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Neighbors complain about screaming brats

Posted by Sadi 
Did you see this story? These are some very rude parents.


There are quite a few comments on this topic.
What the hell is it these days about screaming kids? Back in my day you didn't scream unless there was a very good reason (e.g. a broken bone). I've noticed that today's bratlings run around shrieking at the top of their lungs non-stop.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 21, 2007
SO and I have assholes like this near us, catty-corner to our back yard. 3 girls who scream at the tops of their lungs, day in and out. Our dogs go nuts when they hear it. These are the same assholes that sleigh ride into our yard and have caused damage to our house's siding and down spouting. The whole famblee is just loud, the parents talk loudly in the house, you can hear their whole conversation. The girls constantly scream, they don't know how to talk, they just scream. The parents - I swear they don't work because they are HOME ALL DAY - entertain during the week until 3 am and they are noisy then, too. I'd love to fill their pool with hydrochloric acid. I'll be the noise would stop then!

Kids that run around screaming like this non-stop have got to have something really wrong with them, such as ADHD or some other behavioral disorder. We didn't do that shit when we were kids and my friends and I were outside playing from dawn until dusk.

After reading some of the posts who wrote in favor of the judge, it seems that they all share a common thought: un-childed people are bitter, nasty and jealous. Why on earth would they think such a thing? That's like saying, "winning 364 million dollars in a lottery would SUCK BALLS." I guess since they've got no defense other than name calling and stamping us as jealous, they make themselves feel better. The parents of the world don't want to own up to the fact that kids are bratty pieces of shit when left to run wild. Yea, whatever gets them through the day.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 21, 2007
WTF is up with these breeders? They need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around them and they need to learn a little consideration for others.
This has been going on for three years and several people have complained so I doubt it was just kyeedz being kyeedz. Moo and duhd clearly have no control over the brats and no respect for others. Azzholes breeding azzholes. Lovely.

Why do so many chyyyuldren sound like they're being skinned alive nowadays, anyway? As a kid, sure, I ran and played but I knew to keep the noise to a reasonable level and not to scream unless it was life or death.
One breeder over there, Robin, is getting slammed by everyone. Everything is about her and her kids. No one is letting her get away with her whining, it's pretty funny.
Anonymous User
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 21, 2007
We used to live two houses down from a couple little girls who would jump on their trampoline in their back yard and scream.

And I mean SCREAM.

Not yell in play or anything, which is different.

I'm talking about screaming bloody murder as if they're being kidnapped. The first few times I heard it I seriously thought something was wrong.

I always had the urge to call the police and say "the neighbor kids are screaming, I think something awful is happening, please hurry!"

But I have a feeling that if I did, it wouldn't end the way I wanted: with the officer telling the parents not to let their kids scream like that because it worries people. I'd probably get a lecture about "they're only kids playing."

But I mean, seriously. My mom taught me that you do NOT scream for no reason, because then people think something is wrong and get worried about you--you know, the 'boy who cried wolf' thing.

As far as that story goes: if it were a barking dog, people would be all over it. But why? Use the same argument: it's a dog. It does what dogs do. Dogs will be dogs. It's just a dog. Get over it. How come that argument works for kids but not for dogs? (Hell, the dog has less of a chance to know better than the kids do!)

Rachel Poczatek said Tuesday her children are well-behaved. "They're not throwing rocks, they're not yelling, they're just playing in their yard," she said.
How can she say that? If her neighbor has VIDEOTAPE of the kids screaming, then obviously yes, they yell! Dumbass.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 22, 2007
I saw the story on FNC. Of course, the moo showed sweet little videos of her two daughters swimming and playing in a normal fashion. I am sure there is more to this story than the Breedersons are letting on. It is summer and school is out. That means "friends" are probably at their house in the pool as well.

There may be the noise ordinance that allows up to 10pm before calling law enforcement regarding noise. However, most communities also have laws stating that people are allowed to have quiet in their own homes regardless of the time of day. When I rented an apartment in the Orlando area for ten years, the lease stated that even during daytime hours that the noise could not be excessive. That is because each resident had the right to live in his/her unit without someone else's music or noise filtering in.

Back in my Day, sprogs were not even allowed to scream and yell while playing indoors as most mothers did not want to hear this shit. I was also taught as a sproggage to never scream unless I was in a dangerous situation. Playing did not qualify for that at all.

Who the fuck would be jealous of childed people? There is a pool in the backyard where I live and it is nice to look out and NOT see those playing children! I can drink my coffee and type away with no hassles. And...I was able to leave a financially exploitive husband without looking back. I will need a paralegal to do the divorce as it is harder to do the simplified version in this state. However, I don't have to worry about the SOB as I am childfree and the ties have been severed...unlike ex-moos who still harass the ex-husbands for revenge. That is jealousy???

It looked as if Daddio backed down despite the bleached-out moo because he probably does not want any more hassle with neighbours. It could be worse if the neighbourhood belongs to a Home Owners Association. HOA's dictate everything...
If I were the neighbors with the videotape, I'd start playing it nonstop once those monsters went into their house. And play it until 10 pm (at least), making sure the noise was aimed directly at those clueless morons' home.

