Breeder benny package
December 29, 2005
Michigan has been Californicated. Sorry to hear that. I think the only way to change this is to vote the breeders out of office. It sickens me to see Veterans treated like criminals. If it weren't for those people, the breeders may not have all of these "rights" that they demand. Gov. Grandholm sounds like another entitlemoo, hell-bent on screwing the populous to further her own breeder-loving agenda. These idiots make me want to scream!
anonymous guest
Re: Breeder benny package
December 29, 2005
This makes me sick. I know of several veterans that are homeless, barely making it day to day. They served our country, many were even wounded, and have a hard life ahead as a result. These veterans need extra money. But yet, welfare moos and duhs constantly get more money just to stay at home doing absolutely nothing. Okay, that was an over-exaggeration, they don't do absolutely nothing--they do occasionally get off their asses for a while to discipline their child with the usual, "Bratley! Stop it!" with nothing else to follow. However, at least the homeless veterans are actually trying to make a living, but entitlement moos and duhs get jobs before homeless veterans, which leads the veterans back to begging on the street.

I thought politicans were trying to stop the homeless situation, but yet, this is some proof that they don't give a rat's cahoot about the homeless situation.
Re: Breeder benny package
December 29, 2005
It a horrible fact of life that homeless people in general are poor and ugly. Due to a complete lack of physical and mental health care, some of them are down-right scary. It makes it impossible to trot them out in front of the cameras to make everyone say "AWWWWW, poor widdle baby doesn't have a thing in the world. Gub'ner Mommy really cares about us, cause she's helping the baaayyyybeeeess."

People as a whole are stupid and easily manipulated (I mean, come on...the Simpson girls are huge stars for chrissakes, and as far as I can tell their only skills involve...umm...well...having nice hair?). All they see are the big cheeks, whispy hair, gloopy eyes and helpless loling and that turns off the logic switch. They don't seem to realize that a BABY contributes NOTHING to society, whereas a single adult, given the proper resources and assistance, can get themselves to a place where they're not only self sufficent, but actually contributing additional resources. Imagine that.
Re: Breeder benny package
December 30, 2005
And let's not forget the elderly and mentally/physically handicapped/disabled. These also are groups of people who get shoved to the wayside all the time. All government money is always for programs for people who are perfectly capable of providing for themselves and choose to play the helpless card. This shit makes me sick. You have veterans who fought and were injured for this country and all they get is a slap in the face when they return disabled. All the tax-payer funded aid for daycares, welfare, and health care for these single parents should be going to worthwhile causes. Take away the welfare and all the aid and pretty soon people will start wising up and realizing, "Gee, if I have this kid, I won't have anyone to sponge off of, I'll actually have to take care of it all by myself." Then, if they are stupid enough to have kids they can't take care of, then they can die in the streets for all I'd care. I'm also tired of welfare trash and it's spawn getting better health care than a lot of people who actually WORK for a living! Sad thing is, the elderly who end up shoved off to some state nursing home are probably someone's parent. Gee, I thought you had kids so they take care of you in your old age?
Anonymous User
Re: Breeder benny package
December 30, 2005
Oh no, they don't get off their couches to discipline their bratleighs and snotleighs..
they got off their couch to screw another one into existence..
excuse me, screw another welfare check into existence.
Re: Breeder benny package
December 30, 2005
I have to agree with everyone here on how our nation's seniors and vetrans are getting screwed over because of the politicians catering to the breeders.
I would much rather help out senior citizens versus the chyldrun. Back in the senior citizens' days, a vast majority of them worked their asses off and made contributions to society. Most of them were PNBs and had lives outside their own chylrun. My cousin used to work in a nursing home back when she was in high school and told me and our other relatives about how most of them don't have anyone visiting them when their grown chyldrun live not too far away.
I also have quite a few friends who served in the military (particually the Army) to recieve the GI Bill. And to think about them not being able to get a decent job when they return home scares me. On quite a few job applications, it states that "we do not discriminate based on veteran status". At first I thought it was meant to protect non-vetrans because I thought an employer would want someone who served time in the military because most people who serve learn discipline and skills while they serve.
Guess it goes to show in this breeder-catered socitey if you havne't sproged, the politicians could care less about you because you are not making more brain-dead consumers to buy shitty products or to think like the heard to vote all the same.
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