Morning commute - school zone justice.
March 27, 2012
On the way home this morning. Have to drive past a school zone.
Some days I can actually get through with relative ease. Other days not
so much.

This morning I make the turn onto the corner where the school zone starts.
I'm in the lane farthest from the school when this car shoots out and startles me.
My hand was headed for the horn when I saw it was school district cop!
Needless to say said horn stayed silent. That being said the cop coming out
turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

At the next intersection is crossing guard smorgasbord. They are all over the place.
Judging by the way the cop pulled out they must of called him. So the far intersection was a parade of kids being escorted across the street. At the near intersection (where I was stopped) was this huge Cadillac (with school bumper sticker). Looks like grandduh dropped off sproggy at school and was in a hurry to get back to the TV. He wasn't just in the cross walk, he was so far through it he was in the street with his rear wheels just touching the far limit of the cross walk - and the cop was right behind him (next to me).

Now before you say school district cop and jurisdiction, in the Vegas area the
police departments all have an agreement where traffic enforcement
can be done anywhere by any department. So a Las Vegas Metro officer can tag you in Henderson and Metro can tag in North Las Vegas etc. So a school district cop can nail you
outside the school confines. Add to it there was a motor cop also doing enforcement.

_____ l_________l
MO l l
_____ _l_ ___XX__ l_
legal stop here >

Dumb ass caddy even tried to start before the last kid had cleared the street
and while the crossing guard still had the stop sign held up.
The cop let the guy get clear of the intersection and right at the End School zone
sign before he lit him up. As I eased by grand duh did not look happy.

Guess he wasn't dancing in the lambent light of the moment.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Morning commute - school zone justice.
March 27, 2012
I avoid driving through school districts whenever possible for this and many other reasons. Moos use their S-Moo-V's as a lethal weapon and kids will dart in and out of moving traffic or behind cars trying to back out without a second thought. If they see their Moo, then all they can think about is running STRAIGHT towards her regardless of the potential dangers.It's just ridiculous and worse than that are the Moo-crossing guards with their tin badges who don't know their asses from a hole in the ground. They and their untrained monkey-kid-guards aimlessly waving flags around willy nilly do more to CAUSE accidents than they do to prevent them, at least in my experience. Back when I did regularly have to drive through them, there were always civilian Moo crossing guards who acted like female Barney Fife's.eye rolling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anonymous User
Re: Morning commute - school zone justice.
March 27, 2012
Ugh! I feel your pain. I live right near a school at the moment and 3:00 on weekdays is when I avoid going outside. I have to give it to the kids, they don't dart across the street or do anything reckless, but the way it's all set up is ridiculous. Parents park on BOTH sides of the single-lane street so that only one car can safely pass between them. And you can expect to have to wait a very long while to turn at a light at the nearby intersection.

The city held a meeting about the parking issue a few months ago, and for a week or two after that, one side of the street was clear. That has now fallen apart and they are parking where they please once again. I'm lucky to be on a private street within a little condo community. If I lived in front of the school or on one of the perpendicular streets, I'd probably have some S-Moo-V blocking my driveway every day.

On my wishlist for my own future home? Nowhere near a school.

My grandparents lived behind a giant yard shared between two schools. They had things stolen from their fenced yard. There was vandalism. At one point, my grandmother was even threatened with violence. Then there's the litter, drugs and noise... no thanks!
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