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For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley

Posted by toomanybrats 
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
February 01, 2012
Then you have people like "Atomic Rod" whom I was having a debate about when he believed that with nuclear power (which I am for) would solve all our problems and we could have 50 billion people if we wanted to. I have a theory - gay men who are in the closet (Frothy mix is an example) are doing a lot of damage covering it up. They have a lot of kids to cover up their homosexuallity. Why not just come out! Anyway, my example of Rod, he says he "Has a love of humanity from the experience I had on submarines".two faces puking

Lets take a look and some of you in the military help me out:

A nuclear submarine can stay under 6 months at a time with no reason to surface.

All submariners (enlisted) are male and about 125 of them.

Everywhere you turn around there is a young guy probably very close to touching you.

You have to "hot rack" that is sleep in a bunk someone just left.

You take group showers - don't drop the soap!

Many subs have Navy Seals who can pop out of a torpedo tube. When they are not on a mission they work out at the gym all day.

Then all the submariners go right to their women as soon as the hatch opens and go and make kids. Gotta prove you don't like men

Yeah, right.

I'm sorry but I think the only reason a lot of kids are around because some men want to cloak their homosexuality.
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
February 01, 2012


"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
February 01, 2012
If we just stopped paying so much money for children we would reduce the welfare bill (good for the economy) and the number of people (good for pplanet) since bnp don't like to pay for shitleigh to go to the aquariam if they had to pay for everything they migt not want to have a wallet sucker. If we that worried about the babee social services could give it to a childless couple. Oh no they have tob have their own dna
Maybe they should start population control or something. Allow the women and men who want vasectomies, hysterectomies, tubal litigation's to have them. Regardless if they've had a child or not. And perhaps they should stop giving tax breaks and government welfare to parents. I understand raising a child is hard and takes quite a toll on the wallet. But maybe if they'd stop giving tax breaks to people with children and stop just freely giving money to parents, it may give some people enough of an incentive to stop reproducing. But I don't hold much hope for that. And maybe the people who want kids should think about adoption before they try to have one of their own.
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
July 09, 2012
Everytime i read articles about overpopulation and CF in general, i also see lots of dumb comments saying that overpopulation is a myth and if everybody thought like you we would all go extinct. Count in the Western countries who bitch about their declining population of WHITE baybees. Few years ago when i told my mom (again!) that i don't want kids she bingoed me with "do you want Finland's population to die out?"smile rolling left righteyes2 Last time i checked the norm here is 3 kids per woman. And NOBODY will sterilize you unless you shit 3 kids or are over 30. And even then you need to find a doctor who agrees, go to counselling and take your partner with you.

And i do remember once reading a local newspaper which was bitching that people here need to calve more because population is ageing and there is nobody to fill in the jobs. Meanwhile other newpaper had an article about how many immigrants are unemployed. See any problem here?
I think a big deal of the battle is cultural habits. Some of the most populous countries (such as India) tend to marry the women young, and thus they start popping out kids early and often. If those cultural attitudes were changed, the population might start coming down. If I am remembering correctly, even the government in India tried to curtail the population growth in the past because it was getting too much. The people protested, and they kept on having babies.
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
July 09, 2012
If we would burst the cultural bubble that kids=happiness, then actually make people tell the truth about parenthood, our population would stabilize quickly.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
July 09, 2012
If we would burst the cultural bubble that kids=happiness, then actually make people tell the truth about parenthood, our population would stabilize quickly.

I'd like to add that we would also have to stop vilifying the women who never wanted kids. I can't count how many times I've heard "what kind of a monster are you?" when all I said is "I'm never having children.
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
July 09, 2012
I echo what SB said. Given the state of the world and the population, not having kids should be the DEFAULT. People who want them should have to justify their decision, yet someone who doesn't want them is suspect.

This world is fucked up.
Anonymous User
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
July 09, 2012
The more I think about this issue, the more I think we really need to do something to control the population, and we need to do it before we get to the point where policies like those they have in China are the only option for the survival of the species and the planet we live on. The sad thing is that it would take such a massive cultural shift in every culture to be successful. Some things I think could be helpful (if highly unlikely to ever happen):

- Stop presenting childfree people as sad monsters and childfree couples as less-than-complete families.
- Stop presenting only children as sad, spoiled, lonely, or otherwise automatically worse off than children with siblings.
- Play up the benefits of being childfree or of having small families (families with only 1-2 children).
- Do not under ANY circumstances glorify people like the Duggars, Octomom, or Gosselins by giving them any attention at all.
- The effects of pregnancy on the body, including the way it ravages vaginas and changes sex for men and women, should be a required part of health and/or sex-ed classes, and no student should be able to finish high school without knowing these things.
- Adoption should be presented as a positive option for everyone, not just as a last resort for people who can't have biological kids.
- Coverage for IVF should be removed from all insurance plans. Ideally, IVF would be outlawed entirely.
- Condoms should be free and easily accessible to all people. Other forms of birth control should be free or heavily subsidized and easily accessible to all people, though it is probably a good idea to consult a doctor before going on the Pill.
- All forms of sterilization should be easily available to people, whether or not they have had children.
- Abortion should be completely unrestricted and easily available in at least the first trimester.
- There should be incentives to keep families small: no tax breaks for children at all or no tax breaks for any children beyond the first or second, no help to pay for things like daycare (at all or for kids beyond the first or second), tax breaks for singles or couples with no children, limits placed on the kind and/or amount of welfare available just because children are in the picture, ensured equal access to welfare for people truly in need regardless of whether or not they have children, and the like.
- Men need to be expected to take a completely equal role in raising their own children, including things like taking time off of work (and accepting any penalties) to care for sick children. Fathers who occasionally "babysit" shouldn't be praised, they should be ridiculed for clearly not doing their fair share.
- Presenting accurrate views of childrearing in the media, not just focusing on the Kodak moments or presenting the negatives as unusual or things that aren't that bad.
- Presenting people with accurrate views of how their lives WILL change if they have kids, or with potential benefits they might get from choosing childfreedom (e.g. what would happen in the average family if that $235,000 to raise a kid from birth to 18 went to something like, say, a retirement fund instead of to raising a kid?)

Some are clearly cultural attitude adjustments, some are more practical or concrete things that could be done, but I think all of them would be helpful in encouraging people to choose childfreedom or smaller families.
Anonymous User
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
July 09, 2012
Agreed with virtually everything here in this thread, and I'll say again that IMO humans are the worst thing to happen to Earth since the comet that killed the dinosaurs, if not even worse than that. If we could ask wild buffalo or elephants (among other species) what they thought of humans, they'd probably hate us.

A mass pandemic from unvaxed, teenaged to grown idiots who are today's kydz could be the end of the human race for sure.
Anonymous User
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
July 10, 2012
Looking to nature we can see that when any species over-breeds and consumes all supporting resources there is a point that is reached where the population are forced to die off until a sustainable population number is acheived. Humans are able to hold off this event for quite a way but we're not that clever as a species and nature will always win. Idiots breeding like crazed rabbits has the over-population problem accelerating toward the wall like there's a brick on the gas pedal. As George Carlin said, the planet is doing fine, it'll heal itself when we're gone, it's people that are fucked!
Re: For Fuck's sake!!! STOP BREEDING!!!angry smiley
July 10, 2012
I just hope we never get to the point where over half the population has to be euthanized in order to survive, but most likely that will be the scenario.
The only thing this species understands is a gun or hammer held over its head.

First to go would be the elderly most likely.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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