually has a good article for people to read before considering rather to have a baybee or not:
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