Anonymous User
rant #742
December 25, 2005
Yes, while that would be personally satisfying and ultimately an excellent form of discipline... (Tells the little buggers you can't act this way in public either.) you realize how many goody two shoes are out there who would turn you in to kiddy protection rackets if you so much as glare at the brat?
There used to a thing known as social discipline (practiced in many other species unlike ours now) where a totally unrelated person could whack the shit out of a miscreant. Said miscreant would go home and whine about it, and proceed to get another whacking.
No more.
As much as we dislike misbehaving little pieces of garbage, there are those out there who will prevent a well meaning parent who is trying to raise a decent human being out of a snotty little prick.
Sadly, most people are not willing to do what is necessary when bratleigh and snotgrass act up in public. Namely, they get removed from the premises, taken home and disciplined, plus also being denied any little 'perks' for the next month. (which is the only thing that seems to get the little darlings attention.)
Of course, the easiest is merely to get a baby sitter. (money money money....)
Re: rant #742
December 27, 2005
And public discipline works, let me tell you! I remember as a kid being smacked right in the face for mouthing off to mom in a department store. Scores of people saw it and I never did THAT again! I also remember getting a whack on the ass (well deserved) at a birthday party when I was about 5 or 6 - a bunch of us were screwing around and we all got it. It's quite humbling when your friend's mom has to resort to something physical because you are misbehaving in their home! LOL
Anonymous User
Re: rant #742
December 27, 2005
I used to work at Meijers, a 'super' dept store...had a grocery store along with department store...
I had two things I remember sharply...
One was some kid getting disciplined... had his pants pulled down and mom was giving him 'what for'. The other kid happened to see me pass by and said 'hey mom, someones' watching'. To which mom replied "I don't care...". PRobably lucky it was me and not a goody two shoes.
Second, I used to work in the pet and garden (and seasonal) department. I used to cfome in early to try and feed and clean the animals. Sometimes, shoppers would come in early (in droves) and I had to cut the operation short. One particular day, I left the door to the rodent section open. Big mistake. Two damn brats were in their trying to pet the gerbils. This lot was more nervous than others and simply avoided them. I said "what are you doing?" "We weren't doing anything." "You shouldn't really ave been doing that"... "doing what?? we were doing nothing"... all the time with this shitty stupid kid grin they get. Meanwhile grandmoo has been watching them do this without saying anything.. she opens her fat mouth and says 'well the door was open". I made the mistake and said 'that gives them the right?" Unfortunately there4 was a manager there who pretty much scolded me. There are two future juvenile delinquents in practice. I would love to see moo and grandmoo at a court hearing when their little bastards have been picked up for grand larceny..."Your honor, if the owners of the house hadn't had a tv set in the living room where bastardleigh could see it, he would never have broken in"...
I don't know whom I depsise more: out of control kids or the moos and grandmoos (and duhs) that produce them.
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