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2466: Stupid depressed Moo

Posted by bell_flower 
2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 23, 2007
Why, why do people go on and on about how miserable having a keed made them, yet they go on to have another? I know so many people like this and it makes me want to tear my hair out.

"I had a terrible pignancy and almost died," yet they get knocked up again.

"I had terrible post-partum depression," yet they get knocked up again.

"We are broke and we fight all the time," yet they get knocked up atain.

Does it ever occur to this dumb cow that she doesn't HAVE TO have another baybee? And WTF is wrong with her husband? If his wife had such an awful time, why is he even entertaining the idea? I'm sure it's because he wants the Almighty Boy.

You know, this should be a lesson to any fence sitter. If you break down and have "just one" baybee, it doesn't end there. Your stupid breeder spouse and everyone will want you to have another one, regardless of any other circumstances.

If your marriage breaks up due to kid stress, you will be relegated to dating single Duddies. And they will want you to bear their progeny because, hey, you did it once before, right? Isn't it the "ultimate expression of your luuuuuuv" to bear some man's baybee? (I just threw up a little.)

When my "changed his mind" breeder ex started moaning that I wasn't willing to have his baybee, I had the perfect comeback: Listen up, Asshole, I'm not having anyone's baybee? Why the fuck do you think I had a tubal ligation?

Just. Don't. Do. It
Anonymous User
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 23, 2007
My ex-SL did this shit. She had a really bad first pregnancy and a horrible delivery. She and her husband were told to never, ever try for another baby. What does she do 5 yrs later? Gets preggo and almost died the second time around. Oh yeah, the second baby almost died too.

It would NEVER be worth it to me!
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 23, 2007
They do it because they shit out any brains they had with the placenta. It feels soooooooo good to these retards.

You're right, bell_flower, duh wants a boy if the first is a girl (or moo wants a girl if #1 is a boy).
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 23, 2007
Don't forget the obvious. The "stupid depressed moo" (so true) is quite possibly another Andrea Yates in the making.

Bell_flower's comments are so true, especially the part about being broke and fighting, yet having more and more baybees. I see this more than I should. What can happen is that after moo has three—or four or five—kyds, duh splits. Often he's with another honey or simply can't be found, and in any event he certainly isn't paying child support for moo's brood. He's a deadbeat dad, and all men have been tarred with that brush unfairly thanks to jerks such as him.

I'm overweight and not overly good looking, so I know I'm nobody's idea of a dream date. The one woman who was interested in me worked at a pizza delivery place 20 years ago, where I worked as a second job to pay off some bills. She was probably 15 years older than me (I was in my early 20s) and had four kids and a husband who left and wasn't paying any child support. He was the classic deadbeat dad. She was struggling. She just knew I was going to fall for her and become a walking wallet and substitute duh. I sympathized with her situation, but I wasn't about to fall into that trap. Her overtures were so blatant that I left the second job after just a couple of months.

Moos who have that large famblee either they or duh think they want are preparing themselves for a mighty fall when the relationship falls apart or one of them develops physical or mental issues. The woman discussed in the rant is asking for huge trouble down the road if she keeps having kyds.
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 24, 2007
K-man, do not be so hard on yourself when it comes to "looks". The most handsome, suave man can and often is a jackass. Look around...even at the women who are not "glam"...and I am certain you can find a "friend" or mate, if you want a relationship. I am definitely not saying you do this but many men claim they do not look good enough to find women yet they have such high expectations on how a woman is to look like a model.
Anonymous User
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 24, 2007
My SO and I have friends who are engaged and plan on having children some time in the next few years. Both of them have mental health issues, and they like to joke that their children will be on meds by the time they hit middle school (HAHAHA, suffering from a mental illness is so funny!).

I have many moral/philosophical qualms with the act of creating new life in and of itself, but creating a life knowing it will go through life with a debilitating illness makes me beyond livid. It is nothing short of cruel. What is so horrible about adopting a child? Wouldn’t you sleep better at night knowing that whatever health problems your child has are not the result of a selfish, impulsive decision on your part? I hope they’re sterile, for the child’s sake.
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 24, 2007

many men claim they do not look good enough to find women yet they have such high expectations on how a woman is to look like a model.

Ain't that the truth! From what I've seen firsthand, most of these 'nice guys' who can't get a date look like pan fried ass but expect a supermodel.

