Anonymous User
#774 - Laptops for Sproggen
January 04, 2006
Damn straight the parunts should pay for these! Owning a computer is no one's God-given right, you want one, you buy it, or use the ones at school or in the library.

I have always objected to the school laptop programs, partly because I figure that a lot of the kids will break the damned things...and who pays for the repairs? If you guessed *the taxpayers* you are probably correct!

And they will likely use them more for IMing their friends and other friviolous shit that has NOTHING to do with school. And even the moos will likely want to use the computers to go online and troll our CF message boards.

Quitcherbitchin', moo, pony up for the damned laptop or do without. My wallet is empty.
anonymous guest
Re: #774 - Laptops for Sproggen
January 04, 2006
I have to agree with you. The taxes me, you, everyone else pay shouldn't be forked over to the public school system so these brats can have laptops in the classroom (especially since I'm a limited budget as is.) Besides, why do elementary school children need laptops anyway? How about spending some of the tax money to get me a new laptop, since I haven't gotten a new laptop in over six years! But no, children are much more important. It's all for the chyyyyldren! Because, you know, IM'ing is much more productive in learning than staring at a chalkboard.
Re: #774 - Laptops for Sproggen
January 04, 2006
Don't they know there are magical things which are free to the public and contain alot of freaking information? They're called libraries and books. They are much cheaper than lap tops.
Re: #774 - Laptops for Sproggen
January 05, 2006
When exactly did they determine every child "needs" a computer for school? Mine go to a school without a single computer in the building. I think if breeders spent some time taking all of the bells and whistles out of their wretched spoiled brats lives they might actually raise decent people. Who imagined a back to basics theory like Waldorf would be catching on like wildfire...courtesy of the endless brat parade that greets you at every turn. Good grief what will the monsters need next?
Re: #774 - Laptops for Sproggen
January 05, 2006
I understand that people nowdays need to learn to use computers, unless you have a cushy McFoodService job waiting for you upon graduation. However, you do not need to take those computers home to learn to use them. Really, laptops are expensive and fragile and we shouldn't be waisting our money on them with a bunch of irresponsible kids.
CF Scorpio
Re: #774 - Laptops for Sproggen
January 05, 2006
I can't afford a laptop. Why should my taxes go to some brats getting laptops in school?
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