I've been reading this board for a couple years but never posted until now. This person's logic completely escapes me. Here is the link. My response is the last one.

Re: Woman wants to legalize dogfighting to help the kidz
July 19, 2007
Wowie wow. I had to post....

Carly, you are seriously delusional.
“Apparently the Founding Fathers failed to mention the rights of animals in the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights.” They also failed to specifically mention the rights of women or black people…that’s why we had to have the civil rights movement.

“Therefore, if dog fighting is illegal in the United States, then certainly ts should go undisputed that abortion should be illegal as well.”
So you think the illegality of torturing animals until they fight each other should be equal to a medical procedure where an unwanted clump of cells is removed from a consenting woman’s body?

“Furthermore, the statistics of children in abusive homes is overhwhelming. ” And there are laws and agencies to deal with that, you stupid bag. Unfortunately the agencies are underfunded and understaffed. The statistics of animals in abusive homes are also overwhelming. Instead of legalizing dog fighting…MAYBE the government should make it a priority to ensure that every child born is a wanted child, and every home with children is safe. Hint, it’s what taxes should be going toward.

Since you care for the children so much that you think it’s a good idea to legalize dog fighting, maybe you could keep in mind that there are direct links between animal abuse and human abuse. Homes where the animals are abused are also generally homes where the children are abused, and children who are allowed to abuse animals generally grow up to be adults who abuse humans.
Excellent comment, Burdawg!

Naturally, we should all drop to our knees, and worship ANYTHING that could benefit the children, including the torture and murder of innocent animals. What a stupid bitch!

Why don't we kill Michael Vick, instead. He's obviously a waste of life, unworthy to call himself a man.

I hope he does time for this, but knowing how our justice system works, he'll probably get probation and a fine. Can't have him missing football practice! That might cost the Falcons some money!
Re: Woman wants to legalize dogfighting to help the kidz
July 19, 2007
This type of bullshit is the exact reason why I hate professional sports. I dont' care where they came from, the guys on these teams have grown up with EVERYTHING handed to them on a platter simply because they've managed to be faster and stronger than the rest of us. Now they make millons of dollars a year to play a freaking game whose only benefit to society is entertainment. Rape? Awww, he's got a game on friday, lets pressure the survivor to drop the charges. Bad grades? Come on teacher, you gotta pass him, he's our star player. Drinking? Drugs? He came from a bad home, just let him play and he'll be fine. Animal torture? "We are disappointed that one of our players – and therefore the Falcons – is being presented to the public in a negative way, and we apologize to our fans and the community for that." Because I guess they feel there is a more positive way to portray animal torture.

Bullshit I call...BULLSHIT.
and I second that. For the Falcons to let this worthless waste of flesh continue playing is the same as condoning dogfighting and a slap in the face to every animal rescue organization across the US.

I know it's "innocent until proven guilty" but the growing evidence is rather telling. An arena built on the property with the windows blacked out where the fights were held? Where did the money to build that come from I wonder? His attempt to place the blame on family members? That seems a bit desperate to turn on family. Six years running of dogfights on your property and you didn't have an inkling?? Come on.

I'm tired of the "people are more important than dogs" mantra. Perhaps some of us are growing so disgusted by the actions of the people that we don't support that sweet little theory anymore.
I agree with all of you wise people on this subject. There was an editorial in my local paper (by a woman) who argued against some of the dumbass comments made on this case - "they're only dogs," as well as some of the really STUPID comments that subhuman's fellow football players made - mainly along the lines of "what's the fuss all about?" DUH!!!!

Again, dogs are dependent upon humans and their decency to a large extent. How anyone can treat animals this way is simply unconscionable - of course many sports figures (not just football players) lost any conscience they ever had, when they were touted as being above the rest of us simply because they could throw a ball in the air, or through a hoop, etc. Don't you just love the values of our sports-worship society?

"Sports Illustrated" did an article on dogfighting a month or two ago,including invesitgating what was going on at Mr. Vick's property. Why does ANYONE have a guest house on their property and paint it BLACK, for goodness sakes?

Hell is too good for this cretin.
Forgot to add my 2 cents re: tying in abortion and dog fighting.

Maybe if Mr. Vick and his sidekicks had been aborted they wouldn't be a blight to this world. I'd rather see some innocent dogs playing in fields and having fun than these sick, sadistic bastards killing innocent animals, all in the name of "sport."

I'm glad Carly was slammed about this lack of logic. (I loved one poster on that site, citing her as "cerebrally challenged." DAMN STRAIGHT!)

But that always ticks me off. The demented pro-lifers will use any controversial issue to throw in their anti-abortion rants. Shut up, already, and actually DO something. Volunteer in nurseries, elementary schools - help children learn to read, volunteer in homeless shelters, join the Big Brother/Big Sister program.

Other than that, just SHUT UP.
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