2468 - flip flopping flip flops
September 25, 2007
Wow. I would have loved to see that scene...what kind of asshat thinks that switching an item's price with a cheaper one isn't stealing?
Re: 2468 - flip flopping flip flops
September 26, 2007
Exactly, Feh! I've worked retail as well so I know all about price switching. At Thrifty Drugs where I worked from 1985-86, it was so blatant when the welfare moos would change the stickers on the hair care that was more expensive. They would act so offended when I or another cashier caught them at it and got a price check done from someone working the "floor".

Back then, security did not make an issue. It is now an issue because of how much more this practice is being done to steal under the guise of paying the lower price. The woman in the Wall Street Journal article re: the flip-flop debacle at K-Mart was an upper-class housemoo who knew she was placing ADULT footwear into a box for toddler shoes that was half of the price.

She knew what she was doing but was upset she actually got caught and "trespassed". The yuppie housemoo probably thought she would just be given a lecture and let go since she was not a ghetto moo. Even when I was a bagger at Alpha Beta (before my Thrifty days), the Marin County SAHMoos also would try to trip up the clerk by using coupons for stuff that was not in the cart.

The consumer ends up getting the costs passed on when any sort of theft happens. Even thrift stores have raised prices and have less sales due to the welfare moos who even steal from places like Goodwill or Salvation Army! It is really pitiful to steal from a thrift store. I worked with a guy whose wife got some stuff stolen when she had a garage sale!
Re: 2468 - flip flopping flip flops
September 26, 2007
People are just so arrogant and stupid it makes my head explode. And she thinks she's done nothing wrong.
Re: 2468 - flip flopping flip flops
September 26, 2007
"But I'm doing the most important job in the world...how can I possibly be expected to know things?"

This is off topic, but has anyone heard the kerfuffle about the newest member of the view? She had stated she didn't believe in evolution, and Whoopie asked her if she thought the world was flat, and she said (I'm paraphrasing, but it's pretty close to the actual quote) "I've never thought about it, but you know what I do think about, how I'm going to feed my children, how I'm going to take care of my family."
Because of course, why should she think about things, she's got a faaaaaaammmbly to feed!!
Re: 2468 - flip flopping flip flops
September 26, 2007
People do this shit all the time at the local thrift store. The tags, though stapled to the items, can easily be removed and switched. I know this because almost every time I go into the dressing stall to try on my selections, the floor in there is littered with staples and there's always a couple price tags on the wall or the floor. Are people really that fucking cheap that they have to try and cheat a thrift store??
Re: 2468 - flip flopping flip flops
September 27, 2007
Cambion, I saw the same thing at Thrifko, which was across the street where I used to live in Central Florida. Of course, most of these people were females with or without children. I am certain guys stole but were perhaps more creative in getting the stuff out of the store without paying at all. It is pretty lame to steal from a thrift store! Where I now live, most of the thrift stores are Goodwill where the price is fixed for each type of item: $6.00 for dresses; $3.50 for shirts, blouses, sweaters, and most pants; $1.99 for t-shirts, and so forth. The store will have their Dollar Days where certain items of clothing are marked down to $1 but a special tag will be on those garments. I am certain the moos do their best to try to remove those tags and put them on another outfit.
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