For more on the subject:


Anyhoodle, I think all prospective mothers should have to pass a psychological test before spawning.
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 24, 2007
"Don't forget the obvious. The "stupid depressed moo" (so true) is quite possibly another Andrea Yates in the making."
Ahh, perfect for Daddy then. He gets rid of crazy wife#1 and the rotten kids and gets to start all over again with a nice, shiny, new wife.

"Both of them have mental health issues, and they like to joke that their children will be on meds by the time they hit middle school (HAHAHA, suffering from a mental illness is so funny!)."
Hahahaha!! Crazy is FUNNY!!! It's so fun to be crazy!!! WHOOOO! Suicidal thoughts and manic episodes are the lord's own Hallmark Cards, that's for sure. And it's better to bring your own crazy, demented and mentally anguished genetic material into the world than to take care of anyone elses. After all, even if they're fucked up craZy, your genes are still the BEST.
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 24, 2007
Kudos to all who've responded. I agree wholeheartedly with all of you.
My mother suffered from schizophrenia (pararnoid type) most of her adult life, and her husband and children suffered with her. Most of her children suffer from depression or alcoholism.

I've chosen not to procreate for that reason, thereby saving my unborn from a life of hell, society's been saved beaucheau(sp, sorry) bucks for not having to treat said spawn, nor do I have to worry about my unborn spawn having spawn of their own with any of these abovementioned problems.

I think now that Andrea Yates is stabilized on meds (I'm hoping), she should do some PSA's for all of these deluded assholes who think PPD is only temporary. I'll even offer up part of a slogan, "PPD today, PP Psychosis tomorrow!!!" And then show a pic of Andrea when she was arrested. She looked like a dead zombie. Compare it to pixs of her pre-Rusty Yates and spawning like an animal.

Can't someone just have guerilla sterilizing squads in this country??? I'd gladly contribute $$$$$ towards it.
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 26, 2007
I agree with this whole thing of not breeding if you have something bad you can pass on.

What chaps my ass is, when you've told a breeder that you chose not to reproduce because of that reason, you get a smug, superior response from them to the effect of, "well not everyone is good parenting material." Or some other half-baked reply.

What the fuck makes them so superior and qualified just because they've bred? These people actually think that because they were able to breed, they've got superior genes that will grow up to make this world a better place. Breeders are so delusional.
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 29, 2007
omfg yet again I'm embarassed to be human...

I know a huge reason I don't want to have babies is my
own family, on both sides, has hardcore manic depression...booze & pill addiction issues, and a slew of other mental genetic BS.
I'm honest with myself...I can only imagine how pregnancy would effect me....I know I'd flip out with the hormone changes so bad I'd be suicidal. It's kinda sad because certain mental issues make you think ONE EVENT/PERSON is a CURE ALL, and will make LIFE ALLLL BETTER, such as a baby.
Most unfit Moos/Duhs just are stupid/selfish though & this doesn't apply.
To laugh about passing on a mental prob is downright EVIL IMOH,
that is no laughing matter, & I wish sometimes I'd never been born bc of mine.
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
September 29, 2007
I know what you all mean. I, as a childfreer, thought if someone honestly wanted kids for some strange reason, they would "wait" until they had 'em. Such as, they would make sure they were mentally stable, had a stable relationship, Mucho mula dinero in the bank, ect. But, I forgot that it doesn't apply to breeders. They throw all that shit out the window.

lab mom
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
October 01, 2007
I am in excellent health and making a decent living. I have a tendency to be melancholy, but I don’t have any real health issues. I think I would make an excellent parent. I do find kids annoying from time to time, but I actually listen to kids instead of patting them on the head and just pretending to listen to them to impress adults. (I think a lot of adults are guilty of this.) Kids and teens gravitate toward me. They know I am no BS artist. I am an attractive woman, and I could easily land a man and have babies if that’s what I wanted. But guess what, breeders? I don’t want kids, and there’s nothing wrong with me!
I. Just. Don’t. Want. Them.
Re: 2466: Stupid depressed Moo
October 01, 2007
Nour Wrote:
> I am an attractive woman, and I could
> easily land a man and have babies if that’s what I
> wanted. But guess what, breeders? I don’t want
> kids, and there’s nothing wrong with me!
> I. Just. Don’t. Want. Them.

And that's really the ONLY reason one needs. If you don't want them, you should be respected for your good sense.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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