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Trip the sprog

Posted by khan 
Trip the sprog
April 21, 2012
Have you ever tripped a feral sprog?

I have on a few occasions.

Leash laws for linoleum lizards!
Re: Trip the sprog
April 21, 2012
No, but I have wanted to on several occasions.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Trip the sprog
April 21, 2012
Yup. Posted about it last time. Little shit kept running by and slapping my leg in the commissary so I secretly tripped it. The vision of that fat little sprog belly flopping in the middle of the aisle still brings a smile to my face.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 21, 2012
Did it in a movie theater once, and several times when I was a waitress.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 21, 2012
No but I'd love nothing better.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
next time a brat lift my skirt, bump into my legs, or touch my butt again, I will trip it.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
Have you ever tripped a feral sprog?

I have on a few occasions.

Never had the chance.

Oh well. We can always live vicariously through others

Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
Yes, in the line at Subway, and while at a department store. I don't care. The shits were misbehaving and deserved it.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Anonymous User
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
Knocked one leaning against a restroom door right on it's ass a couple of weeks ago when I pushed back on the other side
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
Once, after a funeral for one of my old relatives. Brat kept running around the cemetery, bumping into people. I tripped him and down he went. He cried but he stopped running around.

I'd do it again. You don't disrespect the dead.
Anonymous User
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
I've not tripped one, but my husband and I like to kick them in crowds, like in busy shops. devil with smile
Anonymous User
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
HAAAAAAAAAAHahaha, I fell in love with this thread before I even clicked on it.

OOh, this is going to be almost as much fun as Clothesline a Cyclist (Leghumper) DayTM!

MAN, I can't wait to go to Wal-Mart, now.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
Careful about doing anything like this at wal-mart... it's happened before, it was all on tape, and the person in question was arrested and charged.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
Great point, you have to be mindful of cameras. That's why I stepped backward suddenly, figuring I could blame it on my high heels.

God I hate those little running fuckers.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Anonymous User
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
I'm really good at playing things off like they're accidental.:satan
Anonymous User
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
Oh, yes! And it was fabulous!

I went to some kind of huge extended-family shindig (probably a birthday party) at some old great-aunt's house. The brats outnumbered the adults and were running around shrieking for hours "because "kyds will be kyds!" smile rolling left righteyes2

Inevitably, whenever I attend one of these functions , I am asked by at least one of my bratling cousins if I will play with it. They do this in front of other adults so that I look like a bitch if I say no. And it's never one of the little kids (like under 5), because they seem to lump me in with their parents, etc. and don't consider me a playmate. It's always a 7-10 yr-old brat who should already know better than to run around a house screaming.

Anyway, one of them led me to the playroom and promptly shut the door behind herself, giggling at how clever she must be to shut me out of the room. I try to open the door, and of course, she is holding the handle from the other side. I play along for a minute and play tug-of-war with the doorknob, then let go. I hear a *thump* and a wail, so the Shitleigh definitely went flying. smug
Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
Oh, yes! And it was fabulous!

I went to some kind of huge extended-family shindig (probably a birthday party) at some old great-aunt's house. The brats outnumbered the adults and were running around shrieking for hours "because "kyds will be kyds!" smile rolling left righteyes2

Inevitably, whenever I attend one of these functions , I am asked by at least one of my bratling cousins if I will play with it. They do this in front of other adults so that I look like a bitch if I say no. And it's never one of the little kids (like under 5), because they seem to lump me in with their parents, etc. and don't consider me a playmate. It's always a 7-10 yr-old brat who should already know better than to run around a house screaming.

Anyway, one of them led me to the playroom and promptly shut the door behind herself, giggling at how clever she must be to shut me out of the room. I try to open the door, and of course, she is holding the handle from the other side. I play along for a minute and play tug-of-war with the doorknob, then let go. I hear a *thump* and a wail, so the Shitleigh definitely went flying. smug

How does that work exactly? If you were on the outside and the door opened out, you would have to be pulling on it and the kid pulling on it wouldn't have gotten any backward leverage when you let go because the door frame would be stabilizing the forces applied in that direction. Likewise, if the door opened INTO the room, the kid would have to be pushing on it to keep it closed, while you were pulling, and letting go would not send the kid flying in the opposite direction from whence it was pushing.

The physics of the situation do not agree with the scenario you just described. Would you please explain it to us? I have a degree in chemistry, and chemists and physicists are notorious for not being able to understand the other's area of specialty. I want to learn.

Also, you folks should know that i am not thrilled with the topic and content of this thread because it borders on condoning violence against others. It's one thing to say that you believe in spanking as a deterrent to unacceptable behaviour, and something entirely different to say that you'd lower yourself to the level of another child in a playground by tripping them for shits and giggles. We're supposed to be the mature adults, and this thread presents us as a group to be not much more well-behaved than the kids who are acting like, you know, kids.

