Today's Co-Irker Bingo
July 12, 2007
Today I was approached by a new employee (female) who at first seemed very positive and nice,and has repeatedly commented on how she thinks I am beautiful,have beautiful hair and I am very sweet,etc,etc.She is married,not into women,in case you were wondering.She said "Do you have any children?" I said "No".She said "Well maybe you'll have some one day."I said "No".She said "Don't you want any children?"I said no.She then said "Well what is the matter with you...are you selfish?"I said "No,I just have a different purpose that doesn't include having children".
I am so fucking sick of stupid people and their shitty comments.I wish I could have said No, lady YOU don't understand how I would rather jam a red hot poker or a rusty needle in my fucking eye than have to deal with wailing, needy shitloaf sprogs!!!!!!!!
The next time someone asks me about this I feel like asking them if they would like to have a man eating anaconda as a pet and if they say no then I will tell them that maybe someday they will have a few as a pet,and that something is a matter with them if they don't have a few because all of their peers do.
I want children in my life as much as I would like to be handcuffed to a fucking 800 lb gorilla with rabies.
Thank Goodness my Karma ran over my Dogma years ago.
Anonymous User
Re: Today's Co-Irker Bingo
July 13, 2007
I'll take the 800 lb. rabid gorilla over a sprog, any day.
Re: Today's Co-Irker Bingo
July 13, 2007
Rapunzel, a good retort that has usually worked for me when a breeder co-worker would bingo me is, "Why is it so important to YOU that I have a baby?" One daddio who did that to me at work went running away from my desk saying it was not important to him at all. I. Don't. Fucking. THINK. So! If my not being a broodmare was not a big deal for this ass, he would not have hammered me about my choice not to shit out a baby until I turned it back to him!

My other fav is when jealous mommies at work keep at it until I mention my tubal. They love to ask what I would do if the tubal failed since most childed women cannot stand it when another woman has escaped those babies. I respond that I would abort as I did when the first tubal failed. Of course, the dumb Christian women bring out their bibles to tell me how God-duh thinks abortion is a "sin". I turn that around by telling these sheeple women how it does not matter as I do not believe in their little storybook. The silence is then deafening...
Re: Today's Co-Irker Bingo
July 13, 2007
"Why is it so important to YOU that I have a baby?"
Am, I really like what you said to Daddio. It turns it on them.
I'm gonna use that. wink
Re: Today's Co-Irker Bingo
July 13, 2007
I really like that too...in your face breeders.
And yeah, christians can't fathom it when someone admits to their faces they don't believe in sin, because they don't believe in Gawd.
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