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Entry # 804

Posted by Fattie 
Entry # 804
January 08, 2006
Don't let entitlemoos like that push you around! It is discrimination to hire/fire and give/pass up perks to someone due to their family status (rather they are childed OR child-free). But last I knew, it wasn't against the law to "discriminate" against crappy workers no matter what their childed status is!
Re: Entry # 804
January 09, 2006
Apparently, the moo didn't quite understand the part where she was hired to work temporarily. Don't you love how these dumb cows think they deserve the best always, just because they're saddled with sprogs?
Re: Entry # 804
January 11, 2006
I worked with a girl some years ago who got laid off because the company was cutting staff and she was low man on the totem pole. She bleated and mooed about how I (meaning me) should be the one to be laid off because I don't have any children but she does and her husband doesn't make enough money for her to be unemployed and on and on. HR told her, "Your family status has nothing to do with it" but she screeched on and on how "uuuunnnnffaaaiiiirr" it is. She was a back stabbing pain in the ass to boot.
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