Where do they get off? They'd bitch like hell if a neighbor had their CD players blasting, but their brats are allowed to scream nonstop?

And as others have commented, why in the hell are they screaming? When I was a kid, if you were screaming you were considered to be in trouble. Nowadays its just another attention getting device from jerks.

I'm sure the neighbors pray for laryngitis for those two dimwitted girls (they probably got their lack of manners from their mother - she looks like a bleached blonde skank).
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 22, 2007
Everytime I look at that bitch's picture, I become enraged. SUCH entitlement.

And WTF is up with that "pose" of hers in the photos, anyway? She acts like she is some sort of model. Dream on, babe.

She was probably one of those moos who breastfed wide out in public without an ounce of decency or respect for those around her. Cunt.
I know. The mom is posing for pics, dragging her kids into her photo op and just begging for attention. Typical attention grabbing moo. I hope the neighbors band together and find a way to make her life miserable.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 22, 2007
If you go to Yahoo's home page, you can find a clip from ABC, I think, where they show some of the neighbour's video. It only plays for a few seconds but the little fucks sound like they're being tortured. It is definitely not normal - imagine having to listen to that for hours on end!

Daddio is also interviewed and he says they're "gonna try" to get the brats to be quieter. Uhh, aren't they supposed to be the adults in charge here? Tell, don't ask them. Idiots.

I couldn't believe some of the commenters in the original article were saying the neighbours who complained should sit inside. Exactly why the fuck should they? They're entitled to peace and quiet and they should be able to enjoy their yards without listening to yard apes gone wild.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 22, 2007
liz Wrote:

> Daddio is also interviewed and he says they're
> "gonna try" to get the brats to be quieter. Uhh,
> aren't they supposed to be the adults in charge
> here? Tell, don't ask them. Idiots.

Exactly... Thank you

How about beat the kids' asses if they do not listen to "reason" and keep them out of the pool for the rest of the summer? But...that would be too hard on the moo, who probably views the swimming pool or a trampoline as a babysitter so she does not have to deal the offspring all day even though she is a housemoo.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 22, 2007
I just had to throw in as I kept reading the comments of "robin lamb" about how ALL children DESERVE respect. So here's my post from there...

Robin Lamb wrote:

And there are adults who are disrespectful to all children and give them dirty looks just because they are children. Children are not angels all the time. Children act out. They are kids. It happens. My kids are scolded and punished when they do.

Seriously, what world did you grow up in? Apparently one where simply because you are born you automatically deserve respect. Really? Becuase I was always taught that respect was EARNED through your actions and behavior. My elders showed me respect when I behaved in a way that deserved it. If I was misbehaving in public, then there was no respect just "stop it now" and "go to your room". Later there would be a discussion of why how I was behaving was wrong, but the first course of action was to stop my offending behavior.

Simply put, if you are behaving like a monkey on crack, and your elders are giving you the stink eye, it's probably because crack addled monkies haven't done anything to EARN that respect. Sure, kids act out at times, but then it's the responsiblity of THE PARENTS to SHOW RESPECT for EVERYONE ELSE by actually doing work to teach their children in a way that will make them contributing members of society as a whole. Parents who just say "Oh look, my child is screaming at the top of it's lungs. How dare anyone think that's horrible!" are BAD PARENTS, and doing a disservice to socety as a whole by raising someone who never learns that bad behavior does have consiquences.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 22, 2007
I listened to the clip. It's far more than painfully obvious that these parents are just being pricks - if they can't figure out that this amount and volume of noise is annoying, they should have a bullet in their heads. If I had to listen to that every day, I would end up murdering them. The snot-nosed 11 year old seems to have the attitude that since it was dropped, it's just fine to continue to be noisy. And what pisses me off is, now that everyone around the country has seen this, it gives a green light to any idiot in America with kids and a pool to be as loud as they want, nothing can be done about it.

I think this little critter would be a most welcome addition to the screechlings' pool:


Thank the Gods the 3 future pole-dancers near us aren't *QUITE* that loud.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 22, 2007
Yep...KFLL, those brats will be the next strippers of America. Hey...they can move to Orlando and "dance" at Rachel's or Cabaret...or come to Jacksonville to the nasty SOS Gentleman's Club where gross guys in pick-up trucks or old Camaros show up. The moo looks as if she landed from SOS off of Roosevelt Avenue! 69 sex
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 22, 2007
I doubt they'll ever be paid in money for taking off their clothes. More likely than not, they'll end up "going wild" and taking it off for a teeshirt, if they're lucky.
Re: Neighbors complain about screaming brats
June 25, 2007
Feh Wrote:
> I doubt they'll ever be paid in money for taking
> off their clothes. More likely than not, they'll
> end up "going wild" and taking it off for a
> teeshirt, if they're lucky.

I think you are right, My Friend! Most of today's idiotic girls will do the "girls gone wild" by showing their tits and cunts to nasty males only for a few :beer beers or t-shirts. The hooker is the one with more sense as she is getting paid for the sex.
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