I feel for you, cuz you're obviously in a lot of pain. I guess I'm lucky: 1.) my family couldn't care less that I'm CF and 2.) I wouldn't give a shit if they did, anyway.

Estranging yourself from bad-news family members is totally acceptable, and highly encouraged, in my book.

I hope you feel better.
Oh, yeah... and your bro' is just jealous that you're still free, and he's sold his life away to some brain-dead (I'm guessing) broad who wants 4 screaming brats. He just wants you to be as miserable as he is. Don't worry, just stand your ground and he never get his way! Boo hoo hoo for him.
Re: what a giftmas, family issues with being CF
December 27, 2005
My mom started her shit with me, too. I didn't want to hold my 10 month old nephew Christmas Day. What a horrid person I am. I love the little stinker to death but the kid drools and drools; and when he's not drooling, he's puking or screaming and crying. Sorry, I had on a $100 sweater and dry clean dress pants. Maybe I should have worn my pink stretch pants and baggy shirt. Of course she didn't notice how I played with the older one who is now 2, sat and colored with the kid for an hour. Well-behaven little man he is, hopefully he will continue to be such!!! Nope, mom had an opportunity to nit-pick at me so she jumped right on the band wagon.
Your family has serious issues, guest. Why take shit from people just because they are biologically related to you? Your asshole creep of a brother is totally jealous of you.
It sounds like you are on a good path with your college and work ethic. I would high-tail it outta there. Some "family."
Good luck with this.
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