Some of us could use a spanking... Or perhaps a tripping.

Carry on for now.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Trip the sprog
April 22, 2012
This was a long time ago. Mrs. DaLump and I were at a large used book store checking out what they had. There was this very annoying he-sprog running back and forth the length of the wall of books. I debated about it for a couple of passes, then went for it. I had his rhythm by then. The next time I see him start a run from the far end, I paused a moment, then just oh-so-casually stepped forward to look at a book title. WHAM! He runs head first at full speed right into my braced knee. He made an arc upwards and falls over backwards, then sits there with his eyes looking different directions. Apparently he was too suprised to remember to scream. Funniest part was when Mres. DaLump asks me if that "damn little kid" had hurt my knee.

Ain't I a stinker?
Anonymous User
Re: Trip the sprog
April 23, 2012
I've never intentionally tripped a brat, but I did accidentally, once.

I was at the county fair, when I lived in L.A. This brat was running all over the place. He won some kind of stupid toy, and dropped it right in front of me. went to pick it up, and OOPS! I kicked him square in the ass. Heehee.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 23, 2012
I see tripping a brat as a viable deterrent to unacceptable behavior. The little shitbag shouldn't be running all over the place. Maybe if it takes a nasty fall and gets a few scrapes and bruises, it will wise up to the concept that running amok might not be a good idea!
Re: Trip the sprog
April 23, 2012
Sometimes I go to the park and swing on the swings (swings are the shit, they're so calming). I was just minding my own business when a random child decided it was a good idea to stand behind me. I bowled it over with my ass. Lol! It was even funnier when the Moo tried to bitch at me about it. I stopped to let it get up, and then moomie decided it was the right time to strike. She said "You should watch what you're doing!!" I reminded the mother that the kid is her responsibility and thus not mine. She had the BALLS to pull the "village" line on me. I then informed her that we are not from the same village, because irresponsible parents don't exist in my village! She. Got. So. Pissed. I thought it was fucking hilarious.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 23, 2012
I then informed her that we are not from the same village, because irresponsible parents don't exist in my village!

waving hellolarious
Re: Trip the sprog
April 23, 2012
I usually shoot death-glares. The little shits aren't worth jail-time. Or mama-bear bullshit.
Re: Trip the sprog
April 23, 2012
marco polo
I see tripping a brat as a viable deterrent to unacceptable behavior. The little shitbag shouldn't be running all over the place. Maybe if it takes a nasty fall and gets a few scrapes and bruises, it will wise up to the concept that running amok might not be a good idea!

I'm reminded of when Dh and I took his mother sightseeing around Virginia in 2001. She was always yammering at us to "come home"; we wanted to show her why we much preferred the east to our native St. Louis area.

We took her to Monticello, Mt. Vernon, Montpelier; to Colonial Williamsburg, Stratford and the Blue Ridge mountains. Two days were spent on a cursory tour of Washington, DC. A big mistake was in not checking the calendar. I don't pay attention to school crap and didn't realize we had asked her to visit during spring break for most of the schools.

Mom was quite hale for 75, but Dh and I found ourselves having to create a human shield around the poor woman, otherwise she would have been buffeted, knocked down and bowled over numerous times by the ill-behaved hordes of brats turned loose that week. I swear, it was like some sort of primitive hind-brain behavior going on: "must get from point A to point B. if there is an impediment to reaching those points in a straight line, don't go around, just plow through."

Those varmints didn't seem to even acknowledge that another person was in their path, they were intent on getting through. After getting shouldered to one side, or having to step back and pull MIL from the path of a charging kid too many times, I started to get pissed. Around my MIL, I always try to be on my best behavior and show that her son married a 'lady', but that was just too much. But even telling the brats to watch where they were going (using colorful language that made MIL turned and stare at me smile rolling left righteyes2 ), I rarely got a response. It was almost bizarre. To those little monsters, we didn't exist except as some obstacle in their way. When they did respond, it was in a smart ass or abusive manner.

After too many hours of that, with Dh giving me a look that said "maybe we ought to just get out of here", I got physical. Drawing MIL's attention away ("hey Mom, aren't those Martha Washington roses gorgeous") I stuck a leg out and tripped any varmints that encroached our personal space, or elbowed a kid who was trying to push ahead of us as we tried to get into the Orangery at Mt. Vernon. I don't feel one lick of regret at those actions. They weren't punitive, they were defensive.

Tripping a kid might be malicious in some circumstances, but over all, it's a measure of last resort that says "look, Brat, other people exist in the same space you do. you don't get to treat them like they aren't there."
Anonymous User
Re: Trip the sprog
April 23, 2012
No , I haven't . But what I LOVE to do in a grocery store that is loud is to ease up to a brat and rip one in their faces while moomie is consumed with what type of cake mix to buy . Priceless!!!
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