may have posted before
July 07, 2007
the heartless bitches site, some good rants, theres many many many more

You know what makes me puke? The culture of fear which tells a woman who lives alone that if she's unfortunate enough to go out on a couple of dates with a guy whom she discovers to be a clingy, needy sicko, then she better tread really softly trying to get rid of him. "He could stalk you, rape you, kill you and your cat!" Gee, thanks. Said clinging vine guy is also rather pukeworthy, particularly when it takes several attempts to dump him because he didn't get the message the last time: "You don't want to go out with me? How about we just be friends?" Friends, sure, whatever, just don't try to stick your tongue down my throat the next time I happen to see you and get all put out when I remind you that you don't get to do that.

That losing baby weight has become a community spectator sport. Not only is Hollywood media obsessed with whether or not actresses lose baby weight, but now the general masses seem to have joined forces in haranguing every pregnant woman into losing baby weight. "Oh, she'll lose the baby weight", "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll lose the baby weight." Why so concerned? My God, is anyone remotely interested in whether the mother, or even (*gasp*) the baby are healthy? And unfortunately, pregnant women are succumbing to these pressures and taking every precaution to keep their weight down instead of focusing on just being healthy. As if pregnant women don't have enough stress in their lives.

In the UK, single teen girls who get themselves purposely knocked up so they get a free council house. (Out of taxpayers' pockets, of course!) And they get to cut in line in front of everyone else waiting to get a house too, just because they accomplished the amazing feat of squeezing a baby out of their uterus and being unable to afford it. And they know full well that more unfathered kids they fire out, the more money they'll get. That's their incentive right there to live an easy life of dependency.
Basically, these young women are being rewarded in an enormous way for being irresponsible, and encouraged to never do anything with their lives except sit around and make babies, despite the fact this is, in fact, 2006. It curdles my blood!

Not only that, they will pass on their "values" of leeching off benefits to their exponentially growing number of offspring, creating an ever increasing burden on the system.

Women who are being physically or emotionally abused, will complain and cry about how bad things are to anyone who will listen, but if someone tells them to leave their abuser, they say, "But I LOVE him," or "But I know he loves me and will change." Some of these women are my co-workers, and hearing them whine about their situations day in and day out without doing anything to change their drama-filled lives makes me want to puke. Maybe that would shut them up for awhile

Pro Lifers who are under the mistaken belief that teaching abstinence (and abstinence alone) will somehow curb abortion rates. Believe me, people are not having sex simply because abortions and contraceptives are available to them.

They also seem to be under the assumption that Sex Education means teaching young people how to bump uglies instead of educating them on the real consequences of sex as well as what is happening to them physically and emotionally.

People who abandon cats make my very soul puke. People who even think in terms of "getting rid of" a cat. That is so inhuman - in comparison to mere socially deficient assholes - that it is almost too strong a subject for the Pukefest column. It is heinous. It is unforgivable. Scum who do this make other people miserable, as well, not just the animals. The people they make miserable, many of them volunteers, are trying to rectify the results of these crimes against life, by rescuing, feeding, spaying and neutering, and of course euthanizing. The scummy types who abandon an animal because they're moving to a smaller place, or it damages furniture, ought to drop some of their children off at an orphanage or someone's doorstep - that would also save valuable furniture, and they could certainly move into a smaller place more easily! If you ever wondered if you are having an effect and making your mark on the world, you are. You cause suffering to animals, and a lot of pain to responsible people who don't have a pet or child until they know they can take care of it for the necessary duration.

The lemming-like rush to glorify mothers, single or otherwise. I have a degree in women's studies, and am pro-choice on anything that doesn't violate others' rights. A choice is everyone's right in the variety of people and human experience, whether your choices are good or stupid ones. Even stupidly made choices are your right, including squeezing out some babies even when you didn't plan your own life very well. Even when your own life is a lousy example of human excellence. That doesn't stop them from being stupid. But a trend toward single mothers of lemming proportions shows something else at work besides what you so self-flatteringly call "choice". If we truly were becoming more accepting of women, then ALL of women's choices would be equally accepted. There would be a concomitant increase in acceptance of never-married, single women. (They are not all gay, or all straight, but as varied as all people.) Instead of just benefits for single mothers, there would also be benefits for women who were intelligent enough to avoid having any children. How about it, corporate America? Government agencies? You have benefits for nonsmokers, why not for non-reproducers? (Calling child-free people "selfish" is like George Orwell's 1984 calling the war department the Ministry of Peace.) Instead of universal acceptance, I see what Nancy Friday called "the glorification of mommyhood". I see the militant mommy brigade. Yes, that is their choice; I do not see the same acceptance or support of other choices.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
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